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Everything posted by sian18

  1. from seeing them live at sonisphere from the videos of the Germany show from what my friend said about him when he met him. and i think Ryan's vocals are awful his vocals were abit better on the LP tour then this gig. but drugs or no drugs he sounded awful.
  2. i don't like Ryan's backing vocals either but i still wanna see them at a small club show. it wouldint suprice me if ryans on cocaine
  3. normally the BBC live gigs arnt aired live. its just the band in a studio playing live they record it and post it to there website. heres were they record http://www.bbcradioresources.com/studios/mv3.html thats the room most live band use
  4. looks like the pic they have decided for the cd to me i got it as my background now lol http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff112/sian666/pp.jpg
  5. from amirs twitter london UK today and tomorrow. In studio recording of some DBS tracks for the BBC and some other stations in Europe. the bbc one will be probaly recorded for bbc radio 1 show with zane low he gets bands in to do some live songs. so im guessing no london date maybe just tv performance in london
  6. think the are offical seen them on a few sites i trust
  7. lol i wouldint spend all that money going to london to see them it would be like nearly 200 pound for me to go im not spending that on them. and its not true about british bands we like loads of american bands. not all hardcore lp fans like dbs. like my mates are die hard lp fans but realy dont like dbs. and none lp fans dont like dbs cose chesters in them. i think julien-k would have more succes over here then dbs
  8. i agree that chester wont leave LP to much of a money maker. i meen dbs are geting noticed really well in usa, but here in th uk not so much. reviews for the band have been awful, promision sucks over here, crawl back in hasint done nothin here. i could see dbs doing that london gig. but i could see dbs just doing shows in usa cose there doin nothin over here ppl dont like them, i like them lots, but ppl iv talked to still dislike them after sonisphere. i talked to 15 ppl who have hurd the album and they called it emo shit and this is from lp fans. im geting a feeling sonisphere was my first and only time to see them live
  9. i thought there was only 4 tracks on the net fire. crawl back in. my suffering.in side of me. whats the other one then
  10. it dose plus let down sounds like it will be amazing
  11. i read somwhere on the Internet about the owner being arrested for supposedly having a massive crack den?
  12. sian18

    Inside Of Me!

    well aparently everyone is stuped or a idiot cose they dont agree with what you say just cose i dont wanna hear whats your name dosint meen im a idiot and im planing on not listening to it and i know that other ppl will probaly like the song and others wont its no big deal not everone one in life is gonna agree with you thats the hole point of ppl having there own option
  13. sian18

    Inside Of Me!

    no i haven't herd the song but my friend got to review it and described the album and that song to me and i don't like soppy songs so i know a song written for his wedding day I'm not going to like. thats my option on it all and i don't care whether u disagree or agree with me just like I'm sure i like some band you would call rubbish or lyrically poor witch is fine Cos thats Ur option on it
  14. sian18

    Inside Of Me!

    yeah and im sure he released the album just for him self not to make money or cose mike did a solo band so he tourt he would try it out. and im sorry but he should keep his wedding song to himself i dont wanna hear about how much he loves his wife im not a linkin lady i dont care about his wife i care about good music like i love my suffering and fire but this is just a short song i think it feels like its building up to somthink then ends way to soon. if it would have had more to it like maybe turning it into a 4:00 min song would have worked great but the song is still catchy but lyrics are weak in this one song so far
  15. sian18

    Inside Of Me!

    my least fav dbs song so far my fav is my suffering. they made it sound like this song was super awsome its not its sounds like green day in the intro its to short the verses are weak its poppy and like some one said lyrics are like given up. chester said he did dbs cose the lyrics he has writen didint suit lp so far to me the lyrics would have been fine in lp songs if made better cose there weak. this hole thing is just pointless and a wast of time when he could be putting all his effert into lp mide you they only need chester for his voice the rest of the band are the talent
  16. they are streaming the album..old news fans will be able to stream the album in its entirety on MySpace via an exclusive "Listening Party" a week before its release http://www.reuters.com/article/pressReleas...2009+BW20090909
  17. he listened to it a few times he went a difrent day he works for a magazien he was doing a review for that witch will be in the mag just b4 the album drops he got to listen to it 4 times then did his review he gets another listen end of september
  18. totally agree my friend also got to go to listening review thing and they said the album is over produced and keyboards are to loud my friend didint like MTM that much but he said MTM is better than out of ashes he said some songs sound like there just filler songs they have put on there to bump the track listing numbers
  19. so on that australian idol thing you could win tickets to see linkin park in December ( probably kroq x-mas thing) now one for a video least lp have got plans goin on lol
  20. i hope they dont play like one gig in the uk in london cose no way im paying all that money to get to london they better do a full uk tour
  21. sian18

    My Suffering!

    this and let down are probaly my fav songs so far. but my suffering sounds better live so dose fire. dont like the effects on chester voice, and the weird key bord synth bit that u can hear randomly somtimes i think it would sound better with out it, it dosint work in it for me but looking forword to there tour when anounced
  22. sian18


    true im going for dbs tour dates then
  23. found this sorry if posted b4 One fan's album review will be chosen by the group and then be published exclusively on Noisecreep for the rest of the world to see! If you think you have the rock journalistic chops to make the cut, all you have to do is submit a writing sample. A select few will be invited to hear 'Out of Ashes' at one of Warner Brothers Records offices in California, New York, London, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden and Canada http://www.noisecreep.com/2009/09/04/dead-...-hear-review-n/ so one interview gets picked for noise creep website
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