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Everything posted by jFar

  1. Tape is 100% a reproduction of this: https://lpcatalog.com/item/2000_hybrid-theory/promo/pro-c-100285 Meaning only One Step Closer and With You are on it
  2. As far as the LPU tracks go, this will be the first time we get 3 of those physically, since they were only released digitally for the monthly releases that year, which is nice and also a bit sad for the remaining three. There are a few nitpicks I have with this, like the missing vinyl on the expensive set, but they are vastly outweighed by what is being offered. There's also some stuff I feel would have been cool to include, but for all I know, some weren't possible. Some of this was mentioned, and this is by no means complaining, but... A cassette reissue of the main album. Eminem has some cool ones for his first few albums where the cassette color matches the album and the cover art is lenticular. They already are producing cassettes for the sampler, so it wouldn't have been too out there. LPU 16 even had a lenticular cover, too A Xero reproduction tape could have been cool too since Mark's stuff is being included, but I kinda wonder if they knew the value of some of the OG stuff and didn't want to devalue it (for example, the EP isn't on CD, only vinyl) Blu-ray instead of DVDs would have been nice, I've always wanted Frat Party at the very least in better quality, but if the source material isn't good enough for that, it's understandable. DVD is just kinda out the door at this point, and it's not just this release that I have this gripe with, plenty of releases for other stuff I'm interested in is exclusively DVD, even for modern material Unreleased Reanimation remixes or demos would have been nice since they are including Reanimation in all this. I wouldn't have expected Reanimation in this to begin with, so this is super minor Other iterations of songs we have have unofficially would have been great to finish the collection, which was already mentioned for Part of Me, but there's other like Crawling with Mike's rap (that Forgotten Demos version may cover this though). I also really wish High Voltage would be uncensored, which is also super minor, but we are getting the rock mix of One Step Closer, it's not that out there in my opinion Hybrid Theory instrumentals would have been fantastic There's always the 25th anniversary! Also, Points of Authority is 1/8 of this 80 song collection. This is the new Breaking the Habit
  3. Maybe this is just me being musically ignorant (composing wise, at least), but those strings don't sound very special in the sense that they couldn't have been replicated or that they carry a copyrighted melody, if they were the issue, why couldn't live strings have been used instead of a sample? I also recall similar sounding strings on that reassembled She Couldn't instrumental "Emo", but that stuff has been since wiped clean from the internet so I can't exactly easily compare, but the "final" doesn't have strings like that as far as I remember
  4. Unless he wrote the bass lines for the song, I doubt it, because it very likely got redone if there's a version with Chester on vocals
  5. Would that have been the only Xero track he was on? Strange that that would have been that particular track he would have uploaded. Sorry if that is mentioned in the podcast, I haven't had the chance to check it. Edit: What is the sample on it? Sorry again if this is an existing theory, but the instrumental has some noticeable similarities to She Couldn't, what if this was a case of Stick N Move/Runaway and Blue/Crawling where two separate songs exist, but the latter stemmed from the former, and She Couldn't stemmed from Pictureboard, and the sample issue was always She Couldn't?
  6. Slow but promising progress. I think this may be as accurate as I can possibly get it. Ignore Dave
  7. I’ve got it, not nearly as good as the original or the new non-acoustic version
  8. What does a band who has no opportunity of touring benefit from postponing an album release, especially when physical sales are not anything like they used to be?
  9. When they say partial refund, it's likely for those who got it in a bundle to make up for the bundle missing something, not that they got paid and they are only giving some of it back
  10. I was 5 at the time of the album releasing so I obviously wasn't a fan at the time, but I've accumulated some stuff that I really treasure from the era. I've decided to submit a photo of my signed copy of Hybrid Theory (signed in 2014), first poster, replica symbols shirt the LPU released some years back, and a sampler tape and VHS version of Frat Party just because I don't seem them that often and think they're neat
  11. Lithograph appears to be fully canceled now, that link earlier in the thread to the other website selling it is down and I've received an email saying anyone who bought it or a bundle with it will be getting a refund or partial refund
  12. So if the lithograph with the LPU photo was taken down for that reason and not selling out, then what happens to those (myself included) who bought it prior to that? Are they making a new one? Canceling it? Sending it to those who already managed to buy it? I would also have preferred they had made an old school picture of them all the photo used, so if they change it to that for those who bought it already, that'd be some consolation
  13. Are there actually seven different vinyls? I wouldn't be surprised if there were, but it looks like the store thumbnails for the first two picture discs changed to the flip sides records now. So I see those two, the Spotify one, the splatter looking one, the red one, and the blue one. Regardless, it seems like overkill. Sickness is pretty great, I like it more than the original, which was the opposite with What's in the Eye. Also, question about one of the bundles. I got the lithograph one that was listed as that, the splatter looking vinyl, and the CD. The email confirmation does not mention the CD, the receipt link only mentions the free sticker now, the bundle is gone, and the link is dead. Kinda worried about that Edit: I think the CD is just included with that vinyl in general, but still odd that what I assume are the "sold out" listings are completely taken down instead of saying sold out. Also strange that if there's a deluxe CD with bonus songs that isn't sold on the official store
  14. What relevancy does that have here? Just because OML hate was brought up doesn't mean it's rant time. Why can't this just stay in the shoutbox?
  15. Reanimation is definitely a remix album in the commonly assumed sense, Mike meant that it isn't just a typical remix album. That note never said it wasn't a remix album. This song isn't the same as Reanimation, but it's still a remix, they literally mixed the song again. Edit: I don't see the CD on their store, really hope I didn't miss it
  16. jFar

    Xero News

    I will take the blame for that if it did end up affecting anything substantially, but to be completely honest, I highly doubt it did. Sure, now there's definitive proof of Adam saying he doesn't want it out there, but I'm pretty sure those older demos didn't slip his mind before it was brought up. At the very least, something would have been leaked again and someone would have put a stop to it after the fact (like with the DBS demos) instead of the hesitation to not release it at all, and we'd be in the exact same situation with whatever may have leaked next. There would be absolutely no way this wouldn't have eventually made it to Adam with how much the Linkin Park community likes demos and how interesting this demo is in general. I'm also going to justify asking about the already released stuff because I help moderate the official forum and I personally wanted to know what is and isn't allowed to be shared on there, and from personal experience, Lorenzo and Ana are not the quickest to respond. Who knows though, you might have been talking about someone else who asked him the same question and I'm defending myself for no reason
  17. jFar

    Xero News

    Not that I'm pushing for the release or saying there isn't good reason, I completely understand the circumstances and that the band/Warner Bros. has the legal authority, but Chester isn't even involved with this track, why is that being thrown around like fact so much for a Xero track? Didn't the Rapology stuff happen after his passing?
  18. jFar

    Xero News

    This is awesome stuff, hope it gets released at some point, but I completely understand not doing it at the moment. Regardless, it's great to have this chunk of Linkin Park history preserved. I'm so happy that the Linkin Park community is this involved in the preservation of the band. Trying to find info on other artists is often a pain, I often expect to be able to find answers to questions I have as simply as I do with Linkin Park
  19. Were these on the official channel at one point? I have 2003 episodes in a folder that I thought was mostly downloads right from the channel, but I download these all in 2015 so I might have been dumb and mixed in some unofficial uploads Edit: Linkinpedia lists Seed videos as LPUTV, but they are on the official channel as LPTV. Are there extended LPU versions? Edit 2: Going through some videos I've found recently, going to post them if I can't find them online anywhere
  20. I probably overreacted a bit considering what I was attempting to call out, I'm sorry about that, it just feels crappy to assume Chester thought the album/band sucked based on very minimal interactions, especially when he can't really defend himself on it anymore. Maybe I'm in denial or biased because it was basically the first LP-related release I was around for (got really into the band right after Minutes to Midnight came out), but I really enjoy most Out of Ashes. I see the term "butt-rock" thrown around a lot as an insult in other places outside of the Linkin Park community, and I don't really get how a term like that isn't meant to be insulting, but obviously you didn't come up with the term and it's understandable that it's kinda tied to certain bands now regardless of what it means. I honestly like a good chunk of Nickelback and Three Days Grace
  21. I've noticed that almost anytime you personally don't like something, it seems that it's automatically bad. I can understand statements like the acoustic not being proper acoustic or that it didn't get a ton of promotion, but that entire post seems super opinionated ("butt-rock", "cheesy") and is full of assumptions ("He knew it sucked since late 2005, trust me", "He said nah I think they’re just my own thing. He knew DBS was shit.") that ultimately don't really even affect how the music itself sounds. You brought up stuff about Styles of Beyond and Mike regarding Fort Minor and then mentioned Post Traumatic, but disregard that Mike released his Post Traumatic stuff under his own name, similar to how you say Chester wanted to do with his songs from 2017. Does that mean The Rising Tied or Welcome were shit? I saw you mention in the shoutbox that Dead by Sunrise pages on Linkinpedia need more info and that you know it all well enough to write it yourself, but I honestly don't think you'd be able to write up an article without keeping it completely unbiased and introduce subtle jabs to the stuff you don't like. Maybe I'm going a bit overboard on this response, but the way that was all written feels really insulting to those involved and anyone who actually likes Dead by Sunrise, and I've seen things you've posted in the past to know that it probably wasn't written that way on accident
  22. After a lot of trial and error, several Google searches, scanning Mike's blog on the Internet Archive, layering rotated and skewed images over one another, and pixel changes one by one, I believe I've completely recreated all of the original art shown in the video as close as possible. The most questionable parts are Rob's hair (what should be brown or black), Joe's shorts (same issue), and Dave's hat and shirt (the video is really unfocused on him). Dave also doesn't have the same color shirt in the promo art and game art. Next I want to tackle the Hybrid Theory art, which will probably be both easier and harder. I'll have these as a base considering one set is based on the other, but I also have less references for accuracy, and Dave looks incomplete
  23. Mega bump, but I've never really seen this pointed out before. I was trying to make Discord emoji of the 8-bit heads not too long ago, was using the sprites from the game as a base. I always knew the sprites in game were weirdly resized and kinda stretched, but it wasn't until I was trying to touch them up and cross checking some stuff I had posted in here years ago that I notice how botched the band's art is in promo art (less so) and the game (terribly) compared to Mike's original art in the videos This is an attempt at a 1:1 remake of Rob from the blurry shot in one of the videos, followed by promo art, and finally how it looks in game:
  24. I'll get a closer shot and a comparison picture to my other copy later tonight. While the art looks the same in the photo, it's a different material and shaped slightly different as well Edit: Suspected bootleg is on the right
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