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  1. Okay, so Mike's hair could be a clue. He is growing it out again, and that doesn't show in the clip at the end. So maybe it's an older clip en therefore not a brand new song, but something like a B-side? For a From Zero deluxe edition? Anyway, I'm excited!
  2. How expensive will the tickets be?
  3. LP just shared the new logo and it kinda looks like there is the letter A in it just like the letters L and P. Hint for Emily Armstrong? Or just tunnelvion on my part....
  4. Great to listen to! Also great write up
  5. Wow, crazy how this was online for all this time, same as with that Visionaries track. Don't wanna ask for leaks, but will there be any way to listen to the Mark version of this song since the one released will have Chester?
  6. Amazing release. Instantly bought the super deluxe box, was a nobrainer with this iconic album and amazing band. Still have regrets not getting the biggest ATS box 10 years ago.... Also love how they went with She Couldnt as a sort of lead single. Great song that shows a real Hybrid side to Linkin Park.
  7. Check the trashbin in the site. There are 4 files, could those be shot down covers for the album? Damn this is exciting! Feels like the time when ATS was rolled out with all the riddles...
  8. Such a mixed album. Like other people here said it has some great songs: NCSM, SFN and OML are top tier LP songs for me. Heavy has grown alot on me, just love the melody on that one and the Kiiara vocals give it a nice touch. Good Goodbye was a song were I expected more considering the features, but the live version banged hard so its fine now. Talking To Myself is alright, same as Invisible. Sometimes I like them and want to listen to them and other times I don't care for them. After three years I still haven't settled I actually like these songs. Very strange... Battle Symphony has some great vocals from Chester but in the end just falls flat for me. The songs offers not enough besides the vocals. Sharp Edges is a song I never understood. I can't stand the album version, but after seeing the live version I kinda liked it more. Still only listen to the live version. And at last we have Halfway Right, my least favourite LP song. Nothing I like about it. After all I feel like this album could have been much more, but just stays mediocre. I don't think I ever listen to the album in full, but certain songs I keep playing. I do have great memories of this album cycle. The promo tour with Mike and Chester was amazing to follow. The shows were great, with many livestreams and the Amsterdam show was the best concert I ever went to. Here's to hoping the next LP album will bring the same sort of joy!
  9. And don't forget those awesome Fort Minor T-Shirts that Mike was wearing on the OML Tour. Those were a sign of things to come.
  10. Fill us in...
  11. ' "Will there ever be a Linkin Park x The Hundreds collab?" There was one and there will be again in the future ' Okay so this is just two friends talking and capturing it on video, but by this quote it seems pretty clear to me that to Mike and Bobby there will be a future for Linkin Park. Ofcourse we could have guessed it, but I just loved how casual they put it here.
  12. Posner is so inspiring, walking accross america just because he feels like he needs it. His last album had some good songs just as this mixtape.
  13. Anyone wanna guess the opening act? Don Broco is free, but have show on 30 march in the US. So looks unlikely. Im gonna go with Mike Posner. Totally random, but would be nice
  14. Ah yeah, still doesn't ring a bell so im probaply imagining things...
  15. Okay, so who was the girl playing guitar on WAIF? (hell yeah for that banger in the set btw!!) Her name made me think I knew her from somewhere, but can't quite place it. And since when does Mike have an extra opener with that rapper? Was it announced?
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