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Posts posted by Justin

  1. And now the vocal effect name bothers people. :lol:

    I think what bothers people is the fact that people hear that and think "omg its autotune". It actually is a vocoder lol. Personally I don't care. It sounds good, I was only surprised because I was not expecting it to be that loud in the mix.

  2. Are you out of your mind?


    Reanimation wasnt just a remix album, it had a lot of different shit going on, they put a lot of effort in it


    it wasnt just electrnic music, it's a piece of art.

    Agreed.. Krwlng still moves me.

    I think this will be ok. It's not HORRIBLE. It's not amazing either though.

  3. I don't think that they're sellouts, I just think they have this weird thing where they feel they must PROVE that they can do anything. It's like "You think HT and Meteora were good? Check out this alternative rock album. Think that was good? Check out this electronic-driven "experience". Think that was good? Check this out: it's like everything in one. Think we're out of genres? Check out this EDM collab." It's like WE GET IT YOU'RE A VERSATILE BAND. I like all the albums but I don't understand where that attitude comes from. I remember reading a thread here asking if they will be forgotten if they were to call it a day. I think at this rate, yes. They're becoming a "jack of all trades master of none" type band.

    Not everyone is like us. Some people probably love their older stuff, and turn their noses up at Iridescent and WID. The reverse is probably also true. They have not made a mark in music and stuck it out. They could have, if they stayed on the path they were on with Meteora. But they thought "fuck that we're not being labeled!". In doing that, they pushed away a lot of people and gained some others who didn't like them before. It's like they're ditching and gaining fans with each album (besides the hardcore fans who stick with them). I'm not saying they shouldnt have grown. i just think it feels a little forced sometimes. I think MTM sounds like more of a natural progression of their sound then ATS. I also remember them saying they had ideas they delibirately junked because it was too "Linkin Park-ish" while simaltaneously saying they "write whatever they want". I NEVER understood that. I'm a fan and I always will be, I just don't like the idea that they are forcing these style changes. I'm really sorry to rant guys... I just wanted to vent a little bit.

  4. Geki, I know what you mean. It's like the changes are SO huge from record to record its like they WANT to alienate fans. I haven't heard about them acting like dicks at meet and greets though... I've been an LP fan since I was 9, and one thing (besides their music) I've always admired about them is their personalities. It would really suck to see that it's changing..

  5. I asked the question a while ago about how much of the set is a band decision, when Joe wanted to play W&K but said he doesn't control those things. Then there was the LPTV episode where Mike asked if it was ok to drop the Medley for OSC.

    I wonder if they got in any hot water over dropping ITE last minute a while back?

    Also has Brad ever actually said he doesn't like the older material anymore? (Or doesn't want to play it as much)

  6. I don't think So Far Away contradicts you, since it's irregularity (as far as we know). I'm always thinking maybe this song recorded between when Mark left the band to when Chester joined. They didn't have someone to sing the chorus so Mike did it by himself. But it's just an idea.

    More than likely that's what it is, that would make sense

  7. The Stephen Richards' part is a lot easier than NRL. Don't forget Mike didn't sing on a daily basic, he's not a typical singer, I'm not even sure if he takes voice lessons consistently.

    Good point. He probably doesn't. I think vocally he probably just wanted to rap and do background vox originally (pre-MTM). I know So Far Away contradicts me, but still. His voice does have potential though if NRL can tell us anything. Oh well

  8. This is a great idea.


    There are some songs that have to be in specific place in the set, because if not they're exhausting.

    I wonder if they had the same idea when they decided it would close the album MTM, because of the length compared to the other song.


    I always thought that song could have been a couple minutes shorter. I like the song, and it will always have strong sentimental value to me because of the inspiration behind it, but I haven't listened to the whole song through...probably in a couple years now. Including when I watch RTR. lol

  9. Standing In The Middle.

    Forgot about that one. Thanks :)


    Side note about NRL: It always amazed me how he could sing amazingly on that song, and yet his SINGING voice live is not that great. He's not a "bad" singer live (obviously...and I don't mean anything bad by this, M.S. is my favorite artist of all time), but when he sung even NRL live (over the BIO bridge) I was slightly disappointed. Then again, we were just discussing PMA from Texas, and there he sounded nice singing Stephen Richards' part. I don't know, maybe I'm just crazy.

  10. This is kind of two questions in one, both about No Roads Left. Does Chester have ANY vocals in the final version of this song? I know Mike said Chester told him "Don't even use my vocal" but it made me curious. Secondly, if it is all Mike, is this the only non-instrumental/non-interlude song in their studio discography that Chester isn't featured on in any way?

  11. What exactly are you looking for if not this? It's in the Manchester DSP too.

    I was hoping I could find it somewhere HQ without downloading the whole DSP. My computer is kinda...broke. lol I will work it out though. I've been wanting to hear that.

  12. Mardi Gras mix was what it was being listed on the setlist as at one point.

    Oh... lol that's random. Makes me wonder if the Mardi Gras mix was ever meant to be more than just a drum solo and sing-along.


    One more: anyone know where I can find a good recording of Mike singing Umbrella in Manchester? I know he sung it in London on January 28, 2008, and there's a DSP recording of that. BUT, I know he sung it again in Manchester the next month, and he actually remembered the lyrics and sung it better. Can't find anything on that besides a cell phone recording from the audience..

  13. What is the "Mardi Gras mix" in the BIO bridge live? I could not find a video of it. Being from New Orleans it makes me curious. :P


    EDIT: Just found a video with a full 2008 show listed as having the Mardi Gras mix but it was basically the same as the Road to Revolution version except RME was also over the bridge. Basically my question is, where does the Mardi Gras name come from? Lol

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