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Everything posted by bloodbath

  1. Probably, but no so explicit as Looking for an Answer or Post Traumatic, probably hints here and there. A song that every person that has lost someone can relate, you know, the typical relatable LP lyrics
  2. I couldn't agree more with the band. We already had that tribute as an album, Post Traumatic, and its subsequent tour. Yes, I know that it was a Mike solo thing, but the other members grieved their own way. Grieving gets tiresome, even though you miss that person, eventually it gets to a point where you just want to move ahead and live your life. A Chester tribute at the shows doesn't let you move forward, and it's depressing. If they had waited so long to come back, it's to heal their wounds properly. Look what happened to bands like Metallica and Slipknot, the sorrow deteriorated the relationship between members. This tour is about celebrating life, a new beginning. They're happier than they've even been in a long time. Why ruin that, even if it's just for a moment, making your new singer remember that she's filling the shoes of a dead man? "But the fans..." It's been 7 fucking years, move on. If the closest people to him have found peace with his absence, I think we could too. Don't feed the parasocial relationship anymore.
  3. From 2012 their setlist became a little bit legacy act. I loved when during the MTM and ATS they weren't afraid of leaving out old classics to leave room to newer tracks.
  4. It's going to be hard to know which source is the best
  5. A 25th anniversary miniset of Hybrid Theory EP where they play the whole record.
  6. If one of the biggest businessman/musician from the last 50 years (like it or not Kiss) supports your decision it means that you've done the Right thing
  7. 3 good things of the new lineup: As some of you said, Chester, for obvious reasons, couldn't do some things as in the studio version, this is why they probably didn't play Given Up anymore. Emily right now has a fresh voice and can do it. Shows over two hours: LP is one of those bands whose catalog is versatile enough to keep things interesting over that time. They're not the Ramones. New songs: They are willing to resurrect some obscure tracks. We can ask and they might deliver. The 2012-2015 period was more of a legacy band than a band with actual things to say with their music.
  8. Good, they are selling copies by 200$ on discogs.
  9. This is getting ridiculous. Some of you jokingly said that the next thing would be they'll accuse MS of being Scientologist... And you can't understimate people's attention craving. Let's be real, Scientology needs celebrities joining them and making proselitism. Tom Cruise, John Travolta... If Mike would have become a member, we would already know, that's what brainwashing are for
  10. Gonna be honest with you, at first you said terrible arguments about that tribute band that were easily refutable and even ridiculous. Those arguments you're spitting right now are more serious and better elaborated than just yelling "Hoax Theory". Glad to see you evolve.
  11. It's about how wonderful is being a scientologist.
  12. You're absolutely right. The thing is I was trying to fight fire with fire by making mockery of double standards, but it might have sounded better in my head than in reality
  13. Being in a cult and trying to get out without getting everyone safe, IS complicated. Keeping your dick inside your pants isn't so difficult as it might seems.
  14. I think 2015-17 was a bad time for them and they weren't in the mood to record everything
  15. The fact that tickets are selling out fast indicates that people, for better or worst, doesn't care about all this.
  16. Perhaps the title track as "Chester tribute" moment at the show.
  17. Bands like Metallica or Megadeth whose singers have blown up their voices after years of abuse/mistreating, have lowered their songs like half step or even a whole step. What LP have done isn't very usual. At first I thought that it sounded like this due to a mixing problem!
  18. Seems like this is going to be a never ending topic until they manage to get Emily out of LP and she admiting that she's still in the cult
  19. They did, for 5 years, but Warner fucked it up
  20. Same with AC/DC and Axl Rose. When new singers are hardcore fans of the band they really motivate the old members and subsequently they played a few underlooked tracks live. I don't think they will play in this short run many more songs from the new record until it comes out and they are going to play long shows, the door is open to anything you can possibly imagine. From Forgotten to Keys to the Kingdom. Obviously they will choose tracks that fit Emily the best.
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