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The first part of the video of July's studio update is out! This time, there's actually some interesting insight on the album... though nothing really new, since we've heard this before. It's a longer video than last month's short, minute-long confirmation that they're recording an album on the 5th studio update. It's a podcast-style video with Mike and Brad answering some questions between Brad making jokes about Washington, D.C. and Mike playing along.


Here's a summary of the podcast:


Q: "What has been the biggest challenge so far of the recording process?"

Mike: "That's easy: this podcast... I think the challenge has been that we approached the process differently."

Brad: "Our process is backwards - actually, it's right-side up."

Mike: "We usually do things backwards, and this time we're not doing it backwards."

Brad: "We've made so many records, and we clearly know how to make a record, and we definitely didn't take the easy way out this time. I think we dove into the fray of inspiration and it's yielded very interesting substance... The songs are shaping up so well, we want them to be as phenomenal as we share them with you, o' listeners out there in podcast world, as we imagine them in our heads."


Q: What has been your favorite part of the recording process, and why?

M: "You alluded to the difference between this and what we usually do. What we usually do is a little more track driven - the music of the song comes together early."

B: "Ultimately, it has to evoke the vocal. It has to be e-vocal."

M: "The music inspires the vocal in some degree. In this process, doing the vocals first and the chords and tempos are there, but nothing else, it almost opens up this Pandora's box of possibilities."

B: "It's the ultimate paradox of choice."

M: "My favorite part has been when we find that sound and stylistic presentation of a song. All it takes is a couple of sounds to make you say 'Oh, that sounds unique and different.'"

B: "For me, it always comes out as, 'Oh, this sounds like the song.'"


Q: What are you looking forward to next, and why?

B: "It's a two part question."

M: "How greedy. Can you imagine the sense of entitlement with these people?"

B: "I would recommend for any of you posing questions to podcasters: just ask one question. So I'm going to ask you Mike: Why?"

M: "Why not?"


Q: Anything particular about this album that sticks out to you?

M: "Generally, because everything is backwards... you told me the reason it had occurred to you that the process was backwards, is that it's a subtle difference - but a huge difference for us; if you skateboard, if you skate goofy then you try to skate regular... Anything like that where you're used to doing it one way then you flip it the other way: it's so awkward. Somebody might ask, 'Why would you do that to yourself? You know the process, isn't it about making the song and not ripping your hair out?'"

B: "It's all about challenging yourself."

M: "It was a rhetorical question, Brad. I know the answer. You don't need to tell me that."

B: "I'm going to answer this literally. Wear a helmet. If you're beginning, you might wanna consider kneepads and wristguards."

M: "If you want to figure out which foot you are, stand with both feet together and have someone gently nudge you forward, and which ever foot you naturally lead with, that's the foot you should lead with."

B: "Nobody told me that."

M: "That's how it's done."

B: "That's helpful information."


Yes, yes it was, Brad. The podcast is labeled as "Part 1", so we can assume a Part 2 is to follow soon, perhaps later in the month. LPU Members can watch and listen to the podcast by logging into their LPU Accounts and checking out the LPU 15 exclusive videos. We'll keep you updated on more relevant LP7 news as it comes.


"Studio Update #6" was in July, when they released the audio of the podcast:



August had "Studio Update #7":





In July, Mike and Brad sat down to record an in-depth conversation about the album's progress. You heard the podcast in Studio Update #6, now watch part one of three of the video, exclusive to LP Underground members: http://lprk.co/ii18ov


If you listen to the podcast, you'll hear the exact same things that were transcribed here.


So it's the exact same recording that we got back in July, only this time LPU members can watch it instead of just listening to it?
I don't understand this month's ''update''.

Posted (edited)

Studio updates aren't LPU exclusive. This is just a LPU video version of the podcast that was posted back in July. It's split up in multiple parts because ... some reason.

We even got update number 7 from Chester in August.

Edited by Keols

This is just the video version of the audio version we have from months ago. So Chester's video from last month is actually more recent than this update. Lol. I take it a lot of people didn't actually listen to the podcast from a few months ago.

Posted (edited)

Geki is back! Nice to you're back dude.


Haha same to you!


I also wanted to add more onto what I said before. If LP doesn't want to do a studio update this month or next month (assuming so since they are going to upload ''Part 2''), they must be really grinding down on the album and working hard on getting it closer to release. I bet they're going to finish up writing the album this month and next month and then release a single in December. Then probably album in March like it's been heavily rumored. I think we're in the long stretch now, the album is getting close to being finished. The next few months might suck as far as LP news, but at least we get the final LPU15 track this month, as well as LPU16 next month to tide us over a bit.

Edited by Geki

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