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Everything posted by lgr

  1. http://lplive.net/shows/db/2008/20080819 Cuyahoga Falls PR08 Source 1: Video - AUD (Sony DSC-P73) Location: Section 36, Row H (~10 feet to the left/behind soundboard) Taper: Astat Time: 21:17 mins Format: MPG / 443 MB Comments: Incomplete. Only "What I've Done," "Faint," "No More Sorrow," "Wake 2.0," "Given Up," and most of "Lying From You." (source: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=295) --- http://lplive.net/shows/db/2007/20070606 Moscow 2007 Source 5: Video - AUD (Source 2, Source 3 + more?) (multicam mix) Taper: Nevermind, FLAME-XIII, + more? Time: 91:55 mins Format: DVD / 4.21 GB Comments: authored by Blankside Productions. seeded on RU Tracker in April 2008 (source: http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1042952)
  2. exactly. this is about target audiences. "we" aren't the target audience, it may not be to everyone's taste on this site but that's absolutely fine. this sort of bitch fight doesn't need to happen every time people disagree on a track.
  3. it's all the little bits from here and there that add up. I forgot this topic was in the LP section, so I could probably give a full list of that, my full iTunes is what would break the character limit!
  4. I too would probably exceed the character limit.
  5. continued here - http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=10412 *locked*
  6. not saying I'd have liked any of these to be changed around or replaced, but here's mine - Wastelands, BITS -> MTM Wastelands fits into NMS' lyrical theme quite well. I've never felt BITS fit into ATS, and especially as the first non-interlude/intro track - it borrows far too heavily from that subdued MTM vibe. COG -> ATS the electronic humming throughout and tick-tock drums remind me of The Catalyst Robot Boy, W&K, UIG -> LT. W&K could have replaced UIB or Skin To Bone - they each have that minimalist thing going. and wasn't UIG pretty much an LT-era song anyway? and then there's the usual GU, NMS, Victimised -> THP because 'visceral'
  7. amusing choice of background music - "it's a fragile game we play" // "every step that I take is another mistake" all the lyric references.. band and management probably don't have/know that info yet, there'd be no sense in getting people's hopes up. also, (on the basis of what Mark's said) this B city tour didn't sell too well 1st time around, and now with all tickets refunded, no shows, no merch, no bar sales, all the promo money spent and therefore not returnable - alot of companies will have lost out, big-time. "rescheduled" dates in these places may take another couple of years now.
  8. the << previous show / next show >> links aren't available on upcoming shows' pages. is this deliberate?
  9. why is that? poor sales?
  10. I'm sure a transcript is fine, I imagine a lot of fansites can and will host those
  11. rather than publicly asking for stuff and/or publicly notifying each other of PMs, why don't you use the PM system as it's meant to be used - "Private Messaging"? do whatever you want on youtube or whatever since their rules are their rules, but it should be obvious from Soul's post that this is something we have to be careful with - I'm not going to give everyone 9 points over a track-by-track review, but for deliberately ignoring a staff member, everyone I've quoted above has earned themselves warn points. consider this a full and final reminder.
  12. http://lplive.net/shows/db/2015/20150118 "Unfortunately, the day after this show, the two following shows in Pittsburgh and Albany were canceled." info needs updating - "Unfortunately, on the 19th, the two following shows in Pittsburgh and Albany were canceled, and then on the 20th, all subsequent tour dates were cancelled due to Chester requiring surgery."
  13. http://lplive.net/shows/db/2015/20150118 OSC: http://youtu.be/Hiobrd5lA6Q N/E: http://youtu.be/bVcOAiGqEuo BID: http://youtu.be/7QD0nfuOSe8 WID: http://youtu.be/9ZzoCmT11zs Source _: Video - AUD (Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS40) Location: Right angle, Section 103, Row 3, Seat 11 Taper: Todd Reese Time: ? Format: ? / ? Comments: 'One Step Closer', 'Numb', 'Burn It Down', and 'What I've Done' uploaded to YouTube, Jan 19th. Steady, good zooms.
  14. true, Brad at least had time to get through the worst of it, but he's less of a focal point - it's easy for Brad to be static. there's more pressure on Chester to be leaping around and "performing" A gig on the first day of an ankle break must have been pure hell.
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