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Everything posted by marzo23

  1. Hopefully on 2nd or 4th of September in Berlin we have so much good clubs for a great FM show If I can see FM than my life is fulfilled LP, DBS, FM... I would see all of them live :3
  2. Could it be that the accounts are hacked?
  3. why should they play more than one song? O.o
  4. do i see that right that LP will get a 100 minutes slot tonight? then they should play a full set since January
  5. i think that will be the last show this year and for a long time!
  6. i think... same setlist like last week and.... China and Europe will get longer setlists with at least 7 minutes more (~2 songs more)
  7. imo maybe the best setlist would be at the moment: 01 Papercut 02 Rebellion 03 Given Up 04 With You 05 OSC 06 LITE plus intro 07 Runaway 08 Wastelands 09 COG 10 Ballad Medley 11 FM 12 ALITS 13 WFTE 14 Mike Solo 15 Numb/Encore 16 LFY/Dirt 17 ITE 18 APFMH 19 Faint ------------ 20 GATS 21 New Divide 22 UIG 23 WID 24 BIO
  8. WORST THING EVER!!! If LP would not play the ballad medley and instead... something like that: Castle of Glass Exp Leave out all the Rest Shadow of the Day Iridescent Pushing me away (piano) Breaking the habit more slowness than a snail
  9. LPLIve should do a list with all those shows where one member of the band wasnt there if I see that right, except Mike and Chester you can replace the other 4 every time
  10. it seems like that the US festivals have not so much light on their stages like ours in Europe such a dark stage^^
  11. KoRn did something interesting after their dupstep album came out. They cut the setlist into 3 or 4 parts. new dupstep songs, rare old school song, classic shit like Freak on a leash...... Maybe LP could do the same. 24 song setlist 12 hit singles (In the End, Numb, New Divide, What Ive Done, Bleed It Out...) 5 songs from the newest album 3 very rare songs 4 Band favorites!! or they let only LPU members with a ticket to the show voting to 4 songs of all their songs which are not that famous songs
  12. 82 minutes?? But Las Vegas was 75 minutes and now with 3,5 songs more only 7 minutes more o.O
  13. O.o they will start to play in almost 9 hours. so it's Sunday
  14. Maybe that setlist on Sunday: 01. Papercut 02. Given Up 03. From The Inside 04. One Step Closer 05. A Line In The Sand 06. Rebellion 07. Runaway 08. Wastelands 09. Castle Of Glass 10. Ballad Medley 11. Robot Boy 12. Joe Solo 13. Burn It Down 14. New Divide 15. Final Masquerade 16. Mike Solo 17. Numb/Encore 18. In The End 19. Faint Encore: 20. Waiting For The End 21. Until It's Gone 22. What I've Done 23. Bleed It Out That should be 77 minutes plus 15 minutes (FTI,Rebellion,FM,UIG)
  15. so i think we can say that there wont be a big open air concert for the summit. in only 3 months it's hard to believe that LP will sell 20000- 30000 tickets. so it only should be an arena show. but it's almost 3 months after the first show where announced
  16. the new intro of Papercut sounds for me very similar to the 2012 intro of APFMH^^
  17. if they will play one of this, than yeah we get it
  18. i think they will show more than Deftones, LP and Metallica... The stream will start in 2:30 h and yesterday they were shown the first band of the second stage at first
  19. and today the live stream also works in germany!! that's something NEW!!! i hope for it also tomorrow but it's so funny to see a band which is playing maybe in front of 50 people
  20. i dont understand why they are not showing every act from the main stage o.O Rise Against are now bigger than Deftones and Hollywood Undead are rising stars^^
  21. I think UK hasnt such much sold albums. they only got 3 shows on the main THP tour in fall... that's nothing if you see how many we will get and got here in Germany alone for THP. Maybe in Russia or Poland more CDs were sold than UK for THP and I cant understand why LP is playing in countries where Human Rights will outraged like China, Belarus, and also Russia has many problems with them -.-
  22. so... maybe again no Given Up like 2009?^^
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