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Everything posted by LPjahova808

  1. Any cryptic hint on what it may be Adam?
  2. Damn Adam, you've got me hyped up. 2010= best LP year
  3. You are really setting yourself up for disappointment then, just saying. Its more electronica than techno anyway.
  4. Fucking Christ I want the new album out now, that was fucking great. Who said there wasn't gonna be intense screaming on this album? I really do like his "rapping" vocals though.
  5. Jesus that's intense. His Verse's actually don't sound bad.. PUSH IT BACK DOWN
  6. Coconuts fill me with joy.
  7. I'm legitimately a 6 headed dragon that rapes Coconuts until proven otherwise
  8. Not saying its fake, but source?
  9. Jesus Christ Sprainpaint, do you ever say anything fucking positive? I know people are entitled to their own opinions, but you only spew critical judgement on an album you haven't even fucking listened to. Hell, Ana said in the LPA chat that the effects on the vocals are even less than it was on The Catalyst, so calm the fuck down. Back on the topic, I've just gotten really excited about the album. Really interested to hear the Messenger and what I presume is Burning in the skies (Mike saying motherfucker) and Robotboy ("You say you're not gonna fight because no one's gonna fight for you")
  10. People were worrying too if this would react with the billboards well. +9001 for Linkin Park
  11. With you- a chris brown cover... LOL jk, but in all seriousness, I do want them to play with you over Figure.09. In all honesty I never was a fan of Figure.09 >.> (sorry legend)
  12. I will not be attending any euro shows, but it would be nice if I made one song request Easier To Run
  13. I swear I hate the only exception. My ex showed me that song when she was whining about her now recent ex breaking up with her
  14. Its being played on ROCK radio stations though, so it makes sense.
  15. Given up. Seriously, just because this song has screaming does not mean its good.
  16. Fair enough point. Its just that on rare occasions singles aren't played live ever for some bands, but I can't think of any first singles that have never been played live before. Can't wait to see how they do this.
  17. Am I the only one who thinks this might be a song they might actually not play live?
  18. Very Diverse voting here guys.. Voting for Given Up again
  19. Where did it say it had rapping on it? I don't remember reading that.
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