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Everything posted by TheProfessor

  1. I really FUCKING hope that guys gets fired. But anyway... Bleed it Out after In The End... which Mike just effed up... nice. Well, I still have Audacity to create my own pretend setlists, lol. FUCK them for dropping Blackout which is obviously my favorite song off of ATS.. Sorry about my nonsensical post... the Mike's is starting to get to me. If it wasn't for spell check, it would be far worse.
  2. They really should add that song to their normal touring setlist. It really is that awesome. But with the legal b/s surrounding DSPs it likely won't ever happen. Still cool to hear it. This show would've been a highlight of the ATS touring cycle if it weren't for the bleeps.
  3. While I would've preferred any of the other guesses at the surprise in this thread, Chester sounds awesome on this song, at it sounds great so I'll take it... Let's see what else the set brings us. EDIT: Oh wow, we actually get to hear WJL... cool.
  4. I'd be pissed... no lie... Considering this set sucks balls so far... there better be en encore.
  5. Because they figured it's probably piss you off. Anyway, even though the set is generic it is a really good show so far minus the censors. Hopefully they were serious about the surprise considering the generic set thus far.
  6. lmao, iTunes works great eh? Well, it's working for me, but now this thread is full of people who can't make it work. It's easy to defend something when you're the one not having problems... but regardless, I can't wait for LP to come on. I haven't seen a live stream of them since back in 2007, so I'm pretty excited. Hope the surprise is at least something cool, even if it's not something completely amazing.
  7. I understand 98% of people agree with you instantly because you are Astat, but I disagree. I've been collecting bootlegs since 2003, and have well over 200 live concerts and have listened/watched any concert I've obtained, regardless of quality (Thinking of Darien Lake 2004 *cringes*). This is just utter b/s if you listen to the bootlegs. Mike nearly always talks to the crowd more than Chester, and was always at the forefront. Especially in the old days (HT and Meteora) he would always do the job of hyping the crowd, when all Chester usually did at most shows was one or two speeches, and sang the vocals. During songs when they pause to hype up the crowd (Think APFMH) who's doing the hyping? It's Mike nearly all of the time. Watch any bootleg from 2001 - 2004 and Mike and Chester are bouncing around the stage equally and sharing the center stage, and from 2007 and on, Mike was doing so much on stage that he pretty much brings the whole show together. I respect your opinions and discussion on this forum over everyone else's, but I honestly don't understand where you are getting your facts from on this. I was talking about the people who joke around and talk crap, contributing absolutely nothing to the discussion. It's funny once in awhile, but when I have to sift through post after post of crap on pretty much every thread on this forum, it gets on my nerves and that's why I made that statement.
  8. Jeez, it's like high school all over again.. Why do I even bother with logic in this place.
  9. Anyone who says Chester instead of Mike is holding on to the flawed beleif that the singer is always the frontman. This is true 99% of the time, but Linkin Park presents a special case... In the ATS era, there is no doubt Mike is the frontman. Someone who disagree's... Tell me, besides being the "lead" singer, what else does Chester do that represents a frontman?
  10. You have misconstrued what I said, and only picked at one part... First of all I'm not arguing at all with what you are saying, and its not like I'm going to run to megaupload with both CDs and upload it all and plaster it all over the forum. All I was saying is, that there is no chance of those songs ever making significant money in the foreseeable future, and paying ridiculous amounts for an actual CD on eBay that may end up being a fake repressing just seems dumb to me. That's all. Also, I was just bringing up the whole LPA thing to illustrate that they obviously aren't worried about making money with those BECAUSE that band member gave permission for them to be shared there for that period of time. I'm also quite aware you guys aren't responsible for what shows up on other websites. However, I understand that it is their music, and they can do what they want with it. I just don't agree with their stance for reasons I just stated. Especially keeping in mind that their demo's aren't available on any CD I know of. Overall I was just making light conversation, sharing my opinion... MISTAKE!
  11. (let me laugh for a bit; sort of at this thread, but mostly at this new revalation) Thats pretty dumb IMO, considering how much money those tracks will make them in the future now. Especially the demo's. Didn't Sean share like, an updated version of ... No Sun Today on the LPA not too long ago? No one would know/care about this music anyway if it wasn't for Chester's success. Well, that's not really me arguing the point, just venting my frustration more or les. But hey, thanks for the heads up! Hopefully you'll come back so I don't waste my time. Anyway, OP, since nobody else here was any help, this thread is a pretty good starting point: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=5916 As for the music, you won't find it here obviously, but its not hard to find, just look around elsewhere.
  12. Seconded. It degrades the overall experience, IMO. I mean, its great for everyone's ego, but thats about it. I'm happy about being able to get this show and I'm happy the effort that you all put in to bring this show to us, but I hope that these three weeks are justified, and this isn't just a sad attempt to build hype. After reading this over a few times, it seems rather sour. I think I'm just sick of waiting already, and I'm getting a bit testy about the whole thing. I think this release is legendary, I'm just pissed about it taking nearly a month of known time to release one concert... But unfortunatly, being at your mercy, I will wait as long as you make me, eh? haha.
  13. Agreed 100%, lol. Definitely the worst song on the album. I like DBS, but most of the songs were mediocre, and nothing really stood out. Interesting stlye, but a bit too bland and generic IMO.
  14. July 26th, 2004 - Projekt Revolution in Darien, NY! It was awesome, because lets face it, PR 04 was probably one of the best, if not the best, tours the band has ever done. I feel like I got jipped though, cause they didn't play A Place For My Head at that show, like they did all the one's after it. Oh well, its not like I actually noticed with the bitchin setlist they played on that tour.
  15. lmao! Cool! Pics! But out of curiosity, it says no Grey Daze demo's, but since when are demo's officially released? Especially the one's from Grey Daze.
  16. Wow --------- Anyway, This is certainly the biggest live show release since Mountain Veiw 2004, who would've thought we would soon be watching a full proshot LP show from P:R 2004?! Not I, that's for sure, but more props to this website. On a side note, you guys must have the slowest upload speed ever. Still on 56k huh? Three weeks explains it all. (jk, jk, lol, no hate) I can't wait for this. Kudos to you guys.
  17. Thats pretty cool indeed. It takes me back to an old era and time in my life. Linkin Park was way cooler back then too. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Did anyone actually read his reply tweets to people who inquired about this? No? Didn't think so... I'm not going to hold your hand through the process, so I guess yall can beleive what you want, even if its not true.
  19. Wow, anyone know how long it was since the very first election until now? It feels like it took up a chunk of my life, lol. Even though I bitched about 65% of the time during this election, I'm glad A Place For My Head won in the end. It's only fitting in my opinion! See you on the remix side!
  20. B-13 is definitely the best. B-11 was almost the best, but The Requiem into New Divide was awkward, and with the whole snoozefest mid set, it just couldn't do it. A1 is definitely a close set. The first set they toured with was near perfect.
  21. Yuck, what an uninspired final round... I vote Faint.
  22. This setlist really should be played at some point before ATS is said and done. 01. The Requiem / The Radiance (Savio Scratch Speech) 02. Wretches and Kings 03. Faint 04. New Divide 05. Given Up 06. What I've Done 07. From The Inside 08. Jornada del Muerto 09. Waiting For The End 10. Burning In The Skies 11. Numb 12. The Radiance (Live Version) 13. Breaking The Habit 14. Iridescent 15. Fallout 16. The Catalyst 17. The Messenger 18. Crawling 19. One Step Closer ---------------------------------- 20. Blackout 21. Empty Spaces 22. When They Come For Me 23. Papercut 24. In The End 25. Bleed It Out (w / APFMH parts) Through the MTM touring cycle and up until about a year ago, I hated Bleed It Out as a closer. Now I feel its a better choice than the almighty OSC. This set cuts out the fluff and hits, what are in my opinion, the highlights of the ATS tour cycle so far. I could see how the encore might be boring for casual fans of LP up until In The End, but who cares! I still think this is a bitchin setlist!
  23. Sounds about right. It's not like this is a list of convicted felons being put in your local biker bar... Jesus... Well, regardless, congratulations to those who were justly (or unjustly) punished and have more freedom now. EDIT: On another note, it's actually really sad how many regularly posting members are on this list, heh heh...
  24. My December, although I think this is probably the weakest election out of all of them. The top 3 will be shitty and generic.
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