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2018.06.30 Camden, New Jersey
Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 30 Show Date: 06/30/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180621 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180630 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180728 City: Camden State: New Jersey State Abbr: NJ Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: BB&T Pavilion Venue Type: Amphitheatre Event Website: https://radio1045.iheart.com/featured/birthday-celebration/ Event/Festival Heading: Festival: Event/Festival: Radio 104.5's 11th Birthday Celebration Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Stage: Main Stage Other Bands:Imagine Dragons, Judah & The Lion, *, AJR, Sir Sly, Missio, The Great Enough
Show Number: 6 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone X)
Location: Section 104, Row M, Seat 3
Taper: RogueSoul
Time: 48:16 mins
Format: .MOV / 7.86 GB
Comments: Missing most of 'Remember The Name.' Full source uploaded to YouTube the night of the show. Released on LPLive on July 1, 2018.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Watching As I Fall Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 3: Piano Style Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Ghosts Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 5: Mashup Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Crossing A Line Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In The End Song Notes 7: Piano Version; False Start; Hard Ending Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: About You Song Notes 8: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Over Again Song Notes 9: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Papercut Song Notes 10: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Make It Up As I Go Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Remember The Name Song Notes 12: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:- Mike went into the crowd during 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go' and 'Running From My Shadow.'
- Mike quickly restarted the intro of 'In The End' to change the piano setting just as he did the 2018.06.20 New York City show, even remarking "we had the same thing at the last show... this sound sucks." He didn't perform the ending key part, instead saying to the crowd: "Can you guys do me a favor? Keep making Chester proud, okay?"
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.
- After 'Papercut,' Mike said, "This has never happened before... but I almost went to a really dark place just then, and you guys brought me out of it."
Other Notes:- Mike was added to the lineup for this show on May 21, 2018, well after the original lineup had been announced.
- This was the first time Mike performed a solo show at a venue Linkin Park had previously performed at.
- Radio 104.5 held a contest leading up to the show for lucky callers to win a Meet & Greet with every artist at the show, with Mike presenting two drawings to the winner and their guest.
- During their set, Dan Reynolds from Imagine Dragons spoke about Chester, Mike, and Linkin Park before dedicating 'Yesterday' to them. During the song, he saw a "Make Chester Proud" sign in the pit and he spoke again about Chester and Mike after the song.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By RogueSoul,
- Added by RogueSoul
2018.06.21 Brooklyn, New York
Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 21 Show Date: 06/21/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180620 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180621 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180630 City: Brooklyn State: New York State Abbr: NY Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Apple Williamsburg Venue Type: Other Venue Website: https://www.apple.com/retail/williamsburg/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Today at Apple Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Show Number: 5 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1a: Video - AUD (Unknown Phone)
Location: Center, 5-6 rows back
Taper: Abhi Kolal
Time: 12:01 mins
Format: .MOV / ? GB
Comments: Missing the very beginning of 'Crossing A Line' intro. Uploaded to YouTube.
Source 1b: Video - AUD (Unknown Phone)
Location: Center, 5-6 rows back
Taper: Abhi Kolal
Time: 30:15 mins
Format: .MOV / ? GB
Comments: Full interview. Uploaded to YouTube.
- After 'Crossing A Line', Mike asked how many more songs he could perform due to the time limit. He was told just one song, and he immediately said, "oh no, I'm at least playing two more."
- Mike went into the crowd to get people to sing the chorus of 'Running From My Shadow' with him and then he went further out on the bridge, which caused all of the fans to swarm him to sing the last part of the track. He joked that he had "incited a riot in an Apple Store."
- After 'Castle Of Glass', Mike walked up to the front row of the fans and asked for everyone to come in for a big group hug. He signed autographs and took pictures with fans until he had to leave for The Today Show.
Other Notes:- "Join us for an intimate look into the creative process and journey of Linkin Park’s founder, Mike Shinoda. He’ll join music journalist Rob Markman in conversation about the loss of his bandmate and his journey to his current solo career. We’ll celebrate the release of his first solo album, Post Traumatic, with a performance and video by Shinoda."
- Fans were shown clips of the 'Crossing A Line' and 'Ghosts' music videos before the interview. Rob Markman talked to Mike about the album and the details behind the making of the songs ('Place To Start', 'Over Again', 'Make It Up As I Go', and 'I.O.U.') before Mike performed three songs.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRYBy hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.06.20 New York City, New York
Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 20 Show Date: 06/20/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180619 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180620 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180621 City: New York City State: New York State Abbr: NY Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Gramercy Theatre Venue Type: Theatre Venue Website: http://www.mercuryeastpresents.com/thegramercytheatre Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: 'Post Traumatic' Release Show Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Show Number: 4 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone X)
Location: Dead center, in front of stage
Taper: RogueSoul
Time: 72:14 mins
Format: .MOV / 11.85 GB
Comments: Missing 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go' and 'Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out' (the latter was livestreamed on the LPLive Twitter). Full source uploaded to YouTube on the night of the show.
Pre-Show Song No 1: xx Pre-Show Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Pre-Show Song No 2: xx Pre-Show Song Name 2: Castle Of Glass Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Piano Style Pre-Show Song No 3: xx Pre-Show Song Name 3: Watching As I Fall Pre-Show Song No 4: xx Pre-Show Song Name 4: When They Come For Me Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Shortened (Intro/Verse 1/Chorus/Verse 2/Chorus) Pre-Show Song No 5: xx Pre-Show Song Name 5: About You Pre-Show Song Notes 5: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Hard Ending Pre-Show Song No 6: xx Pre-Show Song Name 6: Papercut Pre-Show Song Notes 6: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Pre-Show Song No 7: xx Pre-Show Song Name 7: Make It Up As I Go Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Place To Start Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Watching As I Fall Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 4: Piano Style Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: When They Come For Me Song Notes 5: Shortened (Intro/Verse 1/Chorus/Verse 2/Chorus) Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Hands Held High Song Notes 6: Verse 1 Acapella Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Kenji Song Notes 7: w/ Roads Untraveled False Start Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Roads Untraveled Song Notes 8: Shortened (No Guitar Refrain) Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Ghosts Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 10: Mashup Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Sorry For Now Song Notes 11: Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Demo Verse Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Crossing A Line Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: In The End Song Notes 13: Piano Version; False Start Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: About You Song Notes 14: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Over Again Song Notes 15: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Papercut Song Notes 16: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 17: 17 Song Name 17: Make It Up As I Go Song No 18: 18 Song Name 18: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 18: Mashup First Encore Song No 1: 19 First Encore Song Name 1: I.O.U First Encore Song Notes 1: Live Debut First Encore Song No 2: 20 First Encore Song Name 2: Remember The Name First Encore Song Notes 2: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) First Encore Song No 3: 21 First Encore Song Name 3: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:- Mike hyped up the crowd before coming onstage during the extended intro of 'Welcome.'
- At the start of 'Castle Of Glass,' fans kept shouting 'Kenji,' which prompted Mike to say, "It's not time for that yet... unless you're just calling me by my middle name."
- Mike gave a speech about seeing all of the negativity from social media and why he doesn't talk about politics much, stating, "I always feel there's something worse just around the corner." He discussed the Parkland survivors he met the day before on Jimmy Fallon's show and the interaction they had, summing it up with: "What happened to them shouldn't have happened to them. If there's something that you guys feel that way about that makes you say 'I shouldn't have said that...' Don't do what I did. Do the right thing, and say something about it." At the end of the speech, he went into an impromptu acapella of 'Hands Held High.' This is the first time since 2017.07.03 London that the song has been performed like this.
- Mike accidentally started 'Roads Untraveled' before 'Kenji' started, prompting to whisper "Not that, not that, not that..."
- Mike rapped the original demo verse in place of Chester's verse during the bridge of 'Sorry For Now.'
- In response to a fan, Mike talked about 'QWERTY' before 'In The End' and told the story about how the song was written and how it lead to false assumptions by fans about what Minutes To Midnight would sound like.
- Mike briefly restarted 'In The End' to change the sound of the keyboard.
- After 'In The End,' Mike said the following about the song: "I want you to know that when we do that, some people get really sad... I want you to know that if you're feeling that, it's okay. As I've gone on and done that song more and more, for me, it turns into a celebration."
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Mike went into the crowd during 'Papercut,' 'Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out,' and 'Running From My Shadow.'
- Before 'Make It Up As I Go,' Mike told all the females in the crowd that they'd need to sing K.Flay's part.
- Mike sang the first verse and chorus of 'Good Goodbye' before performing and second verse of 'Bleed It Out' over the instrumental. This differs from previous shows as he wouldn't normally do the 'Good Goodbye' chorus, but the crowd was already singing it loudly and he went along with it.
- 'I.O.U.' was not on the written setlist. Mike added it into the set last minute - he came out after the encore break and said "I'm calling an audible and adding a song to the set."
- During the bridge of 'Running From My Shadow', Mike crowd surfed into the crowd. After the song, he stuck around in the crowd to sign autographs and take pictures with fans for an extended period of time.
Debut(s):- 'I.O.U' was performed for the first time.
Other Notes:- Mike performed an album release show on June 20th at New York City's Gramercy Theatre.
- After several festival and promotional appearances, this was Mike's first full solo headlining show as a solo act.
- Mike performed a soundcheck before the meet and greet started. He ran through a couple songs and tried experimenting with some different things, like trying to play pads during the bridge of 'Crossing A Line.' He also only performed the 'Papercut' portion of the 'Over Again/Papercut' mashup.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.06.19 New York City, New York
Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 19 Show Date: 06/19/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180615 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180619 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180620 City: New York City State: New York State Abbr: NY Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: 30 Rockefeller Plaza (NBC Studio 6-B) Venue Type: Studio Event Website: https://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Show Number: 3 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1a: Video - PROSHOT (NBC)
Time: 4:30 mins
Format: ? / ? MB
Comments: Uploaded to YouTube.
Source 1b: Video - PROSHOT (NBC HD)
Taper: fstambuk
Time: 4:21 mins
Format: .mp4 / 141.1 MB
Comments: Aired on June 19th, direct TV rip in 1080p. Posted on Sharemania.us.
Pre-Show Song No 1: 01 Pre-Show Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal; w/ The Roots Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Song Notes 1: w/ The Roots Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Crossing A Line Song Notes 2: w/ The Roots Show Notes:- Mike performed 'Crossing A Line' with The Roots, who are the house band for The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon.
Other Notes:- Black Thought, the lead MC from the band, previously worked with Mike on 2005's 'Right Now' from Fort Minor's The Rising Tied.
- This was Mike's first solo TV performance since he performed 'Welcome' as Fort Minor on Conan in 2015.
- This is the first time Mike had a backing band perform with him during a solo performance.
- In a May 2020 stream on Pooch and Tater's "Wrong End of the Snake" series, they talked about this performance. Tater (monitors) explained that he wasn't allowed to touch anything because he isn't allowed to touch the console at a TV show. He immediately told Jim (production manager) when he heard the click track on the first performance of the song that he knew things were VERY wrong, but he couldn't touch anything. Mike said the house band (aka The Roots) was two measures off. In Mike's click track, he only heard himself and the click. He said he wanted to just keep going, and the band ended up just playing around Mike. Mike's manager was there and Mike immediately asked him how it was... his manager wanted to do it again. Tater explained the house guy had the wrong program open in the console. They ended up playing "Crossing A Line" again and then they were good to go on the second play.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRYBy hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.06.15 Los Angeles, California
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 15 Show Date: 06/15/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180614 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180615 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180619 City: Los Angeles State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: KROQ HD Radio Sound Space Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: https://kroq.radio.com/categories/hd-radio-sound-space Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Show Number: 2 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - PROSHOT (KROQ YouTube Webcast)
Taper: LinkinParkBR
Time: 43:18 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Webcasted at 5pm on the day of the show (a five hour delay). Uploaded to YouTube by LPBR. Includes post-performance interview.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 1: Piano Style Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Ghosts Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 3: Mashup Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Crossing A Line Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Remember The Name Song Notes 5: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:- On 'Where'd You Go', Mike asked all the girls to sing the higher parts in the song.
- Mike went into the crowd during 'Running From My Shadow'.
- After performing a short set, Mike did a Q&A with KROQ's Ted Stryker.
Other Notes:- Ted Stryker from KROQ introduced Mike to the stage.
- After the performance, Mike stuck around and signed autographs for almost everyone in the crowd.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.06.14 Hollywood, California
Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 14 Show Date: 06/14/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180512-2 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180614 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180615 City: Hollywood State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Amoeba Records Venue Type: Other Venue Website: https://www.amoeba.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: 'Post Traumatic' Release Show Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 0: Video - PROSHOT (Mike Shinoda)
Time: 29:48 mins
Comments: Released on Mike Shinoda's YouTube channel in 3 parts as the "Post Traumatic /// Album Interview" series. 'Welcome', 'Place To Start', 'Watching As I Fall', 'Ghosts', 'Crossing A Line', 'In The End', 'Make It Up As I Go' and 'Running From My Shadow' only. Includes interview footage.Source 1: Video - AUD (?)
Location: Right side of stage, a few rows back
Taper: mylakersview
Time: 53:30 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Cut between each song. Missing some footage but includes most of show. Uploaded to YouTube.
Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Hard Start Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Place To Start Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Watching As I Fall Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 4: Piano Style Live Debut Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Ghosts Song Notes 5: Live Debut Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 6: Mashup Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Crossing A Line Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: In The End Song Notes 8: Piano Version Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: About You Song Notes 9: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Over Again Song Notes 10: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Papercut Song Notes 11: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Make It Up As I Go Song Notes 12: Live Debut; w/ K.Flay Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 13: Mashup Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Remember The Name Song Notes 14: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Running From My Shadow Song Notes 15: Live Debut Show Notes:- After 'Watching As I Fall', Mike talked about the fan in the front row who won a Golden Ticket, who also had a birthday that day. He said he would draw all over the guitar after the show for the person.
- 'Castle Of Glass' was performed in a new style with piano. Mike said he was playing with the song leading up to the show.
- Introducing 'Ghosts', Mike said that the song was not about Chester specifically or actual ghosts. He said if fans wanted to shoot videos with sock puppets to the music, to tag him on Twitter.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus. Mike went straight into the second verse this time, shortening the mashup by dropping the first verse and second chorus. In an interview later on, Mike explained that he did this because he noticed the energy became sadness during that part of the show and he wanted to make sure it kept flowing.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- K.Flay joined Mike to perform 'Make It Up As I Go.'
- Mike sang the first verse of 'Good Goodbye' before performing the chorus and second verse of 'Bleed It Out' over the instrumental.
Debut(s):- This was the first time that 'Ghosts,' 'Make It Up As I Go,' and 'Running From My Shadow' were performed.
- This was the first time 'Castle Of Glass' was played piano style.
- This was the first time a shortened version of 'Over Again' has been performed.
Other Notes:- "Mike Shinoda celebrates the release of his new album, Post Traumatic (out 6/15 on Warner Bros. Records) with a live performance at Amoeba Hollywood! Pre-purchase Post Traumatic CD in-store at Amoeba Hollywood on THURSDAY JUNE 14th to receive GUARANTEED ADMISSION to this special in-store performance AND a limited-edition "Mike Shinoda - Live at Amoeba" poster made for this event."
- "First 100 purchasers will get to meet Mike Shinoda + take a photo after the performance + a pre-signed poster (limit of 1 CD purchase/meet + photo ticket + pre-signed poster per person for this limited option). Can buy 2nd CD/ticket/poster but will not include meeting Mike Shinoda and signed poster."
- The LP Underground did a contest for a Meet & Greet with Mike and entry to the show for 50 fans.
- Fans lined up starting the evening before the show to be one of the first one hundred in line. The 100th person received their wristband around 2:45am.
- To celebrate the event, Mike set up a merch vending machine outside of Amoeba Records with exclusive event merch including a shirt, a hat, and a sticker pack. Included were several "Golden Tickets" for fans to obtain, which were redeemed by emailing "gold@mikeshinoda.com" to receive a signed Post Traumatic album from him. One fan won a signed guitar that Mike drew all over at the Meet & Greet after the show.
Official Release: Yes Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.05.12 Los Angeles, California
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 05 Day: 12 Show Date: 05/12/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180512-1 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180512-2 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180614 City: Los Angeles State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Outside City Hall Venue Type: Outdoor Venue Website: https://grandparkla.org/ Event Website: http://isatv.com/blog/identity-la-2018/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Identity LA Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Other Bands:Jay Park, Hotel Garuda, Milck, Kinjaz, The Flavr Blue, G Yamazawa, DJ Zo, Ruby Ibarra
Show Number: 2 Show Number Total: 2 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:Source 1: Video - AUD (?)
Location: Right side of stage, a few rows back
Taper: K-FAM Media Productions
Time: 34:12 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Streamed live on YouTube. Starts with 'Castle Of Glass'; incomplete.
Source 2: Video - AUD (?)
Location: Right side of stage, a few rows back
Taper: N.K.
Time: 53:40 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Missing first part of 'Welcome'. Uploaded to YouTube.
Source 3: Video - AUD (?)
Location: Left side of stage, a few rows back
Taper: Alexadndra Larco Bazan
Time: 55:41 mins
Format: ? / ? GB
Comments: Streamed live on Facebook. Uploaded to YouTube. Person filming sings quite loudly throughout the show.
Pre-Show Heading: Soundcheck Pre-Show Song No 1: 01 Pre-Show Song Name 1: Welcome Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 2: 02 Pre-Show Song Name 2: When They Come For Me Pre-Show Song Notes 2: Rehearsal; Shortened (Intro/Verse 1/Chorus/Verse 2/Chorus) Pre-Show Song No 3: 03 Pre-Show Song Name 3: Watching As I Fall Pre-Show Song Notes 3: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 4: 04 Pre-Show Song Name 4: Sorry For Now Pre-Show Song Notes 4: Rehearsal Pre-Show Song No 5: 05 Pre-Show Song Name 5: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Pre-Show Song Notes 5: Rehearsal; Mashup Pre-Show Song No 6: 06 Pre-Show Song Name 6: In The End Pre-Show Song Notes 6: Rehearsal; Piano Version; Shortened (Until 1st Chorus) Pre-Show Song No 7: 07 Pre-Show Song Name 7: Crossing A Line Pre-Show Song Notes 7: Rehearsal Setlist Icon: Yes Set: 50 Minute Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Welcome Song Notes 1: Ext. Intro Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Place To Start Song Notes 2: Live Debut Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Watching As I Fall Song Notes 3: Live Debut Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 4: w/ Joe Hahn Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: When They Come For Me Song Notes 5: Shortened (Intro/Verse 1/Chorus/Verse 2/Chorus) Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Kenji Song Notes 6: Live Debut Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Roads Untraveled Song Notes 7: Shortened (No Guitar Refrain) Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 8: Mashup; w/ Taka Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Sorry For Now Song Notes 9: Live Debut; Ext. Intro Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Crossing A Line Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: In The End Song Notes 11: Piano Version Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: About You Song Notes 12: Shortened (No Bridge/Ending); Vocoder Intro; Transition Ending Song No 13: 13 Song Name 13: Over Again Song Notes 13: Transition Ending Song No 14: 14 Song Name 14: Papercut Song Notes 14: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 15: 15 Song Name 15: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 15: Mashup Song No 16: 16 Song Name 16: Remember The Name Song Notes 16: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Show Notes:- Mike completely restructured the set from the show he played earlier in the day.
- 'Welcome' opened the show, this time with a brand new extended intro. The intro was not performed at the earlier show in Carson.
- Joe joined Mike for 'Castle Of Glass.' The intro was riddled with errors.
- Chester's vocals were sampled for the choruses of 'When They Come For Me.'
- Taka from ONE OK ROCK joined Mike for the 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup. He performed 'Somewhere I Belong' with Linkin Park at the Hollywood Bowl show in 2017.
- 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.
- After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike went into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'
- Mike sang the first verse of 'Good Goodbye' before performing the chorus and second verse of 'Bleed It Out' over the instrumental.
Debut(s):- This was the first time Mike performed 'Place To Start' and 'Watching As I Fall.'
- A shortened version of 'When They Come For Me' was performed for the first time. Mike performed the song in a linear fashion before stopping just before the bridge.
- A different shortened version of 'Roads Untraveled' was performed for the first time. Mike played it without the guitar refrain after the first chorus. When Linkin Park performed it at the Hollywood Bowl, it was shortened without the ending.
- This was the first time the studio version of 'Kenji' has been performed. In 2015, Mike mashed it up with a remix of 'Castle Of Glass' during his Fort Minor sets.
- This was the first time 'Sorry For Now' has been performed in any form.
Other Notes:- Mike performed a soundcheck at noon before heading to Carson to perform at KROQ's Weenie Roast.
- "IDENTITY LA is a Concert & Celebration for Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Occurring on Saturday May 12th at Grand Park in Downtown Los Angeles, the festival boasts an afternoon and evening’s worth performances by internationally renowned APA artists. Headlining the event will be Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park, multi-platinum Korean-American hip-hop artist Jay Park, and acclaimed DJ duo Hotel Garuda."
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator
2018.03.08 West Hollywood, CA
Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 03 Day: 08 Show Date: 03/08/2018 URL Link: mikeshinoda18/20180308 City: West Hollywood State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Old Tower Records Parking Lot Venue Type: Other Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Show Notes:- Mike played 'Crossing A Line' on a Bluetooth speaker for fans and then played it a second time, this time singing/performing the track for them.
Other Notes:- On March 8th, Mike posted a photo on his social media of the old Tower Records location saying, "Who wants to meet up and be in a music video? I’m shooting something for my solo album at 8:30 in Hollywood tonight. In 45 minutes. Roll thru." This was the first mention and confirmation by Mike that he was releasing a solo album.
- After meeting with fans, Mike walked through Hollywood and filmed the rest of the 'Crossing A Line' music video.
Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
- The morning after the event, he posted a photo of the crowd that showed up and said, "Had an unforgettable time hanging with you all last night. Thank you for sharing your time and your stories. Very excited what’s yet to come."By hahninator,
- Added by hahninator