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About DecanoLP

  • Birthday 04/11/1994

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  • LP Shows Attended
    28.06.2008: Düsseldorf 28.02.2010: Hamburg (DBS) 20.10.2010: Berlin 29.10.2010: Hamburg 21.06.2011: Hamburg

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  • Location
    Hamburg, Germany
  • Interests
    Soccer, tennis, reading, music, meeting friends, partying

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  1. I haven't posted here in a long time, but still... Linkin park was the first real band I discovered back in 2006. Before that, I was listening to shitty pop music and some bad German hip-hop but by accident, I watched a Harry Potter fanmade video on YouTube that had In The End as background track and something changed for me personally. I loved that song from the first second on which is why I immediately bought Hybrid Theory, Meteora as well as Live and Texas and listened to these three records for months. There was literally no other music I was listening to during that time. My first ever concert was a Linkin Park show in Düsseldorf in June 2008. I got the ticket for my 14th birthday and I drove there with my dad. This was certainly the best day of my life until then. I remember freaking out for the releases of Minutes To Midnight and A Thousand Suns, I downloaded every single audience recording available from the Internet, I discussed setlists, show intros and song structures here on lplive.net, I learned every single lyric and burned famous shows (Rock am Ring 2004 might be the best example) on DVDs in order to watch them on my TV. They were the biggest part of my life back then. In 2010 and 2011(+LPU Summit in Hamburg thanks to amazing people on lplive.net), I saw them live two more times but then my interest began to fade away slowly, simply because my musical taste developed more and more into hardcore, punk and metalcore. Even their newer stuff isn't as bad as lots of people are saying and I followed every release and still listened to all their music every now and then but my priorities just changed. The news of Chester's death hit me hard. I cried my eyes out yesterday which is something I hadn't experienced before with a celebrity (Chris Cornell was close but not that intense). It just makes sense though: All these memories from my teenage years and all these amazing people I got to meet due to their music have such a special place in my heart. Linkin Park have always been and will always be extremely special to me and it breaks my heart that the band's existence has to end that way. I still can't believe it. I've been listening to Hybrid Theory and Meteroa all day long which is not a easy thing to do with the tragic news and all the memories coming back. But I feel that it's something I have to do. Let's hope his family and band members stay strong and somehow get through these dark times.
  2. Haha, they seem to be a little lost playing Forgotten. Never been a huge fan of this song, sounds pretty good though! But My Myself Wow, holy shit... Amazing Performance, Chester nails it! They should keep that in the set!
  3. I already expected them to announce a German tour after Rock am Ring and Rock im Park. I'm sure it'll happen in the next few days. Fingers crossed I'll be able to attend one show since I won't be at home for 2 weeks in November...
  4. That is absolutely amazing. Best album since Meteora!
  5. Getting reports from there that lots people were apparently leaving the show after Watelands.
  6. Yeah, amazing performance until Wastelands. It's a shame that the middle of the set is that terrible with that stupid Castle of Glass Remix, Burn It Down, the ballad medley etc. But anyway, the band is in great shape. I hope there'll be good footage from Download!
  7. Sadly, the Rock am Ring shows aren't that special anymore since lots of people there actually hate Linkin Park and the crowd there gets worse and worse every year, but still... I might be able to watch it too I hope someday a full 2007 recording appears...
  8. @mikeshinoda: @lplive Ha! Our setlist is a complicated matter. Let's just say that I'm personally willing to play any song, and play a longer set. I bet Brad and Joe are the ones refusing to play any rare stuff...
  9. 99,9% sure they're not gonna play Step Up... Besides that, I don't see any big changes appearing in the set compared to the Australian tour set.
  10. Really good post, that's exactly how I feel.I can totally see what they wanted to do with Living Things, namely mixing their old and new sound. Their interviews and some song descriptions before the release made me really excited for it, but the final product is a huge letdown in my opinion. IN MY REMAINS, LIES GREED AND MISERY and I'LL BE GONE are the only songs I like, not even LOST IN THE ECHO which everybody seems to love. What I don't like about songs like SKIN TO BONE, UNTIL IT BREAKS (best example) or VICTIMIZED is that they feel rushed. It seems like they didn't really put much effort into the songs for being finished with it in a shorter amount of time. I'm not really looking forward to the next album since they want to continue making albums every 18 months. They should definitely take more time, A Thousand Suns was great although it contained so many different styles and many fans thought it was a letdown. But they put much effort in it and that's what counts.
  11. Finally a good interview again, really interesting And yeah, Papercut ftw. My favourite LP song!
  12. *moved* Pretty cool episode although it's kinda short. The beginning was hilarious
  13. No, they didn't play it at some shows in 2001 either
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