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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. Yeah man, if you ask them something important they just dont reply.. or something like this happens: hey phoenix, how about the new album? the band has talked with some producers or mike will be the producer? phoenix: yeah! i like cheese hamburgers and doritos! FUCK THAT SHIT MAN!
  2. LPU? a Chat? what's that? who cares we have Chester's twitter lol
  3. this is what I said after i listened to this song: THEY ARE BACK! wow this song its just awesome if this is how the new album is going to be then bring the fire!!! FUCKING AWESOME!
  4. You guys are over excited for this 'fail' it can happen all the time, you guys have failed too a huge fail from WB would be if they uploaded the track or something like that.
  5. so what? did i said that he played bass in those albums? this track sounds good i dont know why you guys think taht this sounds like WID the drums are way different, the guitar too, it sounds more like Lockjaw.
  6. LP had some good bass lines in the EP-HT times the heavy bass of Carousel its pretty good, i love the Forgotten bass lines too.. the only interesting stuff that i've heard from Phi in the last 5 years was Wake
  7. The bass progression should not surprise you we all know that Phi is just a generic bass player, he will never blow your mind, he's the less skilled member in the band..
  8. thanks Mark for giving us the best site of linkin park..! i hope taht you can stay always with linkin park happy bday
  9. LPU exclusives are just stupid i wonder why people play to see 50 second videos of the guys doing stupid things.
  10. yeah same here, i never heard about twitter.. how i can send a message to Chaz? i cant find the button lol XD
  11. maybe someone can get the clip of the song, use vocals remover and we can get something more clear.
  12. it sounds GREAT i would love to get songs in the style of Lockjaw the sound of the guitar its great, cant wait to get this!!!!
  13. So, who doesnt smokes? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZDiJ1Zbx3c
  14. or maybe he needs drugs to scream like a mother fucker! i remember a kerrang interview (maybe it was not kerrang) and he said that he was still on drugs in the time of the PR 04..
  15. I was watching KROQ 2003 last night, and OMG he used to give all that he had, his screaming voice was just insane, a hell of a voice! APFMH from that night its impressive and then i was watching Portugal 2008 or 07 i dont remember well, and his screaming voice its just another one, sometimes he avoids the screaming part.. today Chester has lost the ''raspiness'' in his voice, his screaming has lost a lot of power, but his singing voice its a lot more beautiful whats wrong with Chester? a friend told me that he thinks that he's just holding back, he's just taking care of his voice because when we see him with Camp Freddy he seems to give all that he has and the raspiness on his voice, i dont think that it is lost, when he performed with Ashes Divide the cover of the Outsider he used that style of singing so what's happening with Chester? he's just saving his voice? his energy is so weak so he cant do more than 20 songs in a night? or he's just getting old? OLD? no way Bruce Dickinson who is more than 50 still sounds like the same.
  16. I dont care if he is or not is a good director I just want new music!
  17. I can see how this is going to work Mike, Phi, Rob, Brad and Joe will work in this while Chester releases his record and tours to support it. edit oops the release date of this move its pretty soon, so i assume that they almost finished their work =O so im wrong xD
  18. SOB arent good enough to have a big deal, they wont sell records. Im sure that Mike helped them, you know? he produced the record, Mike is a man that wont lose time in something that he would know that it will never be released.
  19. + You are wrong man, i remmeber that they posted the last chat with chaz the LPU sells you the chance to participate in the chat, not to get the information.
  20. Chat logs are not exclusive, they even post the log in the LPMB
  21. oh i forgot about him, he really cares to who remember the chat with Bot? i mean Rob lol that was boring as hell, i remember the only real info that he give us was the name of a demo , Drum Song (little things)
  22. LPU chats are so bad, the only one who really CARES about us is Mike so what? nothing new about the album? highlights?
  23. seriously he's a good boy and we can get a lot of Linkin Park related information.
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