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Graz - After the show we met Marth, he was really cool and showed us his front row pictures of the show. He discussed how the show was compared to the 2008 one and more. Picture here that was taken by a nice drunk guy from Austria.


On an off day between the shows, we decided to go to Frankfurt so I could purchase a European Rail Pass. While were in the city, we met 'sckofelng' (aka Garo) and spent some time with him, including lunch and a short tour of the malls in the city. Picture here.


Zurich - At the LPL M&G post-show we ran into some great people. My awesome Serbia friend, Anne and SpikeMinoda joiend us for Stuttgart too, so we spent quite a bit of time with them. Picture here. Later we had to take another one since more LPL members shows up! I met an awesome guy from France that I spent an hour talking to at McDonalds (go Braves!). Picture of that here. Never mind that SpikeMinoda and I look drunk, haha.


The next show was Stuttgart and was a HUGE show. 35,000 people! Here is our first M&G picture. Left to right - SpikeMinoda, AndOne, graveguard, me, Anne, and our epic Serbian traveler, haha! Well, after that meeting, we decided to steal a HUGE Dead By Sunrise poster...we had to burn the plastic ties off of it that held it to a tree so we could take it. Here is a picture I took of all participating LPL members, now including Yugialex on the right. Another shot here by Spike. Here is me carrying the poster from the venue to the train station. Lastly, here is the police in Stuttgart telling us we have to leave it there and can't take it with us. Bummer!!


The last show for us was Grafenhainichen at the Ferropolis. On the way to the show, AndOne and I met an awesome LPU'er named Stefano on the train. Here is Stefano and I getting ready to rock out in the pit! Later on, we finally got some Dead By Sunrise posters and then went to have our post show LPL meeting. Michalangelo and his Polish Chaos Crew (hahaha) showed up as well as Ana! Picture here. We had a barbeque after the show which was great, but then we had to walk like 10km back in the rain to the train station! Crazy! Oh yeah, I also met Mark Fiore at this show! Picture of that here. Thanks Stefano for taking the picture!


why did u bother making the same exact topic in 2 different places....i suggest u to remove the one in da newswire.....cuz im not sure if it belongs there

This is just funny.... Not only does pretty much everyone here not like you, but you add fire to the flame by telling the SITE OWNER how to run his shit... :blink: :blink: :blink:


Its a damn good thing I'm not him... :angry:


awesome pictures...


sad that there were not more LPLive members in graz...but discussing with you guys, mark and jonas was great...thanks for all that... :D




That's cool that you got to meet Mark. Did he have anything interesting to say? I would have been asking about HD Linkin Park :)

Yep. He said the new album is progressing quite well, they have a lot done on it. Mark said he is the guy doing the DBS stuff - he did the trailers, etc and filmed all their stuff, so I ASSUME there will be a DVD since he said he had a ton of stuff recorded for it.


He told me they lit up the machines for the LP show, which I saw later that night...it was awesome. He just talked to me about my travel plans and asked me when was going home to Atlanta, etc (cool he remembered from the M&G).


Damn.....I missed the meeting in Stuttgart.

Maybe you'll come back to Europe next year ;) or I will travel to the US ^_^


Everything sounds great and the pics are awesome!


i still could slap myself for not talking to ya... we could have taken a pic of us and pooch... :lol: LOL. but anyways, i took a pic of him alone: pic of pooch

do you plan to come back to europe for the next concerts LP'll play here? would be awesome... ;)


Hi mark thanks for the pic that's awsome to see you in Zurich i hope you will be there in Paris or another french date next year !!! i will send you a PM later for the Braves T-shirt ;) thanks to spikeminoda to took with a lot of fun my joke about the setlist :lol: thank to all of you for this great moment after the show!!! hope to see you all soon !!

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