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Everything posted by annare

  1. My fault. I'm just angry because I could be there and I'm not, if not I'd be killing for Green Day right now, so I'll just say Green Day is fucking awesome
  2. How can you say they are not good if you only have heard two songs? You can't talk about what you don't know
  3. They should have announced that they were going to play a full set... We all thought they'd be playing just a few songs, it's not fair
  4. They played WFTE first because that's the song they are going to record for the MTV Emas
  5. The same reason I haven't. It's a 12 hour bus travel and we didn't know until yesterday if they were going to play just a few songs or a full set... I hate this world
  6. Now that you mention it, No Roads Left over BIO would be EPIC
  7. I hope we get the tracklist soon...
  8. If Eminem also performed I'd explode in a rainbow of happiness and colors
  9. That's awesome! I don't wanna watch it because I don't watch promos because of all the spoilers, but once I've seen the episode I wanna see it
  10. Mike talks about this: http://mikeshinoda.com/2010/11/03/linkin-p...to-play-a-show/
  11. I was reading the List of All Songs Played section and I noticed a mistake: Wish (Nine Inch Nails cover) First known performance: 6/3/2004 Last known performance: 9/11/2004 *Note: Played once, very briefly, by Mike and Chester, more as a joke than anything. No recordings exist, unfortunately
  12. Great read, thanks. I think what I really really would love to see is HTEP songs like High Voltage or And One...
  13. Chester was the one who didn't want to play it in Venice? Come on, Chester!
  14. Would you travel on a bus 6 hours to see them play a few songs?
  15. I really love them all, but I voted for Faint
  16. As part of the MTV Emas, LP is playing there and one song will be broadcasted. I imagine it's not a full show, but a few songs just like in the MTV VMA. Whatever, I'm going!
  17. Awesome! Thanks LP for listening to us!
  18. So the show is over right? It's good they've changed songs, and even tough I think they they could've dropped and added other songs, I'm happy and I won't complain
  19. they could also replace What I've Done with Somewhere I Belong, the only problem is that it doesn't look good in the encore
  20. They could replace The Messenger with a 'new old' song
  21. I think the big changes, if there are any, will be in the final songs
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