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    Madera, California

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  1. Honestly, the released version blows the tik tok version outta the water. lol there’s a lot more subtle dynamics going on that add to the overall song. They could’ve gotten weirder and longer but short and sweet for this album it seems. 8/10 for me
  2. I’d argue tem is excellent and super catchy. Hitc is driving and classic lp sound and a nod to the old style of lp. Just a solid song
  3. I mean solid song but I think it’s lacking in a bit of dynamics from the leak quality I heard. I’ll reserve final judgment after tomorrow. Would’ve been cool to have an acoustic guitar cut in maybe mixed in with a synthesizer in the background as a curve ball. Just seems like a basic lp ballad compared to their bigger ones. But they’re are so talented that a basic ballad for them is still catchy as hell. lol I def feel post traumatic production plus oml for me. first reaction plus bad quality mix I give it 6.5/10 tem : 9.6 hitc 9.0 (a little repetitive on the chorus but hella catchy and driving)
  4. You’re tripping. New divide is catchy af
  5. It’s because people are emotionally driven - it’s an easy response to something critical.I really dislike this nft driven mike the more I read about this whole saga. It all feels so corporate slim ball like. The music just seems an afterthought.
  6. Mike has always been heavily invested into tech and pushing the envelope in that field. It’s part of the reason why he and the band has been so successful. NFT are w/e to me. I see people even in real estate talking about using nft for deeds/ownership/land/etc. it’s about the $$$ at this point.
  7. i'll preface by saying I don't think there can every be a sole person that holds all time. I will even say Mike is UNDERRATED as a musician. IF we go by tiers, he belongs in the elite one.
  8. I wouldn't say all time, but he's def. left a mark on music lovers for two decades. I would like to see Mike make beats for rappers, he has some unique takes on it.
  9. I think he was and was a bit hypocritical with what he said considering he's in a mainstream band
  10. It is ultimately a selfish act but that's coming from a sane mind of rationale. If you never had the depth of darkness that could control your line of thinking that it's better to end your life that's your way to escape your mental hell then you wouldn't understand. He's had that mental instability and badness for prob 20 plus years and his prior heavy drug use made him more susceptible to committing the act. Losing his vest friend only accelerated it. Depression is both an invisible and visible diesease.. I hope you never feel that low because I have and it's no fucking joke on how strong that is.. no joke. Rip and love and healing to his family
  11. I think what hurt this album from being a tad higher on the satisfactory scale is how it was mixed and overly polished.
  12. sure goes something like good for top 40, noting original, highly forgettable. Kinda catchy, probably will hear the same thing in 6 months from a different group. LP should be better than that
  13. There's plenty of logic here, I would accept this album more if it was a basic group with no evidence of more creative poppy writing. When I hear a mainstream band like LP that is wildly successful for putting their ORIGINAL take on what people are doing in their respective genre or i.e "sound" come out with this release i'm highly disappointed. I wouldn't be so hard on this release if it was the chainsmokers or 21 pilots.
  14. halfway right sounds like battle part two
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