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Everything posted by Catalyst619

  1. Well, with everything going on and all the snippets I had a decent idea of what this song is going to sound like and I wasn't happy. Everyone saying wait until the song comes out to judge. Now it did, and I'm really disappointed. The instrumental is mixed way too low for my liking. The song basically has no intro at all and starts off so abruptly. Chester's voice is over-produced to shit and Kiiara absolutely outshines his vocals on this song. In fact, the only positive from this song is that Kiiara has more participation in this song than I thought, and I'm no Kiiara fan by any means. I just really, really dislike Chester's vocals on this. The worst part is, Mike said the rest of the album is going to sound like this. So the idea of "the lead single doesn't mean the rest of the album will sound like this" is now completely shattered. Oh, and it seems like the cherry on top of all of this is no US tour at the moment. Much respect to them trying new things but personally I'm just really bummed out.
  2. This set of clips / teasers for Heavy have been a roller coaster for me. Loved the piano clip with Mike partially singing. REALLY disliked the way Chester was singing in the "lyrics" clip. Then the "drum idea" clip came out and the bit of instrumental we heard really got me excited. Then Chester's voice comes in.. "like my mind right now". Instantly kills the hype. Then the twitter clip of Kiiara singing comes out along with the released lyrics, and I actually enjoyed her voice more than Chester's with the way he was singing. The melody is a little bit catchy, but the way he sings "if I just let go I'll be set free" just kills it for me. And now the final clip just made me realize how much I hate Chester singing it in this style. On top of that it sounds really messy to me. I'm really hoping it comes across much smoother on the finished product and that hopefully Kiiara does at least sing a verse or be very audible in the chorus. I'll reserve judgement until the release but for the first time ever, I'm really nervous about an LP release.
  3. Has it ever happened where 2 music videos for an album were shot so quickly after the other? Seems really odd to me that they would film a 2nd video for another song before even releasing the promo single. Very confusing.
  4. Makes sense with the piano clip, Mike singing about things "being so heavy".
  5. I'm guessing there were issues with keeping the "Damn Daniel" line?
  6. Sounds like "The fear is creeping up behind on this courage I'm projecting".
  7. Should have known how unfinished this track would be haha. Pretty cool to see how they demo this stuff in the very early stages of the track though.
  8. Anyone here any more rumours / information about this? Having the show on the 24th seems like a possibility and would be pretty cool. In which case, there's only a little over a month left. Would be cool to know and book everything right now instead of waiting so close to the date.
  9. Thank you very much Flame. Just watched it all, was a great hour and half.
  10. Sorry, no BTH either. Same as Rio. No idea why the set was short. The folks around the area mentioned how they felt it was short and the usual Rockfest headlining set is around 90. I'll let you guys know how long SOAD plays tonight. For show notes, mike missed most of the runaway - wastelands transition. Also came out to the crowd during the second verse of ITE. After Numb finished, Mike addressed the crowd going crazy for the old shit and that ITE was for them. Nothing else too special. No drum solo during BIO.
  11. Same set as usual but shortened. No rebellion. No FTI. No darker than blood intro to BID. Remember the name over medley. Mike also forgot the microphone at his keyboard when he got up for the runaway-wastelands and missed most of the words, started up again at "and no, not afraid of that.." Mike also called out a part of the crowd for being completely dead during mid set and losing their shit when numb came on. Said he sees they like the "old shit" and that this one is for them, leading into ITE.
  12. Hamilton was another show that was canceled for Canada along with the rest.
  13. Looks like we don't have to worry about the setlist now.
  14. Yes. Both are cool, but the dance mix is a lot more fun in a live environment.
  15. This guy is uploading all of the videos at the moment: https://www.youtube.com/user/buccsfan2/videos?sort=dd&view=0&shelf_id=0
  16. This. So much this. ALITS basically take up 2 song slots, and MTG is pretty much the same. Both songs have choruses where Chester sounds pretty weird and weak. When I had the shitty leak version of those songs before the official release, I couldn't even understand what Chester was singing in those choruses. As much as one wants these songs to translate very well live, chances are the vocals would be pretty unimpressive. Add to the fact that they'll probably drop a bunch of cool shit like FTI, APFMH, or who knows even the Mike Solo cause a bunch of their other shit is mandatory and un-droppable. Much rather KTTK or AFN. Make the set a bit longer and bring back Rebellion or UIG with the sick intro. If that's at the cost of APFMH and FTI then leave those in there because they're great additions show and have a lot of energy.
  17. He said it's his opinion. That's the point, it's subjective. I personally don't find any LP/DBS/FM song garbage, and I like this song a lot as well. But people are different, and you can't expect their brains to function the same way as yours. We're all still fans because we do like a lot of the work that they produced/produce.
  18. At least the bridge was surprising and kinda cool. I think the rest of the song is generic and just like everyone predicted it to be. Overall pretty catchy and love Chester's / Mike's parts, but nothing ground breaking. Prefer ALTNC over this at the moment, but we'll see if this grows. I didn't like ALTNC either when I first heard it, but it grew a lot.
  19. Can't say I'm a very big fan of this version. It's not bad, but even though it's an acoustic version, it still seems..bland. Not a fan of the guitar or Mike's singing in the first verse either.
  20. Shows in Hamilton and Saskatoon were canceled as well.
  21. Honestly, probably nothing aside from potential writing from Mike for LP7. As much as I want this tour to be re-scheduled in the summer, they're not even going to consider it. Hell, any NA tour where they hit similar places (even the closest big cities to the B cities of the canceled shows) is highly unlikely. Shame, since they're going to be around the US anyways for the festivals, it wouldn't be too crazy to schedule some kind of small tour especially since they know they've disappointed a lot of NA people with this cancellation. Also really sucks for the Calgary Summit that got canceled. I think I have a better chance getting struck by lightning as I type right now than them re-scheduling another summit in Calgary. Don't think Canada is ever going to get another summit, and any potential shows in general are far, far away since THP is basically done. Maybe 2017. Blehh, really upset about this. Not quite at the Geki level but it sucks.
  22. I'd definitely keep Robot Boy on the set. Personally, I love it. Would much rather drop the Joe Solo instead.
  23. I second this. Castle of dance is really fun when you're physically there.
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