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Everything posted by Stranger

  1. great Q&A session with Mike! thanks for compiling this!
  2. it's because of Mike, you said it's SUPER FUN. what do you think, if people keep making fun bout Chester and making memes of what he said in the past? i know you're bias towards Chester but that doesnt mean you can disrespect Mike just because he's not your fav. they're both Linkin Park, in case you forgot bout it.
  3. the problem here is your jokes is not really a joke. it's you being sarcastic and try to cover/labelled it as "jokes". it's getting bored and tired seeing your "jokes". not everything meant to be joke for.
  4. "trying to be the cool old dude" he's always cool since the beginning. not even trying. 🤔 Mike is the only person in the band who's always supporting clothing line like The Hundreds and more. wondering what kind of video you're expecting for this kind of track? plus, it's pandemic season. give him a break.
  5. love the effects and editing for this music video. mike did add his own artworks in this. plus, it's great that Mike decide to do the fundraiser for this video. 💯🎉👏🏻
  6. probably songs that he will produce for UPSAHL. cant wait for it. Mike's production always be my favourites.
  7. haaa, surprisingly, i love the first half of THP. From KTTK up to Rebellion. ALITS is fking beast IMO. Rock is dying. they did the album the justice. but wrong time. 2014 is not rock season for mainstream music. Mike's rapping in THP is fkin dope. still remember listening to KTTK & AFN at the listening party for the first time ever, my jaw's drop. 😂
  8. HT Deep Cuts will be fkin amazing during Carnivore Tour. but it seems like they really rushing during those times. maybe due to 2 years gap for each album (ATS, LT, THP). but tbh, THP always have the special place in my heart til now. I can blast the entire album just like i did for HT & Meteora. maybe because i love the heavier side of LP.
  9. nahhh. he's been in music industry more than 20 years. it's time for him to take a break from making serious business and enjoying what he's doing now. he's not completely lost. if LP still around, sure he wont have time to spend like this. just give him a break. he's not really owe anyone. if you like his stuff, that's good. if not, well, there's always other artists out there who's making music that suits your cup of tea.
  10. Mike always experiments with technology and stuff. i'm totally agree with him but some "hardcore" & "loyal" fans make this thing such a big deal, seems like totally illegal for Mike. it's all about who's willing or not to pay for it. he never said it's a MUST for fans to do so.
  11. he just trying out the technologies. Mike always one step ahead. soon, we might see other artists use this as the platform. i dont think he's gonna use this for a long term. he tried it out mostly because his friend, Bobby Hundreds shared an article few days ago and he might wanna try and see how this is going.
  12. Love this track much. Sounds like Mick Gordon-ish!
  13. this gonna be like how "MMM.. Cookies" getting backlash when it released but right now, people love the EP much. if Mike has to explain bout the remix, surely he's aware bout the feedback of the remix. "One man trash is another man's treasure."
  14. +1 the way Mike shared this earlier, could mean something. after few listens, the remix is great as it is. just enjoy it. no harm.
  15. exactly. for casual fans, they will considered the "Forgotten Demos" as ultimate demo disc.
  16. after few listens, this track is a banger. now on repeat. wish they put this on spotify ASAP.
  17. love how you shot the video. looks really great. hoping to hear the instrumentals in full one day!
  18. i'm sure this is misunderstanding situation. 😅 not meant to be sassy or attitude. i'm really asking for help. I'm sorry if you think that way. maybe the way you read my posts makes you think that way. thanks a lot for the example. really appreciate it. gonna use that template/format. thanks a lot man. sometimes when we chat online, we didnt know the exact intonation of someone. it can be mad/happy with the same words. thank youu for you explanation. i'm in the same boat as your friend. clueless. haha. will send out an email later.
  19. not my problem either. just wondering what's the words should i use for the email. cant simple jump into the email with the photos/invoice or etc. it's okay. i only ask in here for assists cuz this is the first time bought from LP store. but seems like there's none. no worries.
  20. thanks a lot man! wondering if you guys did a proper wording/sentences. they might ask a lot. since everyone can claim they buy it at the first place.
  21. hey guys. need some help. i just received my boxset and yeah, it's EU version. faulty on those items. just want to know, how to write an email to them regarding this issues? can someone guide me? thanks!
  22. courtesy from major label? i dont think so. if he got at least a fucking t-shirt, the label have to give everyone. fair and square. it wont happen cuz hell, they prefer making money instead of giving it away. lol
  23. well, that's Mike artworks. unless they use your artwork, then you can claim bout it. also, you agreed on the first place for them to use it.
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