I'll give it a shot tomorrow
i'' prepare the perfect vibe to enjoy to the album, for me its like a ritual I need to be alone, best equipment available, some drinks and a dark room.
Im excited for the comments from you guys, i've been around since the release of the Crawling video which was like April or may 2001.
i've been part of every album release and the response from you guys about FZ its extremely positive, probably the last album that had a massive positive response was Meteora.
Cant wait to give you my opinion about this album, I still remember when I found out that Emily was going to be the singer, not many fans believed in her but I clicked with her in a heartbeat.. it was strange but somehow that happened.
I have checked this everyday since I joined (2008) this place being a bit lonely after C passed away was sad but I always stayed here trying to create some discussion, its so good to see some of you guys back and some new members.
I fucking love Linkin park forever.