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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Terrible guess. Not even a smirk, chief. Is this track confirmed in the US iTunes?
  2. Yeah, its damn hard to pull off sarcasm on theinterwebz. P33P5 C4N'+ T3LL !F Y0UR 53R!0U5 0R N0+, L4WL!!!!!
  3. You mean 24 hours and 9 minutes until release (12 PST)?
  4. Charlie Murphy!

  5. 01. Figure.09 02. Plc. 4 Mie Haed 03. By_Myslf
  6. How much greater would it have been if Blackbirds was the 2nd track on The Catalyst CD Single instead of New Divide live?
  7. 24 Fucking dollars for a digital download? Yeah right.
  8. Alright, I caved. The clip is fucking awesome. Leak damnit
  9. That's what I'm saying. I haven't listened to this clip yet because of that.
  10. For the Unofficial Contest Fansite Edition of the song? Probably not. For the Official Contest of the song? Probably.
  11. "Very little guitar" Oh well, it's not like he was saying this for the entire album. Plus, maybe the song didnt sound right with a lot of guitar.
  12. I'd like to share with you guys the songs that LP will probably never play/ never play anymore. - Figure .09 - Part Of Me - Step Up - Dedicated - No Roads Left - Nobody's Listening - And One (Real E.P. Version) - P5HNG Me A*wy - High Voltage - The Down Syndrome [No way in hell, but how cool would it be?!] - By Myself - With You
  13. Agreed with LPxDC This could either be a good thing or a bad thing.
  14. Alex, do you know if the winner re-records their song with LP?
  15. Agreed. It'll be like listening to the song through a tin can. Alright, maybe not that bad but you catch my drift.
  16. Agreed. It'll be like listening to the song through a tin can. Alright, maybe not that bad but you catch my drift.
  17. LOLLERBLADEZ Morello AND Wu Tang?
  18. And the "Best LPL Username" Prize goes to.....

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