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Everything posted by marzo23

  1. that's very funny to see the arena seating map and i was in the same arena in 2007, 2010 and 2011 and they never sold tickets in those areas behind the stage like this year^^ i would never pay 62 euros for a seat where i see nothing
  2. there was also the rumor in 2013 with LP and RnH... so time will tell us if it's right or wrong but the headliners of RnH will be annouced maybe in february 2015.
  3. first i read....TITS but that could not be real xD maybe that would be the best support act ever^^
  4. i would say that they have to....(must!!) add some other songs from THP because it's the THP TOUR and not the carnivores tour which was an almost best-of setlist tour
  5. the best of this episode... is the firework at the end xD
  6. maybe another Euro summer tour like 2008 with some festivals and solo shows/projekt revolution or something
  7. i think that show could another warm up show in LV for a tour through Europe in late May and June next year like they often do that. if there is another US/CAN arena tour they will do this before May
  8. European summer 2015 is also a really believable tour idea for all those countries in europe where they are not played and germany http://rockinrio.com/usa/line-up/ LP will play Rock In Rio USA in Las Vegas on 8th or 9th May 2015
  9. That's one of worst episodes of LPTV i've ever seen........ 3 months after the concerts a short 5 minutes film about an awesome tour without RIP ....
  10. I think they will return to Europe in Summer 2015. So many countries had no concerts in summer 14/fall 14 and also Germany will never get enough of LP
  11. and what would you say to german crowds to compare this? atomic exploding or what XD For me shows outside north america have so much more energy in the crowd! Everyone in the first rows in camden has a cell phone or what else in his hands... almost no jumping or moshing!!
  12. sadly there was no drum solo!! i think Chester forgot that Rob would play it because Rob looked like he wanted to start but Chester started to sing TC ..... No good, i like the new drum solo so much!! More energy in it
  13. no problem when i open the yahoo link the site says me how long til the show starts 12:45 hours til show... but i dont know if that works in Germany XD
  14. 03:20 Berlin time not UK.... between Berlin and New York are always 6 hours so 2:20 UK time!
  15. great text!! I hope for a third setlist or the second one please for me it's too late to watch. it's 3:20am... so i will watch it next day but maybe they will switch some Meteora songs ...SIB -> BTH for example
  16. does anyone have a video from the LFY or Mike solo?
  17. i hope for another setlist but i dont think that they will play another THP songs.... but if they dont play another songs from HT it would be ashame to "learn" them again only for one concert!!
  18. i MUST say that the drum solos are so much better than the last ones in 2011/12!! More power and much more energy in it
  19. Doors: 5:30 AFI: 6:30-7:10 30STM: 7:45-8:50 LP: 9:20-11:00 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204018138321322&set=a.4634486187706.2179090.1459478958&type=1&theater
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