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Everything posted by LinkinParkHotspur

  1. I've got no special plans yet other than to buy the album and hear the 5 or 6 songs that I haven't heard yet. This is the day when all my patience of sitting through the leak and the free streaming (on their myspace) without hearing the rest of the songs pays off! Finally, I can hear the couple songs which I've resisted listening to the last couple weeks.
  2. This isn't anything big but it took me a while to figure this out. With Too Late, I also thought originally that it said "it's too loud to hear a sound". I also struggled to figure out what that line meant. However, after careful listening, it definitely is saying "it's too loud to hear THE sound". Just one word but it's worth mentioning.
  3. It's good to see that a lot of people think the second half is better because I personally think the five songs I've heard from the first half are awesome. I guess I'm saving the best for last. I've heard Fire, CBI, Too Late, Inside of Me, Give Me Your Name, and My Suffering. Waiting until the album comes out to hear the rest. I didn't hear most of the second half of M2M until it came out either.
  4. Yea, it most likely is. It matches the supposed length. It is definitely a bit disappointing though because of how similar it is to the Julien-k version. The 2001 live version is my favorite version though. The song simply sounds better to me with a sped up tempo.
  5. Wow, assuming this is true which I believe it is, this is the greatest news I've heard in a while. Perhaps I'll be able to get Youtube to put one of my videos back up which was disabled because of WMG complaints.
  6. Purely speculation, but I'm guessing it will be either for Fire, Too Late, My Suffering, or End of the World. Out of those 4, I'm thinking and hoping that it will be Too Late. I'm fearing it could be My Suffering though...
  7. Agreed I guess. The chance of OOA being better than a Linkin Park record is very slim. I'm not passing any final judgement though until I hear the entire CD. It might have a small chance though of being as good as M2M. Keyword...small.
  8. I'm REALLY looking forward to this one but after hearing the snippets, I think I might be done with hearing more of the songs. Even if this song gets put up or leaks next, I just can't listen to it. I learned from M2M and I want to have more surprises when I pop this CD into my car stereo for the first time.
  9. After hearing this several times now, it's probably tied as being my least favorite with My Suffering. It's still a good song but I guess I had super high hopes after hearing Lee and Alex talk about how epic it was. I still think Fire and Crawl Back In are my two favorites and then My Suffering and this would be 3a and 3b. The real thing that kills it for me is the same thing that My Suffering had which is that it's just a bit too short. By the time I started to fall in love with the song, it was already over. I actually hated My Suffering until I heard the studio version which I enjoyed but thought was still too short. Anyway, both of the songs are good songs but the length of them compromises other parts of them which makes me like Fire and CBI better. In terms of lyrics, I won't try to defend this song. I'm not sure if I would call it Given Up Part 2 but I can understand people calling it that. It's basically just Given Up told from a slightly different perspective. However, instrumentally speaking, this sounds nothing like Given Up. Out of all the songs that have been fully released, I think that Crawl Back In and My suffering sound the most like they have a slight Grey Daze or LP resemblance. However, Inside of Me and Fire sound completely original for Chester and unlike anything he's done before. Overall though, the only resemblance that DBS has to LP is the lyrics. 3 out of the 4 songs have similar lyrics to LP songs. Fire is overall the most unique song though, both lyrically and musically. I just want to give huge props to Geki. He pretty much saved me the trouble of having to remind people that this is Chester's album. And that this album is pretty much a collection of experiences that he went through during one of the toughest times in his life BUT yet also some of the happiest times of his life. Some of the ignorance that's been spouted on the LPA (LP association) is absolutely amazing. Some people on there have gone as far to say that every song released so far could have been a Linkin Park song, both lyrically and musically. I have no idea how someone could arrive at such an erroneous conclusion. Clearly, as most people have realized, this band is completely different from Linkin Park.
  10. After previewing every track now, my anticipation for this album has doubled. I guess it's going to suck a little more having to wait now. With the songs that have been fully released and with these previews, I'm ready to say this album is going to kick ass like I thought all along. Walking In Circles is indeed going to be legendary like many of us think. I had a feeling that song was going to be something special after hearing it's live debut. Besides WIC, I'm really looking forward to hearing Too Late, Give Me Your Name, and Into You.
  11. Hell yea. This is what I was hoping for. I hope these stay up though. I remember when a website did this for Minutes to Midnight before it came out and they supposedly weren't given real permission to put them up.
  12. Wow, maybe the person who put up this fake torrent is the same ass hole who put up the fake torrent for Minutes to Midnight which had a bunch of tribal ink and grey daze songs in it. I doubt it but that would be sad.
  13. No. Freaking. Way. Although in some ways...I wouldn't be surprised.
  14. It really hurts that I won't be able to go to this. Merriweather is 30 minutes away from my house but I'll be away at college out of state during October.
  15. When was the water bottle thrown at him? Was it during Faint? I couldn't see when it was thrown during the video that was posted.
  16. Ok, I apologize for my prediction. I shouldn't have made the prediction that No Roads Left would be performed tonight when 75% of people or more probably knew it wouldn't be. I even knew deep inside that it would be a complete shock if it was played. Anyway, I'm a tiny bit disappointed with the set list I guess but that's nothing new. At this point, being that this is the last show of 2009 and possibly the last show before the new album, I think it's safe to say that No Roads Left will never be performed live, at least at a regular concert. I could maybe see it being performed at an LPU event or gig but even that is doubtful.
  17. Now I wonder when the music video will come out. Hopefully the wait won't be longer than it was for the New Divide music video.
  18. Ok, I have to say this. I know I'm going to be wrong but I have to say it. No Roads Left 8/22/09 in Pomona, CA! It's going to happen. I can feel it. This will probably be the last chance for it to happen before the new album comes out next year. And to be honest, I don't think it will ever be performed live if it doesn't happen before the next album comes out. NRL 8/22! I'm predicting it.
  19. Sounds great even after hearing it so many times live. I can't wait for a high quality download on itunes. For me, this was definitely the right choice for the first single, at least out of all the songs that have been released so far. Morning After and Let Down we have already heard. Walking In Circles is awesome but I couldn't imagine it being a single. And as for Fire and My Suffering, I like them both but think that Crawl Back In is better and sounds more single worthy. Same with In The Darkness.
  20. This is almost as painful as waiting for New Divide. Not quite as bad though for a couple reasons. Obviously, we've all heard it live and we've heard more snippets of the studio version than we did for New Divide before it got released/leaked. Anyway, I hope CBI ends up on the DBS myspace tomorrow or somewhere else on the internet.
  21. I just realized while watching this again that there is an instrumental (I think) of Crawl Back In playing at one point. I hope that means that we might see an official instrumental of Crawl Back In get released at some point.
  22. Yea, I know. I was just joking. At this point, I'm just really hoping they're saving something super special for Epicenter.
  23. I'm not going to say this on Mike's blog but I'd say let's do No Roads Left first verse on the POA intro and She Couldn't on the outro. I'd lmao if this somehow happened.
  24. You know you're like a dieseaseeeeeeee. When you're so easy to pleaseeeeeeeee. Don't try to tie me downnnnn. Down on your hands and your knees. You can save me as you break me. GET UP GET UP LET UP wont let you bring me downnnn. Ok, ignore this.
  25. I've been looking forward to these next two shows ever since they were announced months ago. Maybe it's just because it's summer sonic after and because of what happened in 2006. Regardless though, I've been looking forward to these next two shows for months. I just have a feeling that either today or tomorrow, they're going to perform a song that either hasn't been done in a long time or hasn't been done ever. I'm sure I'll feel stupid when I'm wrong but I'll hope I'm somehow not. I just feel like something cool is going to happen. Don't want to say what though.
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