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Everything posted by SergSlim

  1. Well, finally! I hope the event will be great. I was once at an event where there was a screen and projector playing P.O.D. music videos, live shows, etc... it was quite badass. Nice atmosphere, and everything. I wish I could go to such an event with LP cover bands. Too bad, nobody will organize anything like that in my city.
  2. No
  3. I must say that even LPU HQ were curious how did I get it, lol. I don't know who exactly... but someone (maybe Adam) said that it was one of the variants for LPU8 Plaque, but they voted against it. Probably sent it by mistake, or something... Could be that I was one of the first to join LPU8, I did it when the site wasn't fully redesigned yet. Anyway, LPU HQ even offered me an exchange for normal Plaque, which of course I refused to do, lol They didn't want it to end up on eBay, which probably won't happen in any foreseeable future.
  4. Sure. A full CD rip would be awesome. with CUE sheet. and EAC log. So there would be 5 files total. 3 FLAC files, Cue file and log file
  5. Simple: Platinum written on the Plaque. BPERCY's normal Plaque
  6. I was just doing BPERCY a favor by putting it there.
  7. Has anyone seen LPU 8.0 "Certified LP Underground Platinum Member" Plaque anywhere? I mean the one with "Platinum" written on it. I wonder how many of those exists at all. Anyway I'm sure it's pretty rare item in collector's edition
  8. Was that really a question? Who knows why didn't you see it, I saw it clearly when I switched to the first page of the thread with the list. Try doing a search on the first page of the thread.
  9. You can't edit topic names. Only staff can do it.
  10. My Collection: Hybrid Theory [0 9362-47755-22] (Jewel) Reanimation [0 9362-48326-21] (Digipack) Frat Party At The Pankake Festival DVD [0 7599-38554-25] Meteora CD/DVD [blue Case: 0 9362-48442-28] [CD: 0 9362-48186-25] Live In Texas CD/DVD [0 9362-48563-20] Minutes To Midnight Signed [0 9362-44477-26] Minutes To Midnight Tour Edition [0 9362-49893-49] Minutes To Midnight Special Edition CD/DVD Grey [0 9362-49996-38] Minutes To Midnight Super Fan Edition CD/DVD Art Book Package [0 9362-49996-07] Road To Revolution Live At Milton Keynes [0 9362-49809-57] Road To Revolution Live At Milton Keynes Signed [0 9362-4?809-57] Hybrid Theory EP LPU1 [????] LPU 2.0 [????] LPU 3.0 [????] LPU 4.0 [????] LPU 5.0 [????] LPU 6.0 [????] LPU 7.0 [????] mmm...cookies Sweet Hamster Like Jewels From America! [????] Songs From The Underground [0 9362-49810-39] Given Up Single (2 tracks) [0 54391 99435 6] PTS.OF.ATHRTY Single (3 tracks) [0 93624 24712 8] We Made It Single (2 tracks) [0 54391 99317 5] Somewhere I Belong Single (2 tracks) [0 54391 66642 0] Leave Out All The Rest Single (2 tracks + Stickers) [0 54391 99139 3] Leave Out All The Rest Single (2 Tracks) [0 54391 99138 6] Leave Out All The Rest Single (2 Tracks) [0 54391 99253 6] Numb/Encore Single (2 Tracks) [0 54391 61232 8] Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen - The Album Signed [0 93?? 49766-77] X-ecutioners - Built From Scratch [back Cover: 6 9699-86410-2 0] [sticker on Jewel Case: 8 8697243052 2] DJ Green Lantern Presents - Fort Minor: We Major [????] Fort Minor Militia DVD [????] Snax - Snax SEALED [0 26297 12232] Tasty Snax - Run Joseph Run! SEALED [0 26297 12022 1] Julien-K - Death To Analog Limited Edition 2CD [7 82388 05892 6] Julien-K - Death To Analog Limited Edition Double Vinyl [7 82388 05881 0] Merch: Mike Shinoda "Glorious Excess (Born)" Art Book Mike Shinoda ''Diamonds, Spades, Hearts & Clubs'' Art Book Signed Music For Relief ''Revolution Unseen'' Art Book MSDC "Xander" Book Music For Relief "Persona" Men's Sublimated T-Shirt LPU 3.0 T-Shirt LPU 4.0 T-Shirt LPU 6.0 T-Shirt [x2] LPU 7.0 T-Shirt [x2] LPU 8.0 T-Shirt Linkin Park "Logo A" Men's Hoodie Linkin Park "Midnight Photo" Men's T-Shirt Mike Shinoda MSDC "Xander" Limited Edition DC Shoes Mike Shinoda MSDC "Pride" DC Shoes [2nd version] 13.06.2007 Poland, Chorzow Promo Poster Linkin Park MTM Promo Poster Signed Linkin Park MTM Poster Doublesided Signed Road To Revolution Poster [28х36.5 cm] Dead By Sunrise Poster Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen Poster LPU 2.0 Flyer LPU 4.0 Flyer LPU 4.0 Wristband Blue LPU 4.0 Guitar Pick LPU 5.0 Stickers LPU 5.0 Membership Card LPU 5.0 Guitar Pick LPU 5.0 Newsletter LPU 5.0 Keychain LPU 6.0 Limited Tour Edition Box LPU 6.0 Stickers [x2] LPU 6.0 Membership Card [x2] LPU 6.0 Flyer [x4] LPU 6.0 Newsletter LPU 6.0 DC Online Discount Code Card LPU 6.0 13.07.2007 Meet & Greet Pass LPU 6.0 Wristband LPU 7.0 Limited Tour Edition Box LPU 7.0 Stickers [x2] LPU 7.0 Membership Card [x2] LPU 7.0 Flyer [x2] LPU 7.0 Newsletter LPU 7.0 Shoelaces [x2] LPU 8.0 Sticker LPU 8.0 Membership Card LPU 8.0 Guitar Pick LPU 8.0 "Certified LP Underground Platinum Member" Plaque [Pretty Rare] LPU 8.0 Headphone budclicks 13.07.2007 Chorzow Ticket MSDC "Pride" Booklet LPU Postcards FMM Membership Card Fort Minor Militia Stickers Fort Minor ''Packin'' Sticker/Button Pack [Only 1 Button left] Julien-K DTA Plastic card with code for downloadable tracks RTR CD/DVDs are different, even though they have the same code.
  11. http://lplive.net/shows/20040905.php
  12. The fact that there's no Chester doesn't mean anything, because there's no Mark either.... (Yeah, I know that we already established that this is post-Orlando show pic, but anyways)
  13. Interesting how many of the stuff that people say is fake, is really true? Like first it was Plaster, that everyone said - does not exist anywhere, now it's this... etc, etc...
  14. DUDE, http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=362 !!!
  15. What the hell? Why?
  16. Definitely!
  17. What do you think of removing Unofficial instrumentals from the first post? I think that there are lots of those unofficial stuff, so no need to list it there at all.
  18. Actually he did - in topic title: ""Out Of Ashes" Japan Version CD scans"
  19. To tell the truth - I have no clue why am I always responding in such a manner
  20. Do you mean that everything we've all heard in that YouTube video is our imagination?
  21. Now lots of ppl know how does Ukrainian language sound.
  22. http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopi...ost&p=19037
  23. First of all - it's video that's on DVD. And second - ripping videos from DVD is a piece of cake, and then ripping audio from that video is as easy. And even if it was audio only - it's also not that hard to rip it, as I did with all the instrumental snippets on that DVD.
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