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Everything posted by RickLPL

  1. My only wish for the coming album tours is that they play more interesting setlists
  2. I hope they will be doing a few stadium shows too. These times are so exciting
  3. I just can't imagine LP being so popular
  4. In the End made me become a fan. Back in 2008 (I think) I was watching a star wars video on youtube with ITE playing in the background. I was like, hey that's a cool song, and decided to check out this band. I've been a fan ever since
  5. https://twitter.com/linkinpark/status/783355257132752896 we're seeing lots of electric guitars lately. I'm wondering if the guitars will be more upfront like THP or function more as a backing instrument like on LT
  6. $$$$$$$$ €€€€€€€€€€€€€
  7. Man, is he even in the studio anymore?
  8. So it's the exact same recording that we got back in July, only this time LPU members can watch it instead of just listening to it? I don't understand this month's ''update''.
  9. doesn't sound like a LP album title to me
  10. they haven't been using that hashtag for a while right
  11. I love to read these in-depth researches and investigations hahaha
  12. Wow. That's so cool to see this small production proces. That vocodor sample at the end sounds amazing
  13. IKR! I love the behind the scenes videos on their albums, but I was really dissapointed during THP cycle. Also, those episodes on Drawbar and True Chainz came out of nowhere if I remember correctly. That was kinda weird. I don't think we're getting any episodes this coming album either. It seems the band wants to use more social media and studio updates.
  14. I just read the full thing too. Good job guys! LPLive is one of my favorite websites to visit, even though I haven't been a member for too long
  15. https://www.instagram.com/p/BB1JL1VCO_Q/?taken-by=ethanmates
  16. RickLPL

    It's Coming

    No control, still no surprise....
  17. RickLPL

    It's Coming

    They're probably enjoying us guessing what the surprise is right now
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