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Everything posted by luki9875

  1. holly crap lol i thought the page was hacked for a moment thx god its back to life
  2. fuckkkkk yeahhhhhhhhh awsome love it cant wait for the whole album or at least ot have this song on my ipod
  3. ahhhhhhhhhh MAINTENENCE again -_________- they always have it on demonoid lol ah well patence i guess
  4. yummmmmmmm this album will kick ass i can feel that
  5. fuck that i hate snippets im waiting for the full thing to come out
  6. the more the better lol awsome thanks
  7. SWEET!!! thanks very much downloading now
  8. awsome! 2 thousand is deffinately something great stuff
  9. i agree as well go back to studio instead of touring more
  10. /\ warner........ lol well hopefully we will get a few songs
  11. great!!!!!!!! 13 tracks not 10 ))))
  12. metallica in dublin! yeahhhhhh cant wait lol to bad lp isnt here as well nice little mini festival we have here... anyway i wonder if lp will change sumtin for the sundays show... hope something interesting will happen
  13. check our the new dbs video on their myspace sweeeeet
  14. awww i remember i got the hybrid theory soldier picture for my tatttoo from that site
  15. to bad :(we would have a another dvd but...... =(
  16. sweet great news something to look forward now i jsut hope its true for 100%
  17. is anyone recording the thing in mtv today ?
  18. as phoenix said in one of the lptv "they always learn, they always learn the hard way" lol by the way is it only me or lpu page is not working ??
  19. jesus relax the updates will be here when we get them -____-
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