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Everything posted by ChesterKiwi

  1. Absolutely not. I want experimentation. Side note: EDM is not a genre, it's a term for several different electronic genres such as dubstep and house.
  2. Yeah, that extended bridge between the first portion and the instrumental outro gets so intense around the 7 minute mark.
  3. You have such a rock-oriented mindset. Plus, I was only listing off the genres they haven't touched, not saying every one should be present on an album. Bring in the slides and sing about beer and trucks, Chester! EDIT: The Path of Totality is a better album than most of the other boring albums Korn has put out.
  4. I want them to dabble in the many genres they haven't touched (contrary to what some people apparently think, they haven't covered a vast number of genres in their career): R&B, jazz, funk (would absolutely love to hear an album bringing Phoenix and Rob together to the front, plus Brad can play his simplistic guitar still) post-rock, reggae, any hardcore metal genre, bluegrass, incorporating some ethnic genres such as Celctic or African. Maybe even try bringing in some EDM influence, sort of like Korn did on The Path of Totality (it worked). As long as it's not more bland pop or rock, I'm really fine with it, but I'd love something that's highly experimental and progressive to really wow me. #braddelsononbagpipes2016
  5. That's because Hit the Floor is a better song than Bleed It Out anyway.
  6. ...whoever said screaming is essentially tearing your vocal cords is wrong. Proper screaming technique severely limits vocal cord damage, as it is produced in the diaphragm instead of the throat. It is shaped in the throat. ANY kind of vocal strain can damage the throat, and singing is included in that.
  7. Lol I literally just edited my post to say that.
  8. What if it's not? Maybe it was akin to The Messenger, which followed the long and epic The Catalyst and completely switched gears from all the synths and whatnot in the past 14 tracks. Considering how ALITS ends (a similar fashion to The The Catalyst, echoing the beginning and being more calm), that makes sense to me.
  9. Say and futility don't even rhyme...I've been living a lie! I agree with Nick. While the Chinese government is a little excessive with control and maybe a little nuts, I think they can grasp the concept of tone. But at the same time, HT and Meteora songs are pretty aggressive with really rebellious themes, e.g. Runaway, APFMH. Maybe we'll just go with Hahninator's explanation and leave it there. Not worth debating over.
  10. I thought the lyric was "everything I see", first of all. Secondly, those lyrics are hardly as charged or aggressive as Given Up, and are largely negated by Mike's weird-ass rap verse. It's more of a comment with a twang of amusement than a violent outcry. Given Up is far more riddled with the dissatisfied theme than Keys, as I said. The most Keys does is hint at it, and it's hardly as upfront about it (see Given Up bridge, again). @Hahninator, that was implied.
  11. Not directly political, but the song's theme deals with a lot of frustration with a situation and self. Over the top self-frustration theming, e.g. "put me out of my fucking misery". China probably has this notion that that kind of lyrical content could lead to violence, towards self or others. It's a violent dissatisfaction song. KTTK never really implies dissatisfaction. EDIT: In short, what Nick said
  12. /ignore Hahninator, RogueSoul The petition won't work, that would be giving the fans what they want. Sidenote, off-topic: the petition idea actually went through? Could someone PM a link?
  13. The swearing intensifies the potentially shit-stirring lyrics. I doubt it has anything to do with the actual presence of the words. Bleed It Out is just a catchy, playful song, and the lyrics can't really be perceived as politically charged. And like said, they've played BIO in China. KTTK doesn't relate very well to political issues. At least, that's my theory.
  14. I want soundboard Hit the Floor live. #livinguptothename
  15. I would finally be interested in LP's live act again if they debuted Keys.
  16. They're actually not that great.
  17. Or not, because the two artists would never fit together in the same song.
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