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Posts posted by leftshoe18

  1. 12 hours ago, Hybrid1988 said:

    I absolutely love ATS. Easily my favorite non HT album by them but I wonder what it could've sounded like with Trent, Atticus, or Brian Eno. Wow, amazing artists that could've taken that album to totally different places. Really cool bit of info there from Mike!


    Honestly even with A Thousand Suns already being my favorite Linkin Park album it makes me a little sad knowing that Trent or Atticus could have been involved. NIN's my favorite band so that would have been pretty cool.

  2. I don't see why everybody hates the new B12 so much. I think it sounds dope and is one of my favorites on Amends. I prefer the original version but can still get down to this one as well with its completely different vibe.

  3. So I listened to the album and it's not bad. Pretty cool to hear these songs in a new style but I'm still not going to buy it because I'm not supporting Sean and company after they handled everything.

  4. 5 hours ago, JZLP said:

    but he showed respect to Chester's legacy


    You fucking serious right now? They showed very, very little respect for Chester and everything seemed like a way for them to make money.

  5. I really hate how defensive everybody gets here if somebody doesn't like a song/project/whatever that a member of the band is putting out. It really stifles any sort of open discussion. And news flash: saying "this song is awesome!" adds just as much to the conversation as "this song is shit!" does yet nobody ever complains about the former. I've liked the other two collaborations the band has done with Aoki so I'm optimistic that I'll like this one too but people are allowed to dislike a damn song.

  6. 3 hours ago, 24Xero said:

    I’m just excited to hear Chester again.


    But it's not like anything here is actually new and all of Chester's contributions can be heard already through the original versions of the songs. I'm still curious about hearing that stuff in a new context but Chester didn't actually contribute anything new to this project.

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