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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. Yeah agree on this, he needed a voice to give more “power” to the chorus but no screaming needed
  2. Nice, I stopped caring about the streams about a month ago (except for the Q&A) but it'll be nice to have some new Mike stuff on Spotify
  3. Love how they re-created the set of the video here
  4. Yeah that'd be great, even tho I'm not a huge fan of their newest material, their latest record is not for me, but thry have good songs
  5. Plus, Chester said a lot of times that the chances of having a new DBS album were zero (I remember a Q&A video where he was asked and said "Never!!!") so if the leaked demos are the only proper songs with vocals that differ from the original ones I doubt there's other material... sadly
  6. Nevere heard the song before, but we definitely need more albums after Amends gets released in a month
  7. Yeah that song could have basically been on LT or ATS, it’s a LP song definitely
  8. THIS. THIS. AGAIN, THIS. They tried something new, they did the writing process backwards and had collaborations with songwriters, and regardless about the opinion on the final result (I love it, you think it’s mediocre) you have to give credit to the band that could have just phoned in another LT-style album (I like LT but it’s safe) and instead decided to take a big risk
  9. I created this profile when the song dropped, and I love that line, so the nick stayed the same for 3 years. As of now, 3 years later, I really like the song lyrics as an insight on depression, and really like the live version of the song with just Chester. The studio version is pretty meh, not my least fav LP song but not great
  10. Hmmm I agree with Gg being fun but a bit out of place (the chorus is great tho) but this makes me think even more that another rap song would not fit on the album, instead I would have loved another song with more Chester-Mike interaction like the ending of SFN
  11. I really like OML as I said, but Amends is fucking great, yeah B12 is a bit of a mess but I like the new versions of Just like Heroin, She Shines and Syndrome better than most of Post Traumatic Mike better burn the office where the remixes were made 😂😂now the lirycs of the song seem referred to Aoki, like “Why did you allow those horrible remixes Steve ? I thought we were on the same side, Crazy but solidified” 😂
  12. Love your provocative new name 😂😂😂😂😂I fucking Love Amends too
  13. A pop song with Mike rapping like Welcome ? Because I consider Welcome straight garbage, hated that song and the similar sounding Prove You Wrong since day one 🤪🤪sorry just my opinion
  14. 😂😂😂😂😂yeah it should have been an EP.
  15. Yeah, except for the remixes in which the band is involved and ALTNC, Recharged is terrible, the Powerless remix is nightmarish, like yeah let’s turn a power ballad into a early 2000s house mess !
  16. Even if I’m not a huge fan of PT, I think it’s unfair to compare it to the LP albums because of the circumstances that surround the making of the album, and because it was made by Mike alone in like less than a year. With that said, I think that criticism, if expressed with the right tone and words, is legit even for PT, and I find myself to agree with JZLP on the fact that I don’t feel much connection with some songs on the record and their lirycal content
  17. yeah they sound really bad, LGM Recharged level of bad
  18. Someone should remix the song editing out the altered pitched voice that sounds like a bad movie villain
  19. Ok but I always felt they were more comfortable doing OML than THP. As SFNL14 said, THP always sounded forced and heavy for heavyness sake to me, and some songs just feel empty, best example being KTTK that is basically Victimized extended version with a cool guitar solo.
  20. NCSM is awesome in terms of Chester's vocal performance. Also, maybe it's just me and I'm mad but Chester's delivery on OML reminds me of his prime with Grey Daze at times, I mean, listen to OML and listen to Soul Song, they are 20 years away on e from the other one but he shines on both
  21. I was super into THP when it dropped, but to me even tho it was a "fuck the label we do what we want" type of album and I can understand and respect the idea, to me it has aged horribly, it's my least fav in terms of Chester's vocals, he basically yells in some songs and I've got big problems with the first five. KTTK and AFN might be my least fav LP songs to date (alongside with HTF, Nobody's Listening and In Between), GATS has cool instrumentation but the verses are so formuliac and lirycally it comes of as the stereotypycal "anti" song, except for the Rakim part that's cool, The Summoning is ok (quite useless but ok), War is fun but again, Chester basically yells "WAAAAAAAAR DESTROYERRRR", then from Wastelands on I like it (especially Rebellion and FM, amazing songs), ALITS is good but overrated IMO and the rap verse is out of place. OML to me feels the opposite, I always felt they were all on board with the project and, even if it's not super creative in terms of music, it's super enjoyable, I remember liking every song upon the first listen sooo, yeah, it's very personal Plus, the fact that Chester took singing lessons (vocal coach or stuff like that, you know better than me) was something really effective on OML, I love his delivery on the title track, NCSM, BS (that bridge is awesome) and Halfway Right (probably my fav song)
  22. I’m not saying OOA is shit, I really like the album, but just saying that the raw mixing/less polished sound of the Fire and My Suffering demos fit better
  23. Yes we have to consider that we fans dive into their music really often, even the demos. I don't think Mike regularly plays Across the Line or WWDK, maybe he doesn't listen to those songs since 2008 or so. I even remember Chester saying that WFTE was on LT... like LOL
  24. THP is their worst record by far, the first half is Empty and dull, it recovers from Wastelands on.
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