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Everything posted by Somebodyangry

  1. To me both FM and MS solo stuff Fall pretty flat. As I said, I don’ t even remember many of the songs on TRT cause I never really cared, on PT I was on board when it came out, but it hasn’t got high replay value. The only songs I consider BAD are PYW and Ghosts, some others like CAL or MUAIG are pretty meh to me. Promises and OA are really good. Oh his rapping on IOU and About You is siiiick
  2. Yeah I want to hear Hole and also Drag, they said they did something special with that song. Also, seen what they did with Syndrome and She Shines, I can’t wait to hear Starting to Fly 😍 If you guys want I posted my review of the album in the general music section of the site;) The album debuted #9 in Germany, great
  3. Sean said they have material for at least one more album, if not 2 so we’ll see 😊
  4. I get your perspective, and I totally accept it. I love Old GD but I always thought many (if not every) Songs needed to be refined. If you asked me like 10 years ago, I’d have loved a project like Amends ☺️😊
  5. And this is exctly what I was talking about. A comment about the music, analyzing pros and cons in a mature and civil way. I don't agree with many of the things you said (as I said, I think the new versions are better than the old ones) but I really respect your point of view on the album and it's a pleasure discussing about our different views
  6. I was saying that if I’d say something like this (as I already did) I’d be labeled as “Geki clone”. And, by the way, the tone was a lot different. What happened if I said “Mike’s music is fucking garbage, he should quit putting out shit like this and reunite LP”? Same tone as the message above. That message is pure hate on a project involving Chester, careless about music. And I’m 100% fine about people not caring about the project, and I also praised your album review because you tried (and succeeded) to express an opinion about the MUSIC regardless about what you think about Sean and the others involved in the project. Your 2/10 to B12 is because you really don’t like the song, not because “oh there’s Head on the song who said Chester was a coward so the song is garbage”.
  7. I love how comments like these are tolerated but if someone say that Mike’s music isn’t phenomenal HOW DARE YOU. Amends is awesome as fuck, one of the best things involving Chester ever.
  8. Great !! Thank you ☺️ Where can I see the updated stats ? I remember a popularity analysis of LP back some years ago
  9. I know, we’ll be old when that happens. Anyway, do we have a global count of YT views of LP songs ? It should be around 6 billions, I remember Chester saying that
  10. 😍😍😍 Let’s go with WID and ND 😍😍
  11. OD chorus gets old pretty fast IMO, I played the song like 10 times and it already got a little boring, but the verses are alright. The 2 instrumentals are fun
  12. That would be a cool idea, involving fans in the whole project considering it’s a “home made” project and not a “real” album like PT or LP
  13. Yeah absolutely, despite my bad received irony, I absolutely don't think he was thinking about this project as something profitable in some ways
  14. I think making a physycal release would be a weird move. This is a release for super diehard fans, it's not PT level of spread. I mean, I consider myself a diehard LP fan but I personally wouldn't buy this on physycal form.
  15. Yeah I totally feel COG being a ATS demo. Cool info 😂
  16. Joe on vocals on the next LP single confirmed 😂love
  17. I was just kidding, it’s all on purpose 😂😂I’ll stop
  18. He should have called this “album” DROPPED THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM DOWN THAT HOLE IN MY EYE, Part 1.5 Oh, as I said in the other thread, this project is 100% CASHGRAB!!! 1111!
  19. LP fans will always randomly argue about stuff😂
  20. Yeah I know I attacked Mike’s music but was a sort of reaction (the worst one possible, I admit it) to all the hate Amends got☺️ Glad to see the excitement around the new Mike instrumental album. Anyway, I still think that some of Mike’s material is quite cringy and has little to zero replay valute to me (songs I already mentioned, you know), but I’ll try to be less aggressive in expressing my thoughts on it ☺️
  21. Amends has a God-like status to my eyes and ears right now, but I don’t need to attack Mike’s work to enjoy it, and I admit I did it a couple of times but that was the wrong way to defend it ☺️
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