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Hey everyone. This isn't a normal news or announcement thread, but rather just something that needs to be said.


Last night we opened our Twitter DMs to the public because we had been receiving a lot of messages from people who have no one to go to. We did our best to respond to as many of you as possible but with hundreds upon hundreds of you coming to us, it was nearly impossible to hit every single one of you. We're sorry if we couldn't reach you - it's just me (Dylan) and Hahninator (Mark) who have been reaching out to you all and doing what we can to help. Two people alone can't do this job even though we wish that we could have conversations with every single last one of you who are hurting now.


We heard some truly heartbreaking stories from some of you. We talked to everyone from a United States soldier who was stationed in Iraq to a heroin addict, and despite such a large gap between those two types of people we were all feeling the same pain. It's so heartbreaking to know that there were all of you out there who had no one else to go to and all you needed was just to talk.


Some of you told us that you were thinking about committing suicide and following Chester's footsteps. This is a PSA to tell you that killing yourself is not the answer to end your pain. No matter how much it hurts or how impossible it seems to move on, I promise you that even on your darkest days there will come a brighter tomorrow.


I'm going to address some things that commonly came up that many others may be going through right now. One of the most striking things someone said last night was that they realized that suicide was now an option since the very person who saved them from it did it themselves. That is the farthest thing from the truth. Suicide is never an option. Those who do it fall into a dark place and make the mistake of forgetting that all pain heals. Chester was in a very dark place and he was all alone when he made that choice to end it all. He forgot in those darkest moments that he had everyone on the world on his side. That's what you need to remember. There are people who love you and will hurt just like you're hurting now. In a world so full of pain we have to remember that the answer to ending it is love.


Related to that all, some people don't know what to do now that Chester is gone. There is no one definitive answer I can give you for this one. It's true, Chester is dead. But just because someone has left this Earth does not mean they are gone. Whether its a relative, a pet, or even a relationship, parts of those things we miss will always live on because we keep the good memories in our hearts. It's easier said than done for sure, but it's important to remember Chester is alive in our hearts and all the messages and memories have gave us will live on, too.


Remember that if you're feeling guilty, you did nothing wrong. As sad as it is to say, there really wasn't much we could do that we weren't already doing for him. Chester knew we loved him with all of our hearts and he loved us all right back with all of his heart. Sure, there was a lot of backlash to One More Light but we're sure that wasn't a big role in what happened. He was proud of that album and there were so many of us who loved it all the same. We did everything we could for Chester and fans and know that from the bottom of his heart he loved every single one of you no matter where in the world you are.


Remember that you are not alone in your suffering. I, myself, have lost more than just Chester in the last month. I've lost my relationship, I've lost a friend, and now a hero. The pain I've felt goes beyond words and I'm going to say right here that I, too, thought I should do what Chester did. I remembered all the friends and my family who comforted me through all of my pain. I remembered all the times I went to Linkin Park's music in these last weeks to help understand my own pain (though I can't bring myself to listen to the band's music for awhile). I remembered all the dreams I have: making music that will help people like Chester's did, helping people get through the emotions they feel when they reach this point in their lives, and one day showing the girl that broke my heart that I am the one for her and getting her back. Today, July 24, was the day I was going to fly across the United States to go see her again. Instead of letting my pain consume me I turned everything I felt into what drove me to make my life better and become a stronger person and today I'm releasing a song I wrote about a year and a half ago about that same relationship.


Turn your pain into your power. Let it drive you. Make your dreams your reality. Life is what you make of it, and your dreams exist so that you can live every day until you reach that point in your life where you can live happily with your dreams being real. Life is hard and there are points where it may feel as if it's just going to keep going downhill. It happens to the best of us. But remember that even in the longest and darkest tunnels there will always be a light at the end. Push forward through the pain because you are stronger than it. It won't consume you unless you let it. Be strong and be kind.


If you need to talk, you can DM us and we'll do our best to respond when we can. It's very important to talk to people who know the same pain as you so you can all grieve and heal together. If you want to talk to people who are hurting with you, please join the LPLive Help Line Discord group chat. It is free to join and anyone can come and just talk and let out your pain. You are not alone. I promise. When you feel like you're sinking down there will always be a hand that reaches out to you to pull you back to the surface.


We are a family and we are here for each other. Even if you're not hurting and just want to help others, feel free to join the chat. It is open to everyone. We are Linkin Park Live. We are the LP Soldiers. We are family. Let's love each other and heal together. Chester is at peace now and he will stand next to all of us as we make our dreams, the dreams that HE inspired, come true.


You are loved. Never forget that. We are always here for you if you need us to be.


This is a list of Suicide Prevention Hotline numbers all around the globe. Please call one if you ever need to.


Worldwide LP Ambassadors, please translate this into your own language and spread it to your page.


I've seen some hertbreaking news about fans today. I just want anyone who thinks about following Chester's footsteps to know that he would've never wanted you to do anything like this. We have to stay strong for him. We'll get through it together like the family that we are. I've never believed in the line that I have in my signature more than I do now. The best thing we can do right now is spread love in Chester's memory, and be kind and supportive towards each other.

I know it doesn't mean much coming from a stranger on the Internet, but just know that every single one of you means something to me. There's a light at the end of tunnel for all of us.

Posted (edited)
I don`t know who else I can write or express, everyone does not care.
In 2004, I first heard Linkin Park, they helped me so much, dragged me from the bottom, pulled me out of the depression, they saved me then and saved me now, but ..
This is my first passionate love.
But I'm tired of being alone, I'm tired of being nobody, I'm tired of that everyone giving a damn about me, I just can not deal with it all. When I talk about death, my relatives just laugh and don`t believe me. I had several attempts before, but always something was pulling me back into life. I was depressed for about 5 years, there were good moments, but most of the life is just hell. And only now, when everything began to improve, the news about Chester simply threw me back into this state.
Chester is dead and I don`t know how to live, I want to die, I'm going crazy.
I'm just tired of resisting and fighting the demons in my head.
To me it is madly hard. Chester saved me then from depression, but now he pushed me back ... I love him so much. I want to die, I just want to die, it broke me completely.
My heart is broken into shards, I cry and repeat myself "why why why"
I don`t believe in that.
Edited by onemorelight

Thank you so much for this post, it means a lot...

The worst of it all for me is knowing that the band was the biggest help in keeping me going... The thought of never ever having that again makes me panic, makes me want to end it all... I'm sorry if this sounds selfish...


Dear Chester Bennington & Linkin Park Band


You didn't personally know me, but I knew who you were. Your music became appealing to me when I was passing through difficult times. When ever I was feeling down or just tired of living I'd just close my eyes and started hearing your songs. At first I didn't know what to do, I was tired and angry and I wanted it to end. I tried to end my life but it didn't happen, people say that God didn't want it to happened. Even though I was alive and had a second chance I was still feeling empty and broken inside. That's when I was starting to hear your songs, the lyrics were deep and I connected with the songs. That's when your music become part of my life. Even though I'd never had the chance to go to one of your concerts and didn't have the privileged to see you perform on stage. I still was listening to your music. There this song: From The Inside that it coughed my atencion every word was exactly how I feel't. I can hear it 10 times a day and I can still loved it like the first time I heard it. I've hear practically all your songs and I loved all of them. I don't want to believe that you are gone, I just can't accepted, it's so hard to believe 😔 When I got the news I was choked, I just froze I say that's so not true. And I still say the same thing 😞 Even if your not here your shine like the star you are, and you will never be forgotten. I don't consider my self a fun, I consider my self a Big Admire of you, of the band, of Linkin Part. I consider myself as a little piece of Linkin Park even I know that I'm not on the band or don't know you I love your songs from my heart ❤️ I Will miss you so much 😓


You Will be missed 🖤😞


I'm a little bit in awe of how much you've stepped up in the wake of everything that's happened the past few days, Soul. You've come a really long way as a vital member of the community.


We need to stick together, as members of our individual communities (LPL, LPA, etc.) and unified as fans of Linkin Park. This is something we all need to remember: this is not the end. We're all here, we can get through this. The guys will get through this, maybe not as Linkin Park, but they'll still be here. It's never too late for anybody.


If you're feeling down, try your best to reach out to someone, because there are people here who are here to help. And, if you're here to help, then help. Reach out to someone. This is our job as members of this community, and it's how we'll survive. Because of course we'll survive.


Reach out. My PM box is open, too.


For anyone needing someone to hear them. I'm here. We all need someone to just be there for them. Please, don't hesitate to reach me

Twitter: @1rosha


Great post! You made me cry. No more words to say, just remember we love you all!


Thank you so much for this post, it means a lot...



Amazing words, my friend.


Thank you all for the kind words. It's times like these we have to unite together and heal as one. People need to know they aren't alone.


I'm a little bit in awe of how much you've stepped up in the wake of everything that's happened the past few days, Soul. You've come a really long way as a vital member of the community.


That's one of the best compliments I've ever gotten, thank you so much man. I could have sat back at mourned my life or I could have stood up and helped an entire world of people and the latter is much more important than just myself. All I hope is that even if it's just a few people that I showed them that its okay to hurt and they aren't alone in all of this.


Wanted to do this earlier, couldn't for some reason. Please feel free to contact me on Facebook. Just talking to someone help. If it wasn't for Dylan, I probably still would be bummed a lot about this. We all need to stick together.

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