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New LinkinPark.com Website


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At least this rapes 8BR. Hated the 8BR theme because of many reasons:

-rotating banners that looked exactly like we had here on LPLive (the style, etc)

-8 bit theme in 2010 = fail, good god looked sooooo ugly

-many more :P


this is much better. the pics are weird but I guess if they have something to do with the album then thats cool. I hope they do their own artwork for this CD and not do it MTM style (LP doesn't make any art themselves). then make the website centered around that art like the LP.com in 03 with Meteora, chyeaaa.


looks good. wish the Catalyst link worked. TOURDATES needs a space but otherwise it's good. oh, and the times on the shows from 6pm-7pm need to be fixed...just a bunch of small stuff.

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At least this rapes 8BR. Hated the 8BR theme because of many reasons:

-rotating banners that looked exactly like we had here on LPLive (the style, etc)

-8 bit theme in 2010 = fail, good god looked sooooo ugly

-many more :P


looks good. wish the Catalyst link worked. TOURDATES needs a space but otherwise it's good. oh, and the times on the shows from 6pm-7pm need to be fixed...just a bunch of small stuff.


Edited by McArt
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this new style is really making me so much more excited for what's to come musically. the catalyst, (one of my favorite words btw) is shaping up to be something substantial, i think.


i mean, what a big name for both an album and a lead single. we all knew this was coming but it didn't really hit me until just now, seeing it officially announced.


and figures, the day this all occurs, is the day my lpu account expires and guess who is broke as a joke..

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and figures, the day this all occurs, is the day my lpu account expires and guess who is broke as a joke..

seriously! mine literally expired a few days ago. i've kept it up since lpu4. then i hear there's a new lpu video, go to check, and realize i no longer have an account. and no money to renew.



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There's a "secret" 7th background at http://www.linkinpark.com/images/bg7.jpg if you go to the url and bang your head against your computer for a minute or two and stare at it for a few seconds. It turns white RIGHT before you start blacking out.


AND can you even get into the site? It says Enter at the bottom but the link leads back to that page.

Edited by TripleXero
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I was thinking (hoping) that it's more of a graphical representation of their music, like it always is. If that's the case, then this album will probably be my favorite of all of them. Considering the logo is all glitched out and the images on the band website are now all glitched out, plus we got a sweet tech-driven ARG... I'm willing to bet that this album is going to be more electronic-based. Especially since Mike's been putting up videos of him practicing glitch music on his pages, and considering the tone that LP's music has taken since Minutes to Midnight (New Divide, Not Alone, making a conscious decision to release Across the Line, which had a definitively electronica-vibe). Obviously, I may be completely wrong--LP did give us QWERTY and then Minutes was nothing like that... but at least it'll be Linkin Park through and through, and they've never really disappointed me.

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seriously! mine literally expired a few days ago. i've kept it up since lpu4. then i hear there's a new lpu video, go to check, and realize i no longer have an account. and no money to renew.




seriously. ive been in since lpu6.

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