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Everything posted by rav0k

  1. I don't remember it being this bad....=/
  2. Tell us what you expect. Seriously, what do you want from them? Just curious.
  3. Wow... Seriously guys? You sound like a bunch of pre-teens who can't get their favorite barbie doll at the store. "Something different than before" is obviously not going to be b-sides, demos or anything we have heard before for that matter. It's your own fault you had high expectations not Linkin Park's. If I was in a signed band, there is no way in hell I would let everyone hear new material from the new album..because then what happens? People bitch again. "I already heard this on the LPU CD WTF CAN'T WE GET SOMETHING NEW?" Why is it okay for them to release numerous LPU cd's with nothing but "live" material on them (Keep in mind you paid for this too) but you all have to make threads bashing this ONE CD with unique things that LP has never done before. It's supposed to be funny, you were supposed to laugh..get over it. As far as the money goes? Do you REALLY care how much you paid for it? You didn't seem to care that people upload that CD you paid for all over the internet. As someone mentioned earlier, money comes and goes..get over it. It's a never-ending cycle, and yes we have to deal with it. I am just stating the obvious.
  4. If you guys knew who Bob Dylan was, you would find Bubbles funny.
  5. This CD is pure ownage. LOL I love it...reminds me of their older days for sure...thought they were losing their touch with Ballads to Midnight. Nah..that was a good album but you guys need to calm down seriously. What did you expect? You think they were gonna put up new material that could have been on their upcoming album on the LPU CD? It's music, it's new. They didn't lie...just laugh at it like they are. God you people are too attached to media..it's sick. But you were fine paying for live songs that we have heard thousands of times? I don't get what you all are so pissed off about.
  6. It's the one we already heard most likely. It says LPU 6.0 on it so it's going to be that crappy remake of it they did. The live one was awesome..don't know why they had to switch the riffs around....=/
  7. I think that Linkin Park has teamed up with Happy Tree Friends and made some dope tracks. Discuss.
  8. Um...actually I got a trojan virus through Bittorrent from just having it open. I never said the torrent itself was unsafe. I don't trust Bittorent anymore. Why is that my fault? And no one forced anyone to distribute it a different way. We just asked a question...
  9. I don't get how you people keep saying we are "complaining". We asked a simple question for it to be put on youtube and all hell breaks loose. Typical LP fans I guess...
  10. Thank you wise one. I bow to you for your great wisdom. I hope to one day be as intelligent as you. -kneels before you- (I didn't plan on downloading it through a torrent, but I would be willing to check it out if it was on Youtube or direct download. Thanks though.)
  11. Because some people don't care about quality and just want to see what you guys have done. I personally don't want to install any type of torrent program on my new computer for safety reasons. Youtube would be lovely..
  12. rav0k


    lol....a Rick Roll at it's finest. THERE IS NOTHING THERE AT ALL! WHY OH WHY!! T_T lol...but yeah. The link broke somehow. Fix it? THanks!!!
  13. rav0k


    You know...it might still be on the DVD as the "hidden bonus" stuff...
  14. rav0k


    I prefer the Live in Texas cameras compared to this one. The shots were much more lively, this DVD reminds me of just watching a webcast like..Rock am Ring or something. It's not horrible but I still can't really say a whole lot of negative until I see the actual DVD. I am sure that with the audio it will be x10 better.
  15. rav0k


    I was just giving you hell man lol Do you know if they aired the whole entire show or just a few songs?
  16. rav0k


    September 04th, 2008 posted by Hahninator "LPTimes reports that the Milton Keynes Linkin Park show will be broadcast on a Japanese TV station called "WOWOW" on October 28 at 1 pm. Does this mean there's no DVD of the show like the rumors said? Can anyone record this? Hopefully it'll show up on other TV stations...." October 28th, 2008 posted by Hahninator "Well, apparently Japanese TV showed Milton Keynes today on TV, and it was webcasted. Noone really told me about this, so I had no idea, or else I would have recorded it for you all. Oh well, the DVD comes out in November, so we'll see that anyway." =/ Unless you meant....no one told you about the webcast...then I might not cry so much. lol Anyone record this? Seriously? Please say yes?
  17. It will be something epic. Hopefully.
  18. rav0k

    Album Update

    Looks like he is wearing a women's shirt.....haha...the silly guy.
  19. Yeah, so I don't know why everyone is complaining about the audio already...even Live in Texas sounds like crap on youtube but sounds totally different on DVD...like it or not.
  20. You can't really diss the audio because it's supposed to be 5.1 surround sound on the DVD itself...and I know for a fact that Yahoo embedded videos do not have 5.1 surround sound lol..
  21. Btw, I've donated a bootleg and show information. Where's my contributor title? {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif lol
  22. You guys are forgetting like...if they removed the encores...that cuts time out of the regular showtime.
  23. Now that I think about it, he had a point. You think that just because you were mentioned (On a small note I might add.) once by Mike Shinoda, you can treat others like dogs? The guy was just saying people should be more appreciative of what LP has to offer. Instead all he gets is "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT LOLZ". Come on...seriously. You are becoming what you wanted to get rid of all along.
  24. Yeah that's what I meant, you deserve the chance to see them...people here HATE LP...LOL Everytime I mention them, I get called very sad names..hehe..hope you enjoy the show! Is it like in a big venue or what is it?
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