Ok, we can do it like this. We just delete everything after "... - Taper." It's been 5 years, I don't care, whatever happened happened, it's doesn't matter anymore. It's a note we don't really need anymore after all this time, so we can get rid of it.
What taper name do you want there?
Selling something you recorded is one thing but you can't expect that nobody uploads it for free somewhere, that's just how it is. There's nothing you can do about it.
Of course is buying shows not a great thing and supporting people like NYCB maybe false, but he/they are doing a great job and it's totally worth the money. Almost nobody is taping LP in the US anymore and NYCB got us quite a few great recordings of great shows over the years. Same for the japanese bootleggers, they do really solid work! We can't complain at all.
For us at LPLive, trading doesn't get us any new shows and exclusives for quite a while now, it's sad but that's how it works. Some people just don't want other shows and want money instead, so that's the only way to get it.