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Everything posted by gtrnowak4tkd

  1. does anyone know exactly how many more we need?
  2. we need each person on here to tweet once. thats it. cause you only get one spot per tweet.
  3. i see a turtle??? lol http://twitpic.com/274pbv
  4. it just takes you to a page with a clapping monkey eventually....but someone edit the main post and tell everyone to get a twitter and just to tweet this.
  5. did you see when it brings up a page with little boxes and all the tweets. I think that it is going to reveal the new album artwork with each box being a tweet. so i think this is gonna be the album artwork.
  6. does anyone else think that this has a really big transformers feel to it?? lol
  7. I think the lplive community should work together.....cause I know all I could come up with is to add some acoustic guitar. Whatever might as well enter. Good luck you guys lol
  8. What about being aable to log in on two computers....cause I would like to be able to log in on my phone and on my conputer....without having to re log in each time that is.
  9. I dont know if anyone said this but... How bout an iPhone and Droid app. Like a way so you could get the feeds, and be able to comment on them in a quick comment fashion. SO many people have smartphones now that it would be totally worth it.
  10. Mike sorta looks like a long haired oompa loompa lol
  11. I kinda want them to do a cover of I'm on a Boat and Jizzed in My pants now lol.
  12. LP really should do what Green Day does. They pump out 30-40 songs PER show. LP has the material now and if Mike is lurking here he should know what we want to hear. .....in my pants lol and yeah that song is so epic. This was probably one of the best performances of LP i have watched.
  13. QFT on another note.....LP had ALOT of built of Teenage Angst in Hybrid Theory and Meteora and still some in Minutes to Midnight.
  14. I thought it was earlier than that. I thought they started writing at the end of the last full tour......wait nevermind that was late 2008 my bad lol yeah they started writing the record....then michael bay side-tracked them....then they toured (while still writing they said) then they entered the studio yet again and have been since then lol.
  15. This.....i just hope they dont manage to fuck it up, cause when you are writing conceptual lyrics you have to be really careful in every process of the writing. That could be the main reason it is taking so long, cause concept albums generally take longer to write than a normal album. This is because the band has to write the story behind the album before they even begin to write the lyrics. If they pull it off though it will be the shit. So keeping my fingers crossed.
  16. He probably is a member already.
  17. Woodstock '94 and '99 were pretty amazing. i went to '99. my dad actually went to the original woodstock. he told me it was so fucking dirty there hahaha.
  18. i thought the ExeProd. just told me people to stay on task lol. like a supervisor. except they really dont need to do it lol.
  19. anyone else realize that a regular online membership is 15 dollars but effectively people are gonna pay 50 for it with this because someone threw in the word "free". am i being too cynical or is that true hahaha. but they really do need to change the cover, thats the cover they always have they just change the words for it.
  20. Thats actually a really tough question.....i think they are about equal now. You have to look at the Audiences. Both Blink and LP got big basically about the same time. and both bands reached to the same age range......the teenagers of that time. They did appeal to different audiences though. Blink appealed to the audiences that looked for pop/music. the music that spoke to the generation.....granted alot of their songs are about the same things and relatively simple they still had an impact on music. I think alot more girls followed blink but alot of guys did too. Now LP they WERE a completely different genre. they encompassed the heavy side of rock with LA hip-hop mixed in. They had a larger appeal to the older teenage audience. Their music was really ground-breaking. It brought people who loved Hard Rock and people who loved Hip-Hop and rap together as one fan group. recently though i can see how both blink and LP are becoming similar styles. look at blink's self-titled album it has alot of hip-hop influences in there. and MTM has alot of pop influences with some punk too. So to whose bigger i would LP. because they have the old fan-base but then they are gaining newer fans with each album. Blink could open up for LP. or vice versa. but Blink would not be that good on a PR tour. maybe if they did a festival tour together. or an arena tour.
  21. they are releasing a new album. and their self-titled album was made so they could appeal to an older audience.
  22. i wasnt saying people arent gonna defend but like some people were getting a bit ridiculous. i wasnt bashing the band either. i was just giving my opinion. and trying to stay the middle ground. like i love Linkin Park as much as anyone else and i will defend them....to a point. thats what i was trying to say. like you have to admit some people were making LP seem infallible. but isnt this supposed to be talking bout rob's chat?
  23. blink wouldnt open for LP for another year at the least because Blink is going on a European tour this summer. but if they did it would be amazing. but it probably is just about Chester working with Travis. but maybe Travis decided to do a remix of one of their songs
  24. wow.....this got really reallly off topic lol. i agree with some things loxias is saying but then there is alot of stuff i dont agree with. and to the people that will read that and start to bash it. read the whole thing please. number 1 he is right that people are fanatical on here. there are bands out there that are better than Linkin Park. I know some of you might hate to hear that but its the truth. number 2 going along with number so the "fanatical" people i talked about bash me. Everyone has their own musical tastes. i mean like everyone on here cept probably you fanatics listen to dozens of other artists. Number 3 seriously everyone is entitled to their opinion. but loxias you kinda went a bit crazy man. like you could have said stuff in an easier way. number 4 yes linkin park has evolved they are still evolving. number 5 loxias dude you cant Compare Dream Theater to LP. like seriously dream theater has been along for over 20 years. and they are Progressive-Metal on top of it. their genre is nothing like LP's Number 6 loxias you did the same thing as the fanatics. you refuse to see any other band except those that you love. you just tried to compare LP with Dream Theater. Like i said before seriously. Number 7 Going with your analysis of the band...... Yes Rob is not the best drummer. he sticks to simple things though because thats the essence of the band itself. Brad has said time and time again that he doesnt do guitar solos because he wants to keep it with the essence of the band, BUT have you heard the solos on MTM. i mean yes they were simplistic but those solos are sometimes the best ones. The melodic ones. But the In Pieces solo he shreds lol. same with when he plays the outro of Faint Live. Phoenix yeah i never really though he showed much potential as a bassist. Joe he does alot of programming that you dont see live because it is put into his midi pads. Chester quit smoking. and his voice is sorta dying. and LPWorld have you heard Given up live now. he cant keep that up. Do you realize what they did to his voice for Given Up. Its Layered and there are effects to give it more distortion. finally Mike.....he plays keyboard, guitar, and synthesizer. Along with rapping and singing. Producing the album and he paints. have you seen the paintings he did. they are amazing. and he really is an amazing musician. Finally to all the people that are just bashing the people that say something bad about LP. loxias is right that you should take the blind-fold off. The sun doesnt shine out of LP's ass. I think you should look at them from a different perspective. Also be able to listen to people and not just criticize people just because their opinions are a little bit different then yours. Every single person has the right to say what they feel. But people should try to say it in a way that is logical and not offensive. Now thats my 2 cents. So bash me if you will. but its my opinion and all your doing if you dont respect my opinion is making yourself look like a little kid who doesnt get his way.
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