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About ChesterKiwi

  • Birthday 12/26/1997

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  1. I've been sitting on this question for years... What are the official titles of all the LPU CDs? Linkinpedia labels all the releases as "LP Underground (_)" but the packaging for many shows wildly different naming schemes, and Discogs/MusicBrainz also use even more different naming schemes, often also omitting "Linkin Park" from the title entirely (though I think this is mostly due to a lack of understanding that the fan club is called LPU). And metadata really matters to me. Looking at my own collection plus images from Discogs, etc for the ones I don't have, the titles read: LP Underground 2.0 (or more accurately, "LP Underground" [2.0], but that's nitpicky) Linkin Park Underground (main cover says this, inside cover refers to it as "LP Underground 3") Linkin Park Underground 4.0 Linkin Park Underground 5.0 Linkin Park Underground 6 LP Underground 7 No comment on 8, surprisingly it's the most straightforward Linkin Park Underground 9: Demos LP Underground X: Demos Linkin Park Underground Eleven Linkin Park Underground 12 (per spine) Linkin Park Underground XIII Linkin Park Underground XIV (per additional merchandise) Linkin Park Underground 15 (not sure about this one) Linkin Park Underground Sixteen Does this really matter that much? Probably not. Does it still bug me and burn for a definitive answer? Yes. Thanks for your attention and have a nice day.
  2. Hey dudes are you ready to

  3. Aaaaaaaaaa

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ChesterKiwi


      I'll think about it but I've been on a Devin Townsend kick for a while now

    3. AdamArtz


      new ADTR album is their worst by far

    4. ChesterKiwi


      Late but yes ADTR new album was not good

  4. how about nothing is true & everything is possible even though 1 year later and I still didn't get the chance to hear it

    1. ChesterKiwi


      I didn't like it tbh. Not my thing.

  5. I'm organizing the Nashville memorial so I shared this to the event page. People definitely really loved this idea. I'm hoping I can come. (EDIT: I have my ticket) Will any of the LPL staff be there?
  6. are you okay

    1. ChesterKiwi


      my name is not annie

  7. I love this album. I was so skeptical after Heavy and eventually moved on from hyping it but it surprised me so much. The outsiders helped the lyrics immensely. This is a pleasant turn, especially with how songs like Sorry for Now, Invisible, One More Light, and Sharp Edges turned out. I'm extraordinarily disappointed that my preorder CD was delayed because I want it on my shelf now. Favorite track: Sorry for Now Least-favorite track: Talking to Myself (easily one of the weakest songs on the album, but still a good song) EDIT: Read through more of the thread and I'd like to address the person who said that anyone who loves this album can't possibly like rock. I listen to heavy artists going as far as metal acts like Make Them Suffer, Periphery, Asking Alexandria, and Chelsea Grin. You're embarrassing yourself.
  8. ( ͡x ͜ʖ ͡x)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ChesterKiwi
    3. AdamArtz



    4. ChesterKiwi



  9. Would this be including or not including 8-Bit Rebellion?
  10. Mike used a theremin on When They Come for Me. From what I've seen and heard, he used it to control the velocity and other factors of the synth in the bridge or something to that effect. You can see him reaching to the side during every performance of WTCFM and slowly shifting his hand as the filter effect changes for that synth. He also uses it to control the bass synth in New Divide like Yucker said. It was more used as a controller for effects than anything else live. Highly unlikely that it was used when recording.
  11. This was mentioned in a conversation on reddit, can you verify this Astat (or anyone else who would know)?
  12. I get yelled at whenever I argue so I'm just not even gonna and keep chuckling.
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