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About moodyrocker

  • Birthday 01/06/1990

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    north carolina
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  1. I just said that too haha
  2. I definatly picked the best band to fall in love with.
  3. Mike's Bottle of water from Charlotte 08 Also Rob threw me his stick and it hit me in the head and the girl behind me got it when it bounced off my forehead. That should be in my collection :'( Also, if you remember that contest where we had to answer all those questions for LPU and could win a signed LP Plaque. I was a winner in that. But, that picture was before I had gotten it.
  4. I just listened to the album and I just don't see why people are hating on Robot Boy. I think if they did it on stage they would try to mash it up with like TLTGYA or have Hahn scratching behind it and turn it into something different. I don't know if you get what I'm saying..Sort of like the opposite of what happens with Pushing Me Away. That said I really like Robot Boy and dislike The Messenger. And for the reason of when Chester is in that scream/sing it just didn't come across as nice as usual. It sounded like he had a long day and his voice was starting to break. Otherwise I really like everything. Empty Spaces is the only really awful song IMO.
  5. Well I supposed I'll go ahead and torrent this leak because despite pre-ordering.. Scheduled Delivery Date: 09/15/2010 Shipped To: HICKORY, NC, US
  6. I effing love Linkin Park that was an awesome video. I don't care if you judge me, but Mike Shinoda is a sexy man. mm mm mmmmm
  7. I need new pants
  8. Phoenix answered mine >.> @rockerlp what is your favorite dinosaur? Joan Rivers (I do think she's awesome!) It was mighty important
  9. I love you...
  10. He responded to me that's pretty awesome
  11. I can't wait either. 2010 may be a year from now, but man... I can't effin wait No complaints about anything I know my LP have us in mind <3
  12. So, should we start saving. How is this gonna pan out are we gonna like ride together in cars or separate?
  13. happy birthday!

  14. SaintJimmy You are so amazing haha. I didn't even know that was you but I favorited you so I could watch your works on the Youtube's. Also, I love Charlotte's Recording I'm watching it atm actually. I <3 your work.
  15. Have you noticed anytime a new Linkin Park Cd/recording that is different that we have never heard of is released we all go batshit crazy. It's true. Edit: I think my keyboard is haunted.
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