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Warner retreats from free music streaming


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I'm sure that Linkin Park fans would like to know this:




From the article:


"...Warner chief executive Edgar Bronfman Jr said: "Free streaming services are clearly not net positive for the industry and as far as Warner Music is concerned will not be licensed.


"The 'get all your music you want for free, and then maybe with a few bells and whistles we can move you to a premium price' strategy is not the kind of approach to business that we will be supporting in the future."


It is not clear whether Warner will remove its music from existing services or decline to do deals with new outlets.


He said the focus would be on promoting streaming services that require payment, which he said could appeal beyond those who currently pay for downloads in stores such as Apple's iTunes.


"The number of potential subscribers dwarfs the number of people who are actually purchasing music on iTunes," Mr Bronfman said.


Fans could pay a monthly fee direct to a streaming service, as with Spotify, or get access to the music as part of a deal for a mobile phone, broadband connection or another gadget.


Such subscriptions could be taken up by "hundreds of millions if not billions of people, most of whom are not today either buyers or certainly heavy buyers of music", Mr Bronfman said.


And they would be much more profitable than per-track downloads in the long term, he added. "


Thoughts? (except dissing WMG, ahah)

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I have to admit, that Warner actually has a point this time. Bands don't put out their stuff to be downloaded for free and not receive any credit for it. I'm not trying to sound selfish here, but the majority of music listeners download much more freely than purchase. Though I do think that like certain singles and stuff should be allowed to be streamed for free.

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I have to admit, that Warner actually has a point this time. Bands don't put out their stuff to be downloaded for free and not receive any credit for it. I'm not trying to sound selfish here, but the majority of music listeners download much more freely than purchase. Though I do think that like certain singles and stuff should be allowed to be streamed for free.

But this isn't about downloading. It's about streaming. A site like lala.com for instance that allows free listening while on the website (EDIT: I was wrong on this actually. After a certain number of days you have to start paying on lala, so I;m sure the label would see some of that money). It's not like the artists don't get credit.


I understand a label trying to keep people from illegally downloading/transferring music, but simply streaming on a website?


That seems like a loss of promotion to me, because as someone said earlier a lot of people like to listen to songs in their entirety (unlike on iTunes) before they purchase.

Edited by Xero21
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So how many more albums are we stuck with these (insert your own adjective)?

I don't know, but I'd say put a few more of the already-released DSPs together for albums, and get LP out of this contract faster.


I'll also go out on a limb and say that after this album comes out (2010, 2012, whenever), that the next one will be a "greatest hits" album, mandated by Warner.

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I have to admit, that Warner actually has a point this time. Bands don't put out their stuff to be downloaded for free and not receive any credit for it. I'm not trying to sound selfish here, but the majority of music listeners download much more freely than purchase. Though I do think that like certain singles and stuff should be allowed to be streamed for free.

This is streaming, not downloading.



I'm so sick of the music industry's licensing monopolistic bullcrap. You make the music, then you sell it, and then after that you don't get to control people's lives. They already control mainstream radio and drove it into inanity. Streaming is the only method besides word of mouth that I learn about new artists.


Warner's heads are clearly filled with rocks. I would be mad enough to boycott them, but I guess I won't be hearing any music from them anymore anyway

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When won't Warner get it? This day an age technology has caught up with the music industry and things are not going back to the way the were. It's not like the people are going to blindly buy an album without listening to it or a few songs. It's called selection, it's letting people KNOW if they are going to like it. It's harmless. Especially free streaming, I mean if people like an album or song, they are most likely going to buy it. Warner makes out that downloading is done ALL the time for ALL music by people, and that fans don't support bands anymore. This is far from the truth. People still buy music, it's fans like myself who use things like free streaming as a gateway to hearing new music, previewing future purchases and deciding on things like that. It's really a helpful thing to them.


A. not only can new fans see if they like an album by listening, I mean what does it hurt the new potential fan? It costs nothing to stream to see if they like it, why would a new fan just buy an album and hope for the best? And also B., free streaming is a great marketing tool that allows music to be enjoyed by many even who can't afford it. Now let me say I don't mean under privileged people should just stream. No, but given the streaming those fans are more then likely going to remember and when they can buy the album ,they will. Or they will tell their friends, etc.


It's a digital age, and you have to make it work. Illegally downloading all music IS stealing. But there are benefits for the industry in this, and WB needs to catch on like some other labels and bands have.

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When won't Warner get it? This day an age technology has caught up with the music industry and things are not going back to the way the were. It's not like the people are going to blindly buy an album without listening to it or a few songs. It's called selection, it's letting people KNOW if they are going to like it. It's harmless. Especially free streaming, I mean if people like an album or song, they are most likely going to buy it. Warner makes out that downloading is done ALL the time for ALL music by people, and that fans don't support bands anymore. This is far from the truth. People still buy music, it's fans like myself who use things like free streaming as a gateway to hearing new music, previewing future purchases and deciding on things like that. It's really a helpful thing to them.


A. not only can new fans see if they like an album by listening, I mean what does it hurt the new potential fan? It costs nothing to stream to see if they like it, why would a new fan just buy an album and hope for the best? And also B., free streaming is a great marketing tool that allows music to be enjoyed by many even who can't afford it. Now let me say I don't mean under privileged people should just stream. No, but given the streaming those fans are more then likely going to remember and when they can buy the album ,they will. Or they will tell their friends, etc.


It's a digital age, and you have to make it work. Illegally downloading all music IS stealing. But there are benefits for the industry in this, and WB needs to catch on like some other labels and bands have.

Agrees 100%! Great post!


I guess they're still living in the past, as far pulling video of Youtube,

Mtv isn't playing music video anymore, they changed their logo for crying out loud, and are focusing on reality shows etc.

If Warner again pulls video's of Youtube i guess people who cover lp's songs are f*cked.

I don't know what their strategy is, but seriously no more streaming means their artist won't make any buzz no more.

Damn is it so hard to understand if a girl or guy likes a song they tell their friends about it to check it out (Free promotion)

Promotion is $$$


Thumps up for warner F*ckin' it up

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Warner must have shit when LP did Download to Donate....

Meh, I doubt it. I think LP and Alanis Morissette are the only two artists (currently) who are with WMG and Not Alone only exists because of the earthquake, and Still is just an acoustic performance of a song from a soundtrack, so no big deal, really.


I think Enrique Iglesias is signed to Warner too, not sure though. He was on that new (terrible) We Are the World remake, and who knows where most of that money is really going lol

Edited by Aiman
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Watch out - next thing you know they're going to claim the same thing about regular ole radio.

They are trying. Record Companies want to TAX radio stations to play their music. Like i heard an announcement today on my local rock station that that station was protesting the taxation of radios.
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Meh, I doubt it. I think LP and Alanis Morissette are the only two artists (currently) who are with WMG and Not Alone only exists because of the earthquake, and Still is just an acoustic performance of a song from a soundtrack, so no big deal, really.


I think Enrique Iglesias is signed to Warner too, not sure though. He was on that new (terrible) We Are the World remake, and who knows where most of that money is really going lol

"We Are the World" apparently has a "Download to Donate" thing on its video; Mike had to clear this up in his latest blog (earlier today). It's not affiliated with the DtD that we've all known and loved for a month now.

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"We Are the World" apparently has a "Download to Donate" thing on its video; Mike had to clear this up in his latest blog (earlier today). It's not affiliated with the DtD that we've all known and loved for a month now.

i think they should have been involved with "We Are the World" like i really they should have
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i think they should have been involved with "We Are the World" like i really they should have

Dear god, I would hope they'd have enough self-respect to steer away from something that atrocious. That song was already embarrassingly bad the first time it was recorded, yet Simon Cowell managed to make it a hundred times worse.

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"We Are the World" apparently has a "Download to Donate" thing on its video; Mike had to clear this up in his latest blog (earlier today). It's not affiliated with the DtD that we've all known and loved for a month now.

I never said it was :blink:

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