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Everything posted by LPPRJKT4

  1. Paris- A Place for My Head, if you're gonna pay for any of them, that's the one to go with. Papercut and APFMH in one set is a WIN.
  2. It's just the shock of them actually listening to us for once, I mean they do but like how many times can you listen to one verse over POA or somethin like that? It's just one of those rare moments where it's perfect.
  3. I'm sorta glad it wasn't played in full, makes yesterday that much more special.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsYYWZ91tZY Let the magic commence!!!
  5. I don't think they'll play it today, but I'm sure they'll talk about playing it more, they obviously still remember how to play it really well and from what's been said, it was a VERY strong performance of the song. It might be added later on, but who knows? I could be very happily mistaken!! I'm dreaming now but I'd love to see Papercut, POA, and APFMH all in one set again XD, I think we would all piss ourselves in happiness XD
  7. Unless Ryan and Amir gave up the name willingly, that's a really dick move.
  8. This is not my remix or video, just something I found that I thought was share worthy! =)
  9. I made the problems in the first place.
  10. Considering that last night Muse played Citizen Erased for the first time on the US leg of the tour and the show was in Jersey AND I had the opportunity to go and didn't but my friend did, I've learned if you don't expect something from a band, it'll happen -.-
  11. Though I love HT, currently it's ATS, not just cause it's new, but because its their most mature album to date. It's basically Hybrid Theory as an adult.
  12. Actually the first LP song I heard was off of the album Meteora, I've mentioned it before numerous times but surprisingly the song was Nobody's Listening. After hearing Hybrid Theory however, I was hooked for life, thank you for changing and saving my life so many times LP and HT, thank you, have a fantastic 10th birthday!!
  13. I know it's really pointless, Disturbed does the same thing with their DSP's and they don't even have any minor changes in their sets for that tour they sold, it's exactly the same show pretty much.
  14. Damn if WIC had been a single this would have been a fantastic video!!
  15. No i agree w you, i have no desire to see them in the same set and i dont think they will be so they must be rotating them or itll be played on the next leg, i think wed all love them to play HT in full lol but that wont happen, the least they could do though is bring back a song theh havent played in a while? (Forgotten or with you? XD)
  16. Can't live without it so it's senseless.
  17. That's really nice lol, love how they play the piano part on the marimbas, I always love doing that in band. In my band class we're doing a similar thing for Coldplay, I'll try to get a video posted when the concert happens, I'm on keyboards XD though I'm sampling a tuba, I wish my teacher had given the Clocks piano intro on piano, but the flutes are doing it. We're doing a medley of Clocks, Lost, and Viva La Vida. XD
  18. REALLY???? Those are new!! What'd they dress up as? Also guys you forget this was the first show of the tour, if they're rotating sets then this was the first. Also they made a mistake, on the page they listed The Radiance after The Requirem lols. I'm glad they're sticking with the new version though.
  19. If this happens it'll be such a win.
  20. Wow, this site ALWAYS finds ways to impress me!! Great interview, this must've taken ages to uncover!!
  21. Damn it!!! WHY MUST I BE A SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL IN THE US??? WHY?????????
  22. Man I'd love one of those MPC's.
  23. I know it's a little late but what's your favorite performance of a song on the Minutes To Midnight tour? I'm compiling a DVD for the M2M tour so I'm curious to see what people like. This doesn't mean I'm uploading it, but I can try!
  24. I think someone should bring up this idea to Adam and he can maybe mention it to LP? Maybe they could pull a few strings to make security a bit more lax at the show in question? I'd be down for this if it was a show in New York or New Jersey!! See what would be a really cool idea is to make an audience recorded DVD of the ENTIRE ATS tour. Each song could be from a different concert, but all the sources used were intended solely for the DVD!
  25. We haven't heard Accident, Ebow, or 21 Stitches. The Burbank performances of the latter two don't count, they were final versions they probably just listed it like that.
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