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Posts posted by leftshoe18

  1. I would honestly love a version of Out Of Ashes that's more in line with those early demos that leaked. The production on the final product is too sterile for the type of music Chester and the guys put together in my opinion.

  2. Honestly everything about the way this project has been promoted screams bitter cash grab. I was super interested in this thing when I heard some of the guests that were contributing but now I'm not even sure if I'm going to listen. Sean is presenting his own revisionist version of events to sell records and it's disgusting.

  3. Or they recorded a whole different batch of songs and Rhinestone was the only one they carried over from the first demo. Hell maybe this is when Fiends was recorded?

  4. Never thought I'd see a clip of Xero performing live but here we are. Sucks that you guys can't share Rhinestone but it's understandable. I'd love to hear it someday and hopefully you'll be able to release it.

  5. 10. Blackout

    9. Faint

    8. In Pieces

    7. In My Remains

    6. When They Come For Me

    5. Papercut

    4. Until It Breaks

    3. One Step Closer

    2. Rebellion

    1. Waiting For The End


    Honorable mentions: Keys to the Kingdom, Points of Authority, Figure.09, Lost In The Echo, Final Masquerade

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