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Everything posted by Legend

  1. I appreciate it man! I wasn't comparing the song to Burger King. I was comparing the importance of the song to the world, like the importance of the double whopper with cheese to Burger King. You have good taste in good music my friend! Gold Star for you for knowing what Bionic Commando is! You and I both! Thanks for reading! That would be frikkin' awesome if he did! HAHAH! Thanks man! I appreciate you taking the time to read it! I hope Mike comes across this one day! Agreed! Agreed! Agreed! Amazing song! Thanks for reading! Im hoping it will make a comeback! LOL. HAHA. Thanks bud! It loves you too! Yes it does!
  2. For those asking, the link of the image that was posted here previously no longer works, and I'm pretty sure it is a bannable offense now if it's reposted.
  3. I think a page with links would be a great idea, however, there are a few things that can be done differently. Official links are a definite. Fan Sites are alright too, however, it seems only fair that if LPL linked to them, they linked back. Also, I don't think it would be a good idea to place fansite links on the forums aswell as the site. That would be giving them too much publicity. But, fair trade sounds good (if they get placed on a main page, LPL should get the same treatment). Most other fan sites have forums. I don't think it would be a good idea to link to fan sites from our forums as we would be pretty much advertising another community, unless it would be a sub-link in the top navigation bar. LPL needs to advertise their own official pages more. Twitter, facebook, YouTube... there should be buttons on the forum, preferably up in the banner area. They need more attention. Trading sites is a good idea. Ever thought of a network bar? Get a whole bunch of LPL fansites from around the world... make a network bar, place it on top of the lpl page (and the fansites will do the same on their sites), and boom, automatically link to all fansites on every page, and its the same treatment on every site in the network. Some of those bars look pretty nice too. Lastly... If LP Russia isn't going to be an affiliate, this idea will die. The LP community needs LP Russia to survive.
  4. Mid July is when we will start hearing previews and clips of the single. Bank on it.
  5. Luckily, we don't snitch here on LPL! We are lovers, not haters!
  6. Why is everyone bitching about Blackbirds? I have it in 320kbps. Is that bitchworthy?
  7. No, there was no title. There was the initials TBD in the titles place. (To Be Determined)
  8. Did LPL staff edit the image, or was it given censored?
  9. R.I.P The King Of Pop. You will be missed. It only seems like yesterday that you passed away. I grew up on his music. As a child, before I even knew what music was, MJ was my favorite. Yes, the media ruined him later on in life, but he is a large part of my childhood. I may not think he's the best person in the world, but his music was great. Gone, but never ever ever forgotten.
  10. I am sincerely sorry your lack of reading capabilities has halted you from reading this thread. I am also sincerely sorry that you're too lazy to type out "to be honest too long; didn't read." Maybe LPL can have some donations to try and get you some help. . Seriously though, if you got nothing to say, GTFO Bionic Commando.
  11. Good evening Linkin Park Live. We are all well aware that the new Linkin Park album is on its way, and more than ever, we are all extremely excited to see what is in store for us. However, I wanted to take the attention off of the new album for a moment and bring you back to the past. I am talking about the lost city of Atlantis of all Linkin Park songs. I am talking about the treasure that the old lady throws into the ocean at the end of the titanic movie. I am talking about the double whopper with cheese at your local Burger King. Folks, I am talking about the most underrated song in Linkin Park history, Figure.09. Before we begin on this topic, please don't be misled by the subject of this article. When it comes to Figure.09, there is no good. There is no bad. And there is definitely no ugly! Far from ugly! If you're here to bash on the most epically epic-ed Linkin Park song, please kindly step out of this thread. If I were to define Figure.09's attractiveness to the world, it would be Peoples Magazines Sexist Track Alive. Figure.09 is simply a badass. It is the Solid Snake of all Linkin Park tracks. You either love Solid Snake, or hate him. In this case, if your life has any meaning to it whatsoever, Solid Snake is a badass. If your life doesn't fit with these standards, please kindly step out of this thread. I would like to refer to these rejected Figure.09 fans as the "Bionic Commando" of Linkin Park. After all these years, you just won't fade away. =[. Without further ado, let's break this song down into the most epic of all epic Linkin Park track breakdowns to ever be posted in the LPL community. LPL family, friends, and slave posters, I welcome you to... Figure.09 was born on March 23, 2003 to a rather large family. Born alongside 12 siblings, Mother Meteora knew she had something special here when one of her sons was born with a Mohawk, perfectly spiked, as if a hair stylist with impeccable skills styled it for him. Mother Meteora knew instantly, this son was the badass, and had to give it a unique name. Figure.09 was born. Now, in our world, Figure.09 is a rather strange name. Numbers are very uncommon in names. Why exactly was the name Figure.09 formed? Mother Meteora knew that to make a mark in the world, and to be remembered forever, a simple John or Steve wouldn't do. She took a random badass word from the dictionary, a random single character number, added a zero in front of it, and additionally added a period between the two sets. Badass name was born! But how is it pronounced? Figure-nine? Figure-oh-nine? Figure-dot-zero-nine? I like to call it Figure-oh-nine, "oh" standing for, "oh my god this shit is nucking futs! To further showcase the Rambo Badassness of Figure.09, at the young age of 4 months and 16 days, Figure.09 made a cameo in a badass movie about badasses. Fitting Figure.09's personality perfectly, Figure.09 was featured in S.W.A.T. Now the question is, where did Figure.09 go? How can an entity in life that is so special be so neglected? It is over 7 years since Figure.09 came into our lives. Did it run away? Did it die? That is what we all thought. We were all mourning the death of Figure.09 for all these years, until low and behold, our mournings were shunned. Not only did our tears stop, but it seemed Figure.09 Tupac'd the hell out of us. In November of 2009, Figure.09 sent the world a message. The message states "All these things I could not say, made me so much more afraid. Just too scared of what I find, To look behind. To look behind." From this statement, it is pretty obvious Figure.09 is doing alive and well. However, we have come to the assumption that something in his past has been tormenting him, making Figure.09 afraid. What could it possibly be? No one knows. Rumor has it that Figure.09's sibling, From The Inside, has been having so much aggression lately, that Figure.09 had to run into hiding, in hopes that an unexpected death caused by a young boy with shockwave explosions coming out of his body wouldn't cause any fatalities. I can see why Figure.09 has run away from us all now. We are all just glad that Figure.09 is still with us. But when can we see his face? Will he ever make a live appearance again? We will never know for sure... UNTIL TODAY! I had a long stressful day. Decided to get on the internet and see any "puzzles" that Mike Shinoda might have posted for us crazy LPL'ers to decipher, even though deep down inside we know it's not really a puzzle. It's Mr. Shinodas entertainment. I sat at my computer and thought about the history of Figure.09, and the meaning behind this certain individual. And it came to me. Figure.09 is a puzzle in itself! Folks, I welcome you, to the Breakdown of Figure.09! So here we go... Will Figure.09 ever be played live again? Will it be buried forever? Or will our king reign supreme once more! Take Figure.09, cut the sum-biatch, and your answer is right there in front of you! Let's look at the insides! Nothin' ever stops all these thoughts n' the pain attached to them Sometimes I wonder why this is happenin' It's like nothin' I can do would distract me when I think of how I shot myself in the back again 'Cuz from the infinite words I can say I Put all pain you gave to me on display But didn't realize instead of settin' it free I Took what I hated and made it a part of me This reflects the fear Figure.09 had in his life caused by From The Inside. All the pain and suffering, and violent actions that sibling From The Inside has shown Figure.09 affected Figure.09 drastically. Every single action that From The Inside has done to Figure.09, Figure.09 reflected upon the world. Fear, Anger, Moshing. Everything that From The Inside is, was slowly creating Figure.09 from a kind little soul to the epicness of epic. Yes folks, From The Insides anger is the cause of Figure.09s "I run this shit" attitude. No matter how much Figure.09 wanted to be like sibling Numb, it was slowly forming into a From The Inside. This is not what Figure.09 wanted, however, he had no control over the aggression of his over powerful sibling. It never goes away It never goes away This organ in the Figure.09 body simply refers to all the pain that Figure.09 wanted to let go, wouldn't leave, overtaking his soul, and making him one angry badass mo'fo. And now You've become a part of me You'll always be right here You've become a part of me You'll always be my fear I can't separate Myself from what I've done Giving up a part of me I've let myself become you We are now looking at the heart of the body. We can see clearly from the heart that Figure.09 had a hard time avoiding From The Inside. From The Inside's anger and aggression slowly bled into Figure's soul, making Figure.09 become somewhat like his brother. No matter how scared Figure.09 was of FTI, there was nothing he can do. FTI was always there, as his brother, who he can't get rid of. I am led to believe that FTI, by far, was MUCH MUCH more powerful than Figure.09, which is why Figure.09 has been in hiding. Because Figure.09 knew that he couldn't defend himself from this overpowering brother. Hearin' your name the memories come back again I remember when it started happenin' I see you n' every thought I had and then The thoughts slowly found words attached to them And I knew as they escaped away I was committin' myself to em n' everyday I regret sayin' those things 'cuz now I see that I Took what I hated and made it a part of me In this part of Figure.09's soul, Figure is referring to all of the thoughts of abuse and anger that FTI showed against Figure.09. It's clear that Figure.09 was abused physically, verbally, and mentally by FTI. As Figure.09 was slowly becoming like his immature, angry little shit of a brother, he started to realize that he was making a mistake. That this IS NOT how Figure.09 wanted to be. Figure.09 didn't want to be a mean, angry, loud, obnoxious little boy with super shockwave capabilities. Figure.09 wanted to be what he was born to be..... A role model.... Just like.... Epic Beard Man! Figure.09's motto: ' ' Get away from me! Give me my space back you gotta just Go! Everything comes down the memories of You! I Kept it in without lettin' you Know! I Let you go so get away from Me! Give me my space back you gotta just Go! Everything comes down the memories of You! I Kept it in without lettin' you Know! I Let you go Folks, this is what we've been waiting for! The key to the puzzle! Our research has determined that Figure.09 has conquered his fear from his brother. He has secretly gotten past the fear he once had from his brother. He has evolved from a simple Charmeleon to a super badass Charizard. FTI, you better go in hiding on live shows now, because this Charizard is coming for you! And he's pissed! Figure.09 wants to take the stage, and show all the LP fans what a true great song sounds like. FTI, yes, it is great, but Figure.09 wants to show the world what the difference between great, and HOLY SHATMAN! is. Folks, I am pleased to announce that this puzzle of many years has been solved. Figure.09 wants to make his comeback! I heard he is currently on his journey to the heavens to ask God Shinoda if the world is ready for World War III via Figure.09. Sadly, I don't think the world is ready for Mr. Epic Badass Man over here. It would be very tragic for the whole world to get a heart attack at the same time, knowing that the greatest LP track of all time (...of all time) caused us all a heart attack simultaneously. But, if it DID happen, it would be the best heart attack we would ever get.... ever.
  12. Legend

    LPCrimea 2.0

    The most creative LP fansite design I have seen. Good work!
  13. Both are fixed. Thanks Jonas!
  14. And so the mayhem in this thread begins....
  15. Also, VIPs don't have permission to post in the Shoutbox.
  16. Hey Serg. Can be fixed in the admincp. Members -> Member Groups -> Manage User Groups -> Administrator -> Edit Group -> Group Formatting Suffix The following should be in that box. </span> Assuming that all the ranks still have the same permissions that I set when I installed the forum, you should be able to change this as an admin. The reason the blue faded down into the text was because the span code wasn't closed.
  17. They would be stupid not to sell DSPs. Everyone would love to hear high quality recordings of these new tracks played live from the new album! Hear the fans! You want to make money? Make us DSPs, yo.
  18. I would just like to congratulate LPL, all its members, and it's wonderful staff on hitting another milestone. The activity stats of LPL was something that has always interested me, on how fast it has grown over the years. I have just noticed we have hit another milestone. Back in May of Last Year, the LPL forums hit a record with the amount of users online. That record was set at 393, during the release of New Divide. How amazing is that! Low and behold folks... our community has come together and we have done it again. We have set another record for us to break in the future! At 3:07 AM (forum time) yesterday, we hit a whopping 558 users online at once! Holy cow! That is a 42% INCREASE from our previous record. That is quite a large number! Congrats everyone! I'm hoping that as more and more information is released on the new album, we can beat this record! Once again, congrats to LPL and it's community! Keep on rocking!
  19. LP would have probably turned into MCR.
  20. I'm thinking it could be some lyrics to some of their songs.
  21. I converted it. It says.... Falls la luminosité de var to ontplof edastada sekaligus airean, that sería kuin de pracht come yang kuat. Lo sono mäktig, terra-zerstören tyd. Google says its Indonesian, however, the translation makes no sense whatsoever. So here is my take on it.... Falls la luminosité de var to ontplof edastada sekaligus airean, that sería kuin de pracht come yang kuat. Lo sono mäktig, terra-zerstören tyd Falls brightness (french) they were to (norwegian) explode (afrikkans) forward (estonian) at once (indonesian) air (Basque), that would (portugese) as (finish) the beauty (dutch) come strong (malay). Are (italian) powerful (swedish) land-destory (portugese-german) time (afrikkans) Im a fucking badass.... shit
  22. Google says its Indonesian, however, the translation makes no sense whatsoever. So here is my take on it.... Falls la luminosité de var to ontplof edastada sekaligus airean, that sería kuin de pracht come yang kuat. Lo sono mäktig, terra-zerstören tyd Falls brightness (french) they were to (norwegian) explode (afrikkans) forward (estonian) at once (indonesian) air (Basque), that would (portugese) as (finish) the beauty (dutch) come strong (malay). Are (italian) powerful (swedish) land-destory (portugese-german) time (afrikkans) Im a fucking badass.... shit
  23. Ain't that a bitch lol
  24. I converted it. It says.... Falls la luminosité de var to ontplof edastada sekaligus airean, that sería kuin de pracht come yang kuat. Lo sono mäktig, terra-zerstören tyd.
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