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Can you explain?

That's the thing that LESTAT told us about back in 2008.

There was an interview by Scott Weiland: "Scott explains how 'Wonderful' from the FV tour was recorded at a pre-show backstage acoustic session"


We've contacted the guy from the radio, and he gladly agreed to upload it again, but I emailed him numerous times, and he said that he couldn't find it, but he didn't lose hope... Eventually I think he left that radio station.


Years ago, I was able to find a woman named Sharon that was a producer of a very local TV-show in Phoenix, AZ back in the yearly to mid-90s. I think her job basically was to film the entire local live shows and then show like 2-3 bands per episode to promote the local scene in general. One of the episodes of the show was dedicated to Grey Daze among others.

I contacted her and she said that she still has all of the tapes, but they are completely unorganized and not labeled, so finding the particular one among hundreds of others is not that easy task. However, she promised me to find it as soon as possible.

Shortly after that she had some legal and personal problems in her life. I think she wasn't online for years at this point.

holy shit!

good luck on it

  • 3 weeks later...

I used to have some pictures. I'll see if I can recover them and post here.

21.03.2001 Tulsa, Oklahoma, Two Bucks Saloon

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From Sistamattix' MySpace page:

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  • 6 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Interesting info from the recent Kerrang article:

Chester: [...] I'd recently left a band back in Phoenix where our bass player had recorded his parts for an EP while out of tune, then demanded that the rest of the band re-record everything we'd done to match the tune he was playing in. I was done with music...


Yep. That's hilarious.
Also, unfinished Grey Daze EP is something we never knew about.
I think that is what Bobby Benish was recording his new guitar tracks for in 2002 (see "Grey Daze Encounter"):

Sometime in 2002, Bobby Benish was recording some new guitar tracks for some new songs. Around the same time, he was driving one day and had a seizure and blacked out... He totaled his truck. In the hospital, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
According to one of Grey Dazes old lawyers named Scott, whose partner is Chesters lawyer, Warner Bros wanted to release it and kind of promote it with Linkin Park (the guitar tracks), but also hold and organize a benefit show for Bobby since he was having trouble paying his medical bills.
  • 4 weeks later...



Anything, Anything – Grey Daze, off of No Sun Today

This is a fun story. This is originally a Dramarama song from the 70s. I had heard it a time or two and liked it, but never really knew who it was or where to find it (this was in middle school before words like downloading, Napster, burning or internet were real popular. Hell, CD was relatively new.) So anyway, the Edge (back on 106.3) had some kind of show on Sunday nights after SkaPunk, I can’t remember what it was called, but they played music from local bands and maybe 6 people listened to it. Well I was one of those 6, mainly because I liked that Chronic Future song, Scottsdale Brat, and that was the only place to hear it. Well, I was also an aspiring Bass guitarist at the time and so I was constantly listening for songs with good bass lines in them. One of those songs was by a band called Grey Daze and it was called B12, it had this funky slap bass lick that really drove the whole song. Fast forward a few weeks to the old Warehouse music store in PV mall and I found the CD in the local bands rack and bought it. The album cover was this dark background with a girl in pigtails and overalls walking through the grass. It kind of reminded me of the black hole sun video and I was into pigtails and overalls at the time, so it worked. Anyway, fast forward 4 years and I’m a senior in high school. I was kind of out of things to do so I tried out for show choir. To my surprise, I made it and during the first semester we had a retreat to get to know each other and work on some stuff. Anyway, I’m sitting at the fire the first night and I’m talking to this girl Jessica Rose -- this younger, tall drink of water with long brown hair and a million things to say about life and music and movies and everything else. And she starts talking about how her dad managed and produced all these local bands and asks if I had ever heard of the band Grey Daze…and I don’t need to tell you what my answer was. But it turns out that she was the girl from the cover, whom I had noticed in 7th grade but didn’t meet until late in high school. Small, weird world.
My random story aside, this song is awesome. In any form.


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...


I'm pretty sure there is a proshot of this. Nevertheless, this is awesome.

I don't think there is. This appears to be the Jimmy Kimmel part of the set that was not broadcasted in its entirety.

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Yeah, I know I said the same thing about the reunion shows, which appear to actually be happening, but...I'll believe it when I see it. Sean has attempted to release a remastered version of that album about three different times over the years and has run into trouble with Warner every time.

  • 3 weeks later...

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