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Everything posted by ChesterKiwi

  1. They're playing mental games with us now, making us think we're getting more bang for our buck! I SEE THROUGH THE PLOY!!!!! (kidding)
  2. I mean...they could just put the Pods into one track and give us two other demos...
  3. ...We're talking about officially-released songs...there's no download link.
  4. Breaking news: Linkin Park using cardboard guitars for seventh studio album, alongside a drumset of pans from Shinoda's kitchen.
  5. This is literally the essence of what I was gonna say before I held my tongue.
  6. You quoted all those people and then cried out about how they don't support the band when some of them have said they purchased the CD or a digital membership, one of them literally IN that post. You're just trying to stir up something.
  7. This. All of this. This is what I don't like about this. This is why I'm hesitant to spend my money on LPU15.
  8. Well, that settles it. My 40 dollars is going elsewhere. Digital download isn't as appealing to me.
  9. ...So are all the tracks on the CD or just the initial six? I'm confused.
  10. It would have been better to say that off the bat instead of leading on as if it's the set in stone official date.
  11. I thought Chester sounded awesome throughout too, but I didn't like the sound when Mike started harmonizing. His singing just sounded...flat (not in terms of the pitch ). It contrasted sharply with Chester's really solid performance.
  12. I said it earlier...I guess no one cares about what I have to say... Lol.
  13. What can blow you away more than 26 Lettaz in da Alphabet?
  14. Except that was a remix album made by artists other than LP save for one song.
  15. At this point I actually hope LP takes an EDM route just to screw with people who are so against the idea.
  16. I'd be down for a Linkin Park EDM record, if that's the direction they're thinking of going. I'd like to see how a completely LP-conceived EDM album would sound.
  17. Why would they re-release it for a fifteenth? I feel like a fifteenth anniversary is not half as important or regarded as a 10 or 25-year anniversary of an album.
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