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Everything posted by Alexonlyalex

  1. sry, only the new rerelease. I don't have anything to do with julien-k.de immortalsoul can answer your question about the site and their promotions.
  2. yes All I got to say personally is that it's really huge from Tiefdruck to make such a raffle, I mean did someone get anything for free when MTM came out? I doubt it. Nowadays labels don't spend so much money on free merch for fans, so I guess this shows how J-k and the label good are to the fans and be sure, either J-k or tiefdruck make a lot of money on the album sellings. and even those couple of euro that both gets are going to the fans. I really appreciate what they has done for us, and I just hope that LP will change the label after the 5th album, to a better/more fanfriendlier label.
  3. oh gosh mark, See in staff area under LPL merch. daaaaamn
  4. Hello guys, to celebrate todays European release of Death to Analog, Tiefdruck-Musik (Julien-k's label) announced to send out a package including a folded Julien-k Poster, flyer and a non-available to buy Kick the bass Promo CD to everyone who bought the CD, for absolutely free, nothing, nada. All you have to do for this, is to send a picture of you and the digipack to info@julien-k.de or streetteam@tiefdruck-musik.de with your Name and Address and LPLive - MYTIEFDRUCK as subject. Beside this your pictures will be featured on MY-TIEFDRUCK. Isn't that cool? It gets even better, the first 10 who write a positive feedback on Amazon for the Album will get an autographed Julien-k card, don't forget to mention that in your email BTW. if you send your pictures you agree to get a free newsletter from Tiefdruck which you can cancel any time later if you don't like it. So guys let us see some pics on the wall of fame haha. The raffle ends at the end of march. here is a pic of all stuff you can win. PIC Germany http://www.amazon.de/Death-Analog-Julien-K/dp/B0037B6W5G/r UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Death-Analog-Julien-K/dp/B0037B6W5G Japan http://www.amazon.co.jp/Death-Analog-Julien-K/dp/B0037B6W5G Bonedo.de had a great interview with Dead By Sunrise, they explain how they came together and explain what instruments they play on stage. Really awesome. And not to forget, bonedo.de and dead by sunrise raffles an "Orange - Hard Wired Edition" all you have to do is to answer a very simple question on the website and you will get chance to win this amp. The Bonedo.de raffle is here. I was told that bonedo.de also had an interview with Julien-k which you may not miss, it comes up in the next days. Any comments, wishes, criticism? Post them below.
  5. ftw, looks like I had nothing to do with it. haha
  6. LPU is awesome once again, all I wish are the dbs shows as a lil extra.
  7. wow, really hard to compare it to anything. I personally heard only like the half of it, but I have to say that all jk fans and even nonfans won't be dissapointed, really awesome song.
  8. I'm 100% sure that they have no idea how and where these gonna be released.
  9. yeah, basicly I bought RTR bluray at the same day as dbs had a free show in hamburg, and as chester came out he signed it. I didn't expect him signing anything at all.
  10. ok, guys, sry for non answering just got back from a long dbs travel and I hope it's ok for you if I send your Items withing the week. I'll contact you all personally, so be sure you'll get the stuff very soon.
  11. Was very interesting to see how such shows are produced. Westlife sang instead of DBS. Anyway I laughed my ass up, really glad I went anyway.
  12. sry, i just had some very bad experiences with people who did let me wait, like weeks, I'm sure u wouldn't do that but I have to buy the tix tommorow and couldn't wait anyway. I'm making it for the first time like that and won't do it this way again. I hope you understand my situation. And I'm sure I sent you all required information to pay me.
  13. refreshed the stats, still have some shit left.
  14. put € prices.
  15. Added pics.
  16. I have to travel for couple of days to a city for a work experience but I'm afraid that I have not enough money for the train tickets. I have to get at least 70€ to make this travel possible. So I ask you guys if you wanna buy something from me to make my goal possible. I'm selling: Crawling Uk cassette - 90$(66,50€) (very fuckin rare) Streetwise HT promo cassettes (2x) - 15$(10€) each.(1x to eurofighter) Minutes to midnight cd+dvd fan edition (2x) - 15$(10€) each (1x to eurofighter) Bleed it out Vinyl (4x) - 12$(9 €) each (1x Overkill) Hybrid theory advanced - 20$ (15€) (sold to Bartek104) Road to Revolution (sealed) bluray autographed by chester 44€ Crawl back in cd single autographed by chester - 25$ (17€) (sold to eurofighter) I need the money so fast as possible because i have to be in hamburg (germany) at 8. march so guys cmon, i won't sell my stuff again within next couple of years. EDIT: guys, the first person who I get the money from will get the items. doesnt matter when you asked.
  17. http://www.lplive.net/shows/20040818.php
  18. A lot of people deserve to be kicked out here like forever. I just hope that mark or nick see some doucebag posts in a bad mood.
  19. From the inside as well as bleed it out are having some really hard noises inside them, I can't imagine them in HD.
  20. The current release of the extended Europe edition is on pre-sale right now. It includes the brand new track "Killing Fields", which is the first time it's been released at all, the track Dreamland and the remix of Maestro by Brandon Belsky. Right now we have a real chance to get Julien-K in the charts. If the album starts off and sells well, MTV will get interested in them. Once they are featured on MTV, other music and press media like magazines will become interested in them. That means concert agencies will try to get them on tour in Europe; I guess all European JK fans want to see the band live. With each sold copy we get closer to our goal. I'm pre-ordering 3 copies, and I'll try to buy a few more within next weeks. http://www.amazon.de/Death-Analog-Julien-K/dp/B0037B6W5G/
  21. wtf, why do you think so? I personally see the biggest developing(not the technical side) of lpl ever right now.
  22. fuck yeah
  23. http://www.streetteam.de/de/home.cfm?p=1817
  24. dtd gotta be released digitaly on 23.02. The money goes to mfr offcourse
  25. one of the most useless and pointless videos that can be released in a fanclub, I always knew that he has a lot of music and that he uses itunes
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