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About felipeintheend

  • Birthday 05/31/1991

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  • LP Shows Attended
    2010.10.11 Itú, BR, Brazil2012.10.07 São Paulo, BR, Brazil2012.10.08 Rio de Janeiro, BR, Brazil2012.10.10 Rio de Janeiro, BR, Brazil2014.10.18 Belo Horizonte, BR, Brazil2014.10.19 Brasília, BR, Brazil2017.05.13 São Paulo, BR, Brazil

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  • Interests
    Live footage

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  1. From a bussiness point of view: Rob helped build LP to what they are now. As much as all the other members... So it is very possible he still has his % of the band's profit as part of the agreement to they keep going on. If he were taken down from the contracts and profits, possibily there would be a big sue case involving LP. Even if MIKE and BRAD are the bosses, which they are, at some point of the LP members career they shared pieces of the whole company. in %. With that, if you want to still use the LP name/brand, you cant just remove a member of the greement unless he decide to sell his % of the bussiness to someone else or another band member. So maybe... the band wanted to return and Rob just denied, while Mike or whatever offered him a % of something involving the band just to let them keep playing, etc. That's probably what happened. This doesn't meam he is still involved producing or touring
  2. Only Brad source exists as a legit lossless audio. I used one extracted audio from source 1 or 2.
  3. I really can't remember which of the audios I used for it lol. Will take a look into the raw folder later
  4. Releasing a new source to kick off 2025 for everyone. Summer Sanitarium 2003: 2003.07.27 Minneapolis, MN, Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome Taper: ChrisHN Audio SYNC: Felipeintheend Credits: xxHybridXeroxx Show details: https://linkinpedia.com/wiki/Live:20030727 Show: DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JyQoVxJ8gXrDVvrb8g6nrGph456Ygtbw?usp=sharing Enjoy!
  5. They should bring High Voltage again.
  6. I agree totally with you!
  7. Wonder if we will ever see a HT/Xero live rec.... maybe only Mike has something like that.
  8. Hey I know there were a lot of live pics in the old websites like pushmeaway.com and phoenix-farrell.org Wondering if anyone here collect live photos. Can't believe none archived stuff like this lol
  9. I want a live rec as well! haha
  10. There are negotiations for LP in Brazil second half of 2025.
  11. my successor never fails
  12. Crazy! Love it. Lets rock. No Rio de Janeiro, unfortunately.
  13. Rumours about two nights in Rio de Janeiro as well. Lets wait and see.
  14. They are booked for a stadium in Philly summer 2025.
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