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Everything posted by Somebodyangry

  1. Man, why so negative ? “Sucks balls”, like, we are talking about harsh/rude criticism having a negative effect on Chester and you make this comment. I mean, I know you didn’t like the album and it’s super ok, but, less is better in this case IMO 😊 peace
  2. Yeah agree on this, but I have to admit that It’s been a while since I played something off that show because i feel uncomfortable watching it, especially the beginning with them as a 5 piece and stuff like Numb, ITE, ND and OML... It’s a great tribute show but it’s not something I frequently watch, but we know that grief and related feelings are very personal. I know fans who could watch the Bowl and be ok for the entire show and fans who fall apart crying if they hear a random LP song on the radio, even the “happyer” ones, so...😊
  3. I remember this. This is garbage, I hope no other bands will experience this. Trying to injury someone just because you don’t like a song. This is a miserable Human being. Chester would have probably done what he did even if OML was well received by fanS, but this makes me sad and angry
  4. Agree on this, I get really aggressive on the theme too because: 1 I really liked the album from day 1 2 it had an (even if small) impact on the tragedy occurred. I can’t stand to see it on the list of worst albums of all time Getting 1/5 stars by the same motherfuckers who act like every Kendrick Lamar song is a a masterpiece or give 4/5 to Cardi B including some of her songs in the best of the past decade (with no offense to both Cardi and KENDRICK obviously)
  5. Great interview, as we all know Chester got really upset about OML criticism. People should always learn to separate music from human beings, like, you don’t like the album ? Fine, you don’t have to spend months talking shit about the band.
  6. Lol yeah, I’ll be pushing 45 and be like OMG TOMORROW WE’RE GONNA HEAR FRIENDLY FIRE, and my wife and kids will be “yeah dad is in one of his 15 again period”
  7. Lol I remember at the Monza show in 2017 the OML t-shirt:40 € for a T-shirt with the OML cover in the front and tour dates on the back
  8. He was awesome, the exact proof of what Mike says about Chester impersonating other singers can be heard easily in Grey Daze, where he basically impersonates Scott Weiland, Layney Stanley etc... His range was phenomenal, his ability to shift from completely different genres was outstanding
  9. Oh ok I just checked it out, don’t see why it would be a good set opener at all but hey, opinions. My setlist would be pretty similar to this one except for Rey demonio and WID
  10. Don’t want to throw sadness in but do you guys watch HB show from time to time ? Because I fucking can’t. The Messenger and that Numb version and ND scare the shit out of me 😟 Mike shows ha e another atmosphere, I saw him live and didn’t feel sad, but HB ... no thanks 🥺
  11. What is El Rey Demonio ? Also, curious to hear what you mean for WID 2021 version nice setlist and pretty possible
  12. Yeah thank you ! Didn’t know that
  13. Yeah Rob looks like the super quiet guy with no vices and all virtues. This surprises me
  14. When I bought Live in Texas DVD I thought his name was Lester for a while lol. I used to mimic his way of acting on stage putting my foot on the bed and pretending to have a microphone in my hands. I will always remember the thirst when I saw LP back in 2017, hours waiting outside the arena and that was terribly hot but worth it. Listening to his music is always awesome, LP, GD, DBS, STP, he always poured his heart and soul in his music.
  15. This new version of the song is seriously kicking some asses in my all time fav songs list.
  16. So much hate as usual. This time I have to agree that the final result is not satisfying, but the concept behind is nice. They should have gone with a Soul Song like concept
  17. Yeah the fact that they let fans do it made it quite unprofessional. The idea is super cute tho and love the concept. Young Chester and adult Chester facing themselves is super cute and reflects vibe of the song. The little fa made videos they are showing for “Shouting out” on Instagram are really cool tho.
  18. LOL. Ok: shaky 90s cartoons (and it comes from someone who loves the concept).
  19. Definitely this. I wouldn’t probably be a diehard LP fan if they were openly white suprematists and supporting the extreme right side but I think musicians need to express their opinion about politics. Not a big fan of super politically oriented bands because it tends to influence my judgements on music (stupid example: if The Catalyst was a racist song lyrically wise it wouldn’t be one of my all time fav songs) but I’m glad LP took a position on this thing and Mike spoke about Black lives matter during the streams
  20. Rakim's part was definitely referred to that topic, but Chester's lyrics could apply to greedy/corrupted politicians too IMO
  21. What about GATS and Rebellion too ?
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