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Everything posted by LPPanther

  1. Just an idea, could Pictureboard have been the working title for this song? Or the other way around? Since we've never heard it who knows. I still remember the day I found out about Pictureboard by asking Mike in a private chat
  2. I kinda doubt we will get it...
  3. This is most definitley real. Chester sounds like Chester and Mike is UNMISTAKABLE.
  4. Vanessa Minnillo is who introduced New Divide.
  5. Sweet, more updates through the night please!
  6. All I have to say is haha to everyone thinking they are above people or people thinking other people think they are above them. That was confusing. But basically I meant chill the fuck out, you people take this shit too seriously sometimes.
  7. Last summer I was driving around with some friends and Scratch and Sniff was being broadcast on my local rock station and they played State of the Art. Those guys still have the song, if only we could get it from them!
  8. Pop Punk lol. This isn't Blink 182 or Green Day haha.
  9. I love it. The lyrics are very descriptive and make you think. The NIN-esque breakdown is so cool. And Mike's harmonies are awesome. GREAT SONG.
  10. SpinRite is the name of a free program that is supposed to repair HDDs. I dunno if it can do an external though so you may have to actually put it in your computer.
  11. It's hard to be overrated when the movie was fucking awesome. The sequel will be fucking amazing as will the new LP song. Holy shit I'm excited.
  12. QWERTY was decent live when I saw it. As was Step Up/Nobody's Listening/It's Going Down. But I think I'd have to say I want Pushing Me Away back. I like the remix too so I agree with Astat, rotate all three versions.
  13. Now that you mention it he does look like one of the guys from Good Charlotte. But about Chester being taller...I don't know he's not really that tall.
  14. Interesting stuff...have we found out what is happening this Tuesday yet? Or am I just way behind on my JK news?
  15. Mike made a small cameo in tonight's episode of Fantasy Factory. Rob Dyrdek is a pro skateboard for you guys that don't know and he was having a release party for his new DC shoes. Mike was shown on screen for about 2 seconds at the party giving Rob a handshake and hug. I will try to get a screencap up as soon as possible but keep in mind that the episode just aired about 2 and a half hours ago. EDIT: Screencap is up and I just noticed that Joe was there as well in the background!
  16. Although they may be (I don't know, I'm not a GNR fan) Pooch's job isn't just DSP guy. He is the Front of House guy who makes sure everyone in the building gets close to the same sound at a concert. He doesn't just mix DSP's.
  17. Obviously they will play more shows here. They live here and it costs a lot less for them to tour here and they can make a lot more money. Plus it's their number 1 fan base so of course they will tour here more. You can't put the US into this debate cause they are always going to play a lot of shows here.
  18. What a badass lineup. Lamb of God - amazing. Nine Inch Nails - one of my top 5 bands. still haven't seen them live. Mastodon - saw them last summer, amazing, AMAZING band. Slipknot - saw them at the same show as Mastodon, awesome show, great band Machine Head - saw them at the same show as the above 2, had never heard them before, LOVED their show. Pendulum - never heard of them lol plus Metallica and LP? can't beat either one of their shows.
  19. This is how I see it playing out exactly. Debut a few new LP songs this summer (lets be realistic, 1, MAYBE 2) then let Chester do some DBS once the LP album is done and being pressed and such, then release the album in late 2009.
  20. Please try to find someone to record Mark! That footage is great stuff! BIO playing without the party sounds, HHH chorus a capella...truly some interesting footage. I agree they should release it online.
  21. I would hope Mike cares about the fans enough to back up what he said if it came down to it. That you could show his post on the LP.com forums and wherever else he said it and he would admit he said that. Now who knows if that would even help but it's a chance.
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