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Everything posted by thedamian58c

  1. Phoenix said that Brad was the best guitarist he knew, when they were in high school. And Rob said he used double drum bass in high school.
  2. The cover art of the summit looks fucking awesome, I wonder who painted/drew it, I think it might be Mike
  3. There's a possibility that they think the demo version is better, but the new studio version is great too, so great that it makes them satisfied. In this case my argument isn't invalid.
  4. I don't think that the dots on Powerless are a mistake or wrong information, I think it might be intentional. Since the lyrics in the booklet were wrong, does it mean the band recorded a version of the songs with the lyrics from the booklet?
  5. Except for Chester's fucking awesome vocal performance while singing Final Masquerade, the fact that Mike was low in the mix made it more awesome.
  6. I would vote for Opening, but I will help to eliminate X-Ecutioner Style
  7. Fucking Opening Hey people who voted for X-Ecutioner Style, do you want to work together? First we vote for Opening, and then for X-Ecutioner Style.
  8. I like both, and I can't decide which one too choose. The demo sounds way less "edited", especially Chester's and Mike's vocals, in studio it's full of echoes, Mike's vocals contain some kind of robotic effect and Chester sounds a bit autotunish in the first part of the bridge. Speaking of bridge, I love both in their own way, demo contains a slow progressing bridge, while studio contains a fast progressing bridge. For me the studio version's sound is a little bit better, because of the electronics and the strings in the background. Oh, and Geki, if a demo wasn't chosen to be the album version it doesn't necessary mean that band prefer it over the album version. I mean, the band though lyrics to OSC was good enough to let it be album version, but the producer told them to change it. Got my point? It might be that some of the changes between the demo version could be decided by the label or the producer.
  9. No, don't use the poll, it's just another way of voting. Poll is for your general opinion about it. For example, you like better demos in general, but you prefer ITE studio version, then you vote for demos in the poll, but you vote for ITE studio version in the post. Even the first rule says: You write the title of the song and version of it, that you prefer. It works similar to election threads, but you can vote for the song even if the round is over (of course if you didn't vote for it yet). Sorry for being unclear, if I get one more negative opinion (with an explanation) about the poll, then I will remove it
  10. Intro: I've been thinking of doing this topic for a long time ago, but I didn't think of a good way of organizing it and I didn't have time until now. Ask In case you don't understand something concerning this game. Rules: 1. You write the title of the song and version of it, that you prefer. (the reason why, is gladly welcomed ) 2. In case you missed a round, you can always make a vote, simply just by writing that you missed a round and that you write what you chose. Scoreboard: Studio Versions Demos Score (in songs): 1-0 Score (in points): 2-0 Round 1. In The End vs. The Untitled (In The End Demo) 2-0 Round 2 Figure 09 vs. Figure 09 (Demo) 0-0
  11. Interesting, but for me it wasn't the best LP track ever. I don't consider it as good track to listen to, but I think it's a very good track to be played as a background (in a movie for example), it's pretty atmospheric though. That was a total surprise, I'm glad LP keeps surprising us.
  12. In (south) Norway the fall lasts whole year
  13. I don't think we have any source for that, I think it's assumed that it exist. I think we should write songs (or other things in the lists on the site) that we aren't entirely sure of, like this
  14. I guess you mean UNRELEASED demos with vocals 0:25 The Hunting Party Extended trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNbiIkIWpZM) - Unknown title Be Yourself/In Yourself (studio version) Enth E Nd (Mikes HT verses) My December feat. Team Sleep Do you count demos of already existing songs, with same vocal track, but different instrumental track? Is it limited only to LP or are DBS, FM and other side projects also allowed?
  15. Just to make it clear. I forgot about LPU7, I meant LPU14 is worse than LPU 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 6, and is better than LPU 7, 5, 3, 2, and is tie with LPU 8 and 4. I don't count HT EP as LPU. I like LPU 7 more than LPU 5. LPU5 and LPU3 are the worst CDs LP ever made, in my opinion. Sorry for the mess.
  16. I'm a bit disappointed about this album, it's not bad, but it's worst LPU album since LPU5, in my opinion. There was only 3 songs that I liked pretty much, Aubrey One, BTH demo and Rhinocerous, which is my favorite off the album. The rest was just some heavy songs that wasn't very attractive for me. What disappointed me the most was that there wasn't any song with Chester's vocal. I got pretty surprised that 2008 and 2009 demos was pretty guitar driven tracks. DaveSBeat feat. Joe made me wonder what is it and who's singing, I guess that may be some LPU8 style thing, that was simply just an improvised jam.
  17. Totally agree. What I don't understand, is why don't they rotate songs that aren't very popular, like Runaway, it could be rotated with NMS, RME or Don't Stay. With You could be rotated with APFMH (after OSC), By Myself or Forgotten. And many more. I think that voting idea is fucking awesome, but in my opinion it shouldn't be whole setlist, maybe 1/3. People that comes to LP show for singles wouldn't vote, because the singles would already be included on the setlist, and they wouldn't know the less popular stuff.
  18. In my opinion the speeches in COG sound awesome, they give me chills. In addition, it's something new, not a big update, but a small addition that makes it a bit different from what it was. But I miss the original COG
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