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Everything posted by Somebodyangry

  1. How was it ? Missed it due to the time, in Italy is Saturday morning
  2. Listening to the song with HQ headphones convinced me you are right. The backing vocals sound completely different from Chester on, say, Invisible. Anyway, as I said on the shout box, this song is one of the “LP weird things” like picking IBG instead of Primo or, personally, picking weaker lyrics for Robot Boy instead of the demo ones, and now not releasing this super -LP-ish pop song that would have probably been as successful as BID with some adjustments (2nd verse is super demo-ish and short)
  3. I never knew what happened with Machine Shop
  4. Just had the chance to hear the song, I love it, it’s soooo LP, but I see why they scrapped it from OML, Sounds more LT-ish. I hear a second voice, probably just Mike high pitched?
  5. I can totally understand his feelings about the demo leaks...like, as an artist you don’t want the world to hear something unfinished or that you are not satisfied about. I didn’t listen to the song but many of you said that it sounded more like a LT demo
  6. Agree TBH I really like Out of Time, Same on the Inside and Tomorrow, but Amends is better
  7. Things in my jeep was super fun, eshouldn't be considered as a proper song LOL, sounds a bit like a parody of LGM
  8. Ahahah 😂😂😂😂but I’d never count that
  9. Ok 😊 TBH It’s not great I agree, the verses feel like they belong to a different song and the overall effect is a bit weird, far from a perfect song, but I really like the guitar and the backing vocals, so to me is an OK song. If I had to rank the songs with Chester on vocals this wouldn’t be high on the list but I like it more than, say, All for nothing, Hit the Floor, Nobody’s listening and War
  10. Easiest skip ever ? Like LOL there are far worse songs IMO. 😊
  11. I’ve always seen “Mark the Graves” as a heavy/guitar driven sister of “Blackout”, so yeah to a certain extent I can see the parallelism Between ATS and THP, even tho the former is one of my fav LP albums (and all time albums) and the latter is far weaker IMO. Oh gosh, When he talks about Chester 💔
  12. Let Down is an amazing song but yeah the outro is so 2000s boyband effect
  13. On par with Hit the Floor maybe and Nobody’s Listening, but I like UIG and LGM better that PYW for sure. I’ve never been a fan of Welcome and PYW sounds like its cheesier twin, really really don’t like the chorus.
  14. Cool things. Now we know Malaysians are weird lol 😂😂 HYPE for the MTM Answer, hope he’s figuring this out how to come back with LP. On the other side, I’m happy PYW didn’t make it on PT because it might be my least fav LP related song ever including LP albums and all the Chester and Mike side projects (FM, DBS, GD)
  15. The Wizard Song (full version, Mike bridge) Bubbles feat. Lil'Wayne
  16. Do you feel it’s overproduced ? It’s weird because I love how they turned songs that were basically demos with bland average quality instruments into full rock songs. I mean, even tho I like Out of Ashes IMO that is an overproduced album. The songs that I like the most are the ones that are more different than the original ones. 😊
  17. If you didn't like Recharged there's zero chances you'll like this LOL
  18. I’m really not a Mike hater, I saw him on the PT tour and I like some stuff on the album, I’m talking about quality, and I think the new GD project is great quality, not talking about what surrounds the project. Mike is an awesome human being and great musician but I his solo music is not exactly my taste, especially Empty songs like prove you wrong Can I compare songs ? Promises I can’t Keep is amazing, Over Again is hard to listen but really honest and true, IOU is super fun, but I think Ghosts PYW and CAL are pretty dull. On the other side I love the grunge meets 2000s alt rock GD have To Amends and I think some songs are among my favorite Chester-related projects ever (Soul Song being the best example of my idea of “great song”). Never meant to insult Mike, in the exact same way as many of you don’t mean to offend the band when they call songs like SIB or BID “garbage”, that‘a all.😊
  19. Still better than the Disney motivational cringefest of songs like Prove You Wrong or Ghosts, IMO.
  20. The only thing That disappointed me was the choice of WITE as first release, pretty weak choice compared to the rest of the songs. If you didn’t join the listening parties, the songs they didn’t release are great, especially “She Shines” and “The Syndrome”. As I said multiple times, I’m super into the project because I always thought GD songs needed better production and instrumentation, and I probably will never listen to the original songs anymore, even tho I liked them. This is probably a project I’ve been wanting since I found out GD more than 10 years ago
  21. TBH I don’t think so, yeah it’s not Soul Song or Morei Sky or She Shines or Syndrome where the new version is light years better than the original, but it’s not that bad IMO. I really Iike parts of the song especially the bridge and the distorted backing vocals in the last part, even tho the verses seem disjointed by the rest of the song.
  22. Recharged 7 years later. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, it's fun but silly
  23. Morei Sky is stellar, THB I quite enjoy this version of B12 the more I listen to it. It has less energy than the original but I really like the bridge. Anyway, it’s the weakest track on the album on par with What’s In the Eye IMO
  24. That’s what I was saying, exactly this, except for the fact that I explained it poorly lol
  25. Yeah probably, I remember Sean saying multiple times that the band broke up after a nightmarish show where some people came on stage beating one of the band member (Maybe Mace or the other guy who’s not in the band anymore) and after that show they had really harsh discussions and split up and Chester auditioned for LP.
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