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In late July, we reported that Linkin Park was returning to the Red Bull Studios in Los Angeles this fall to work on a song with another contest winner. Zayed Hassan was the lucky winner and the sessions took place this past Wednesday (October 7) between he and the band. It appears the only member from the band missing was Joe.


The way the sessions typically go is that the winner brings in a song that they wrote themselves and Linkin Park goes over it, tweaks it, and sometimes records parts for it themselves. In this one, Mike says, "Rob Bourdon even did a little cameo on it (playing water bottles with a pen, HA!)."

Zayed posted a picture from the session on his Instagram page:


Another picture from Red Bull Studios can be found here.

Ethan Mates, the studio engineer that works with Linkin Park, was also present, meaning the track was likely mixed and mastered on the spot for future release. We guess that it will be on the upcoming LP Underground album as the LPU 13 session tracks were, but that's pure speculation on our part.

There is one article about the experience, found here (the translation is pretty rough) detailing the experience. And OpenLabs interviewed Zayed too, here.


Congratulations to Zayed and we are excited to hear your song in the future!


I really doubt this track is gonna be on LPU CD. It wasn't "LPU Sessions vol. 2" but a completely new competition held by Open Labs (creators of Stagelight). I actually won one of these monthly contests myself and I'm pretty sure the rules didn't say anything about LPU CD.

Posted (edited)

Just open your eyes and Phoenix is at right bottom corner

You can hardly even tell if that's Phoenix though...

Edited by UnpopularOpinionPuffin

You can hardly even tell if that's Phoenix, calm the fuck down.

Is this attitude is necessary here? How is this adding to the conversation?


Maybe you should ban him like you did to Geki

He (Puffin) is just a kid who must use words like "fuck", "bitch" etc.. every other post, very annoying but it's definitely not a reason to ban him.

On the other hand, (You) Geki is banned for 5+ different reasons.


Quoting myself (just to make clear, this was an answer to a question you've asked in a public thread, not PM):



You're the most banned and warned member here, almost every staff member banned or warned you at least once.

You're the most disrespectful person on this site.

You're always saying "I come here to talk about the band I like", but always trying to argue and to piss people off.

You're trying to piss people off when you're bored, you even said that once.

You're spamming a lot of threads with some unnecessary argues that you're starting from nowhere.


Disrespect other members who are actually come here to talk about the band and the music and don't change their opinions on a daily basis - is one thing. Disrespect the site itself is another thing. Like I said before, I don't have anything against you (who's the one to help you with anything you need from uploading stuff to fixing your computer?). You have a lot of good and interesting posts but the most of stupidest and needless on the site at the same time. And you can stop with your "I know that 90% of the people in the LP community hates me" whining, you're TRYING to make them hate you 50% of the time.


If you think you can't be more mature than your half-of-the-time immature behavior, at least respect yourself and stop embarrassing yourself.


Why is that so hard to understand?


Now add the same behavior to:

- Cursing and disrespecting almost all of the staff in private messages here and on Facebook.

- Breaking almost every site's rule several times.

- Keep saying after each new account ban "You don't know me, I don't care about this fucking site, I'm not coming here anymore" but 3 days later back with another account.

I can continue but we both know it's pointless, you just don't give a fuck.


Just out of curiosity, why do you keep creating dozens accounts if one of the main site's rules is:

If you are suspended for any reason, do not create another account to post on the forums with. This will result in an immediate ban of your accounts and IP address(es). No exceptions.

I can guarantee you that not even ONE staff member hates you as you may think and as you've said a couple of times, the only person who make sure that Geki will be stay banned is Geki himself.


So the question is, if you don't care about the site, don't care about the members, and don't care about the staff, why is it so important to you to be here?


Nothing that I could say is going to change anyone's mind on this site. It's almost futile for me to even say anything. Yes, I'm bitter that I was banned on this site and have basically been shunned from the community. However, I do understand why I was banned. I shouldn't have attacked members of this site or attacked staff in private messages, I understand that. But it's hard not to when they're basically just talking shit to you and basically confirming that I'll never be allowed to be part of this community again. Makes me wonder why they even messaged me in the first place about it, I basically think it was just to taunt me in a way. The reason that I want to be part of this community so badly is because I love this band and think this is the best community out there to talk about the band. I feel like the members of this site are very passionate about the band, like me, and this site always has the best information, etc. I have said that I don't like how this site will bash the band from time to time, but I honestly don't really care about that anymore. I understand that no one on this site enjoyed Living Things, Recharged, the stuff with Steve Aoki, Dead By Sunrise, etc., which is all stuff that I personally love, but I can understand why some people don't like it. A lot of Linkin Park fans are into rock primarily and those albums are not really rock albums. No one in my area even remotely likes Linkin Park so this is basically the only place that I can come to talk about the band with other people. It sucks not being able to do that anymore. I've been banned for quite a long time now, since April, I believe. I'm not going to apologize to everyone and try to ask for forgiveness because I know that it's futile, like I said, but if you really wanted to know how I felt Skipees, here you go.

  • 2 weeks later...

Same. I also like Red Bull. #ReachingToBringThisBackOnTopic



On a side note, Linkin Park is cool too. Did you know they're working with this kid, Zayeed Hassan, at the Red Bull Studios?


I wonder what's the song gonna be. Since that guy, Zayeed seems like producing instrumental beats a lot. Not sure if there's a vocal in the new song that he produced with LP.

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