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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. The interview is great and oh my god the last question ♥️🥹
  2. To me her statement was enogh, she adressed the issues and took distance from that guy. End of thing. About Scientology, I din't give a shit, unless her "worshipping" affects the band in some ways.
  3. Super hyped too and agree on THP, my least fav album by them
  4. Yeah ! It has THP vibes in it, like ALITS/Rebellion- ish and some Victimized vibes (which is like a precursor to the sound of THP).
  5. TEM debuted #2 in the ww iTunes song chart and currently has 5 M views on YT
  6. So sad but if that’s what he wants hey, good for him. Still happy he is contributing with his crucial creative input.
  7. Yeah it hits home, it has something new but very familiar too, and I really like it. As a first single is not worse then Heavy or BID, just to name a few.
  8. Oh ok I get it. To me I'd rather have demo stuff even of unfinished songs;) matter of preferences LOL ok
  9. Don't take this as criticism, it's probably just me, but I never got the level hype people here seem to have for unreleased shows. Like, unless the show has something special like a rare song or stuff like that, I wouldn't care much. But it's just me haha
  10. What if we are getting a new singer and a new drummer ? Would be kinda shocking
  11. New Linkin Park in 2024 7 years after the tragic death of their iconic frontman, it's just crazy to say it and I love it, can't wait, whatever it will be. I noticed that Talinda is 100% supportive, so it's even better.
  12. Almost seven year and a half since the last time we got brand new music from the band and almost 7 years since the Hollywood Bowl Show...and we are here, I love it
  13. The Catalyst and Living Things were such weird titles too
  14. The title is super weird but The Catalyst was a weird title too. The artwork so far and the title make me think of something conceptual
  15. They wrote LT from 2011- early 2012 while touring, so a new album written between 2020 and now is 100% possible
  16. The figure on the left is totally Mike, but what's on the right? Seems someone turned back
  17. I can clearly see Mike screm on the left of that pic, maybe there's another figure on the right turning the back to camera... we will see, I am super excited. To be honest, I would be happy with a new song that sounds like a more aggressive Already Over or something like that, with an alternation between Mike and the new vocalist
  18. Wat if today we are getting a teaser ? Like, a 10 seconds snippet of a song.
  19. A year ago or so new LP stuff seemed highly unlikely so waiting for another, say, week won't kill me if the payoff is worth the wait. I would have wanted somethingmore maybe a hint more but it's fine ahah
  20. I am not mad but I wish we had something more, like IDK, the countownd reaches the zero and we get right there slapped on the screen the new symbol and a DATE, a clear date, just that would have been ok, like, being 100% sure that something is coming on, say, September 5. As I already said, expecting a video presentation of the new singer and title, release date of a new song coming in a few days and then an album announcement for a late 2024 release would have been too much...
  21. At this point the announcement HAS to be something really big. Like, you don’t build hype like that to announce a couple reunion of shows at festivals in the U.S. next year. This feels like the old school trolling for new album cycles of back in the day
  22. If they are going the path of " hey guys he/she is our new singer and here's our new song titled ..... now streaming" the internet will blow up
  23. Less than 3 houuursssssss. we are 2 and a half hours away from something brand new by LP !!!!!
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